Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Positive thinking and Ebenezer Scrooge

I love this time of the year so I hope that regular visitors to my website will realise that my tongue is firmly set in my cheek for this particular blog and of course I would like to apologise in advance to Charles Dickens and his world famous book ‘The Christmas Carol’ which provided the inspiration, but behind the story is a lesson for all of us who may have lost our way.

We need some spooky background music here because you Ebenezer will first get a visit from Jacob, an old friend. He died seven years ago, you remember because he was the only person who would really talk to you. How you used to complain about everything – laugh – the rest of us never thought we would start and would avoid you like the plague. That could have been when the negativity began in your life.

You never really had a good word to say about anyone did you and slowly all your old acquaintances drifted away and when Jacob died you were left totally alone, bitter and angry, particularly during festive periods when your loneliness felt even more acute. But Jacob, sadly too late for him, has seen the error of his ways – so please listen to what he has to say.

Of course it was not always like that – cue ghost of Positivity Past. You might have had a tough childhood, many did, but they did not all grow up like you, but even then you knew how to enjoy life with your family and life seemed good.

Do you remember as a child how you looked forward to Christmas and later as you grew older and started to train for your first job? You had many friends and there was a special person in your life and everything looked good. It was then that you were positive and looked forward to the future with hope and optimism. You could find it again if you wished and we will look later as to how we will do that.

Wow! We are back in your bedroom and those sheets could do with a change. You have let yourself go Ebenezer. Who would want to be with you in that state? You have to be aware of your appearance if you want to be a positive. But you don’t care because you have been distracted by the ghost of Positivity Present – a spirit with an irritating laugh for an old Grinch like you.

Who are all these people, those old friends and lovers you have chosen to ignore? Yes, we can see how busy you have been ruthlessly doing your own thing to the detriment of everyone else. You probably think those business people are your friends but they only want you for your money and would not even go to your funeral, but a few real friends and family are still there and would welcome you back into their lives – if you were prepared to make the effort.

The ghost of Positivity Present has one final message – want and ignorance. There are people far worse off than you – check out ‘Tiny Tim’ - so stop feeling sorry for yourself especially when someone with your skills can make such a difference in other people’s lives – helping charities or acting as a volunteer – you never have to be lonely around real people.

But is it too late for you because the ghost of Positivity Future is here – a person of few words – but a chilling message nonetheless. Where will your life go from this point onwards? It is not all about you – it concerns all the others that you have chosen to ignore and hurt over the years – and it’s payback time.

Of course you are angry and bitter but you have created your own reality and unless you are prepared to change, to be a better person, to celebrate life instead of complaining and moaning then you can never embrace of the true spirit of Positivity.

You Ebenezer have a real choice to make. Do you want to be a better person? Do you want your life to improve? Then give yourself a real Christmas present – a solemn vow to be a better, more positive person.

There are loads of other blogs on this website to help you get there – so what are you waiting for – Merry Christmas.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Positive thinking means raising expectations

What you expect determines the outcome of everything you do. If you expect to succeed, then most of the time you will. If you expect things to be difficult then you will not be disappointed to discover that the Universe will grant your wish.

Limited expectations slow down everything you do in life no matter how great your ambitions. It is the brake that you apply on all that’s important. It’s a foolish and unnecessary complication because there really is no limit to what you can achieve so why would you want to invent artificial barriers and stop signs.

In the Great Amazon of the Universe the Law of Attraction works in a very simple way. It is ready to deliver everything you need and add a metaphoric cherry on top if that’s what you want and there are no barriers or restrictions except the ones you choose to add.

Why start a new business and decide that all you want is a basic living. Why choose to put up with people in your life who you know are second or even third rate when there is a whole world of fantastic people just waiting to meet you.

Expectations do not just apply to material things. Many lower their expectations as they age because they have stopped challenging themselves to enjoy life as they once did. You made that choice to put up with second best – no one else.

Lowering your expectations frequently starts in childhood particularly if you had parents who were habitually negative. I have heard of many cases where young people have gone for second best in their exams, universities, job ambitions simply because a negative parent mistakenly decided that they did not want their child to be disappointed.

This is then continued in life and eventually negative children become parents themselves and the whole cycle starts anew, but thankfully this is something that is not difficult to reverse once you have understood the concept of positive thinking.

Everyone thinks they are familiar with the way that positive thinking works, but sadly that’s not the case. Most people have the idea that you concentrate on what you want, focus on it for long enough and everything you need will be magically delivered.

Yes, you must have the desire to make changes in your life. You must visualise outcomes and then use plenty of common sense and action to deliver everything you need. Regular readers will also know that I always advise positive thinkers to avoid going back to the original order as you will prevent the very thing you are hoping for happening - because the Universe will assume you have changed your mind.

However, it is your expectation that really matters. If your sub conscious has placed restrictions on your order by watering down the original concept or by having thoughts that you are not worthy or perhaps something smaller or inferior will do, then you would have effectively undone all your good work.

You must always expect to succeed; you must always expect to have good health, friends, prosperity and much more. By expecting the best you will quickly find that the Great Amazon of the Universe will respond in kind.

So decide today that you will always raise your expectations in everything you do in life. No more stop signs, no more restriction and no more negativity - just turbo charged expectations.

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Monday, December 9, 2019

Faith – the magic ingredient behind positive thinking

There are many countless and inspiring stories where a strong faith has literally produced miracles simply because those concerned believed that anything and everything was possible. It is of course because faith is the very essence of positive thinking and for many; The Bible is the original self-help book.

“Ask and it will be given,” says The Bible. It could have been taken from any modern self-help paperback and there are plenty more phrases and texts just like that connected with all religions, which are intended to inspire and motivate good people.

Without faith, positive thinking can never work. I regularly hear from those who falsely believe that they are doing all the right things by imagining successful outcomes, practicing affirmations and developing mood boards, but nothing changes in their lives.

They simply do not believe that things will get better. Life takes over and their lack of faith is exposed for what it is – just random words and thoughts. They simply do not believe a word of what they are saying so how do you expect the Universe to respond.

Faith works alongside positive thinking in another highly effective way and is one of the reasons why I launched Powerful Positive Thinking. When you have faith, you place your order with the Universe for change and improvement – and you do it just the once.

Without faith you are like a dog that keeps returning to a bone. You keep using affirmations over and over again but you don’t believe you will ever be successful. Even worse, by going over and over the same old thing simply confirms that what you want is not in your life – and never will be because that’s the message you are sending out again and again and again.

I blame many of these so called self-help books that set exercises as if you were attending an examination. Don’t they realise that all this intense focus has the reverse effect and will almost certainly switch you off from the real benefits of positive thinking.

So how do you develop faith when none really exists?  How do you train your mind to believe that everything is possible when all of your life you have been negative and cynical, particularly about the kind of stuff you don’t really understand?

It starts with baby steps. You set about attracting small things into your life to begin with that you can and do believe in. Do not try to attract millions of pounds or dollars when a couple of hundred would really do for the moment. Do not try for a miracle cure overnight when you would really just like to feel a bit better. Those brilliant new lovers are out there but give them chance to find you.

You can concentrate on the big stuff when you learn how to make faith and belief work for you and to do that you need to be calm and get rid of the intensity that drives all of the good things away – the total opposite of anything you intended.

There really is no magic ingredient that you have to find to benefit from positive thinking. It is already inside you and we all have the same power. It does of course require common sense and regular readers will know that action also helps to deliver your dream – but faith and belief are the real keys to success.

So decide what you need and believe that it is possible and then have faith that it will happen. Deliver your order just the once and then let the great Amazon of the Universe do its work – have faith and success will come knocking.

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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Instagram versus Reality is a no contest – Reality wins every time

We all have a stylised version of the person we would really like to be and for some it’s becoming a worldwide trend – it’s even got its own name - Instagram versus Reality. These are the people who post what they believe are complementary air brushed images of themselves on social media – pictures they have decided are more attractive than the real thing.

Gone are the rolls of fat, pimples and just about every other blemish as they strive for perfection and approval from others. This way they know they can receive instant accolades from complete strangers – a short term fix to boost their self-esteem, but none of it is real.

If you are one of these people, you have forgotten just how special you really are. You clearly hate the way you look and act and somehow you try to convince the rest of the world that the Instagram version is the real you, complete with wow factor, but it is not you and you need to learn to love yourself before it’s too late.

The sad thing is that Instagram versus Reality can only make things worse. What might have started as a bit of fun simply reinforces that fact that you have no belief or confidence in yourself. You can only trust and admire the caricature you have invented.

Sooner or later the Instagram versus Reality bubble will completely burst and you will be exposed for the person you really are. Then you will publically ridiculed by the gladiator mentality from online trolls as images of the real you appear on social media - and there will be no going back.

You need to embrace positive thinking and slowly rebuild self-confidence, you need to believe that you are attractive and liked by others for the person you really are – unique and special – because there really is no one quite like you anywhere else in the world.

If it helps as you make the change back to reality, look in the mirror and imagine the stylised image you have projected onto Instagram as if it is really you. Imagine you have lost weight or have developed that coveted six pack. Learn to like and love the image you are seeing and slowly day by day it will turn back into the real thing.

There are people out there who like the real you. They think you are great company, you make them laugh and they enjoy having you around. That Instagram versus Reality image can never be you because he or she doesn’t exist or have substance.

Embrace positive thinking to create a new reality, the person you really want to be – and can be – rich, successful, attractive, popular – this is your life we are talking about so you can make up the rules.

Use common sense to spell out the future that is right for you and then take action to turn that vision into a new reality – the person you really are. What’s it going to be – a new job, new hobby or new lover – you decide.

There are plenty of blogs on this website that will help you create your new reality and as you do people will like you – even on social media – warts n all next time you post. This time it will be the real you, the genuine article and the accolades you receive will be real and not based on a false image.

It’s your choice – if it’s Instagram versus Reality – make sure that reality wins, every time.

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Positive Thinking and good health

Everyone is entitled to feel sorry for themselves from time to time and thankfully most bugs and viruses quickly pass and you are soon back to normal, but for a good number of people illness and pain are a way of life. Getting up in the morning requires a massive effort and everything just hurts – and it seems as if it will never go away.

Unless you are on the receiving end then it is impossible to understand what it can be like for people in constant pain or for those who are suffering from debilitating or life threatening illnesses. They carry a daily burden, the hurt is etched on their faces and at first glance it would seem there is little anyone else can do to help.

So what has this got to do with positive thinking? Good question and one with a very easy answer. If you think hard enough we all know someone who remains cheerful and happy, refusing to let pain or illness hold them back.

We all know someone who has defied the odds by living longer and enjoying a better quality of life when all hope was lost simply by remaining positive and refusing to be beaten. There are also many documented cases of those who have been seemingly cured or in remission – putting down this miracle to the power of positive thinking.

And we all know people who remain upbeat and positive whatever life throws at them. There are millions of disabled who shame the rest of us on a daily basis with their can do attitude and refusal to be beaten. They just keep on smiling while the rest of us complain about our everyday aches and twinges.

The disabled cannot change their circumstances but most are determined to live life to the full and make the best of everything and there is a big message here for the rest of us. If you are always complaining about your state of health and how you feel then guess what – the Great Amazon of the Universe will keep on delivering more of the same.

If you groan and moan every time you get out of a chair, if you are constantly complaining how tired you are, how you can longer be bothered to try or do anything new, then you have let illness beat you and have significantly reduced the chances of ever getting better again.

But if you have adopted a powerful positive thinking attitude where you accept the pain and discomfort but are determined to remain strong and positive; if you use your imagination to visualise a time when you are feeling fitter and better and if you have resolved to take action to improve your health – then the Great Amazon of the Universe will receive a different more hopeful message – and things will change for the better.

Action means losing weight, stopping drinking or smoking – or both. Action means taking a little exercise, finding a new hobby, learning to be with positive friends. Action means doing something for you that will improve your life and those that love you and want to see you better.

You have a choice of course – you can continue to be that grumpy old man or woman. You can continue to alienate and upset everyone around you or you can choose to be inspired and spread happiness – it’s your life we are talking about here – and you can make a real difference, either way.

Of course, there are illnesses that cannot go away. They are terminal and no matter how positive you are, there are simply some things that cannot be beaten. But you can resolve to enjoy the time you have left, you can be determined to spread happiness and leave a legacy that marks you out as someone that lived life to the full.

I know which one I would choose.

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Friday, November 15, 2019

Online Wishing Well


This is your opportunity to tell the Universe exactly what you want, to attract the things you desire in life – money, love, peace of mind, a better job  – you decide and it’s totally FREE. This is the very essence of Powerful Positive Thinking, the rules and the actions you need to make the whole process work.

Some people might say that this is the digital equivalent of an old fashioned wishing well – and yes it is - because it means you can use positive thinking to work out what you need  – and if you follow the rules – it will appear in your life.

Click on the link, write down the things that you desire, let go of the negatives that have been holding you back. Take as much time as you wish because this is your personal order to the Universe – and it’s listening.

This process is totally anonymous. We do not ask for e-mail addresses or names so you cannot be identified in any way – this is strictly between you and the Universe. When you have completed your personal order then you must hit the destruct button and never dwell on this request ever again.

The Universe does not need to be told twice and if you keep dwelling on your request then all you will be doing is focussing on the fact that it has not been delivered – and the more you focus the less chance you have of ever receiving it. Concentrate instead on the common sense actions you wrote down to make your dream come true.

If you have completed your personal order – maybe read it over one last time – now press the destruct button and when you do the Universe will receive your order. Have faith and belief that it will be delivered and it will.

You can visit this site as often as you wish to make a new order and if you are not sure how it all works then please read some of the blogs for a little guidance and welcome to your new world of powerful positive thinking.

Michael Younge

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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Positive thinking people never get discouraged

The trouble is that some people get discouraged very easily. They fall at the first hurdle because they expect failure and the merest hint or suggestion of anything starting to go wrong is enough of a confirmation for them to give up completely.

If all this sounds familiar then we have a real problem, because you have created a personal mind-set where you always expect everything to fail and when you think like that, then the great Amazon of the Universe will assume it’s what you want.

Life is never smooth going and all of us have reason to feel discouraged from time to time, but positive thinking people never give up – they brush themselves down and try to learn from the experience, but more importantly never lose sight of the original goal.

Positive thinking people always remember the prime objective and while it may need an occasional change of course they can always see what they are trying to achieve and will never be phased by the odd setback – even when they seem to be coming thick and fast.

I am reliably informed that when NASA was trying to put a man on the moon they were getting it wrong for 98% of the time but they never took their eyes off the ball – or the moon in this particular case – in their efforts to succeed.

I have no idea whether that previous statement is true or just fake news, but it is a good analogy of what we are talking about here. Setbacks will occur and when they do you look for solutions and new ideas to take you forward.

But it’s not so easy for those who are easily discouraged and if this is you we should ask the question – why are you like this? What went wrong in the past that now makes you think that you will always fail at everything you try to do?

There is no point is me writing a list of possible previous failures as everyone is different, but just because something went wrong in the past does not mean it will fail a second, third, fourth time or more – unless of course that’s what you expect.

It’s interesting to note how these patterns repeat themselves. Many abused women go on to attract new partners who do just the same. Divorced people go on to attract new husbands or wives who are equally unreliable.

We see similar patterns in business where one failure is swiftly followed by another. Maybe you are just a poor business person but more likely you never expected to succeed in the first place and of course – you were not disappointed.

Positive thinking people know that things will go wrong and when that happens they accept it as one of those things and try to correct any mistakes. Those who are easily discouraged assume that when a problem occurs, it is a divine sign that everything is about to end in disaster.

So what are we going to do about it? Is there really any point in me trying to build a road map for you to follow towards a brighter future? After all, as soon as you hit the first set back you will make the decision to give up again – am I right?

I know you don’t want that so let’s do it. Choose something you want to achieve, something modest to begin with – dinner at a posh restaurant, the money to buy that special item - because we have to ensure that you get a few small victories under your belt before you go on to the bigger stuff.

Get those objectives into your head, set a time line when you can achieve your goal, plan to introduce some action and common sense to help the Great Amazon of the Universe deliver. Most important of all – check out in advance all of the things you believe might go wrong. Write them down if you can and then decide that these will never happen to you, but if they do you will be prepared and have a Plan B ready to go.

When you start to win at the small things you will find that the rest will quickly follow. It’s all about training you mind to expect success and not failure. Vow never to be discouraged again because you have the answers – are you ready?

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Monday, November 4, 2019

Imagination – the powerful positive thinking tool

Imagination has the ability to make you rich or poor, to be healthy or unhealthy and to succeed or fail – as you think – then so you create. Positive thinking people imagine everything going well for them, even when times are difficult and as a result their lives are superior in every way to those that can only think negatively.

People with active imaginations are not day dreamers. They are working with the great Amazon of the Universe to attract good things into their lives. They are slowly working on their order and the Universe is listening and ready to deliver just as soon as the final detail is added.

Now some of you could be thinking right now that you imagine winning the lottery every single day, you know how you will spend the money, who you will help, but nothing happens. That’s because you do not believe it is possible, so that little voice, that minute seed of doubt at the back of your head, completely cancels everything out.

That’s the reason why so many people believe that positive thinking is a myth. The imagination is working alright but the common sense factor – the second real essence of powerful positive thinking – is sadly lacking.

If you are not a natural positive thinker then you have to train your mind, you need to work at it, to recognise when you are being negative. In another blog on this website I challenge readers to manifest a £10 note and when you have mastered that you can move on to the bigger stuff – and who knows – one day you might be so proficient at positive thinking, a big lottery could become a real possibility.

However, positive thinking is not all about material gain, it is a lifestyle choice. Positive people are happier, face fewer problems, attract greater opportunities and succeed, frequently against all of the odds because they imagine they will always win through.

They imagine that they will easily fulfil every task, they can see others applauding and praising their abilities and as a result the material things automatically follow. They use their common sense to attract peace and prosperity rather than some shortcut solution.

Positive thinking people use their imagination to improve their lives one step at a time and succeed because they believe it will happen, the odds are not stacked against them like a giant lottery win – they are merely improving their lives little by little.

Negative thinking people expect to fail no matter how hard they try. They are serial failures because they are beaten before they ever try. Their imaginations have already forged the future and once again the Universe is ready to deliver exactly what they have ordered.

Positive thinking people also take action to deliver their dreams instead of sitting back and waiting for something to magically happen. When you combine that action with common sense thinking and a powerful imagination then you really are Masters of the Universe.

If this is all new to you right now then you have no idea of the power and potential that exists when you let your imagination run riot. Every single person on the planet has this special gift, everything around you, the clothes you wear, the home you live in, the technology – all came from the imagination of someone.

Use your imagination now to create your new life. Be ready to plan it one stage at a time. It doesn’t matter whether you are poor or at the lowest ebb, your imagination is ready to take you to new places, baby step by baby step.

Keep it positive and don’t be ready to give up when obstacles cross your path – that’s just life and positive people accept these challenges and learn from them. Your imagination is a powerful tool and if you allow it to dwell on the negative then that’s what way your life will go.

So train your mind, when your imagination turn negative, alter those thoughts. Take command of your imagination, be its master and it will serve you well.

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Friday, October 18, 2019

Rewire your brain

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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Positive thinking, death and bereavement – a way ahead

As you read this you can be forgiven for asking what positive thinking has to do with death and the parting of a soulmate and you could be feeling so distraught right now that you may be wondering if you will ever be happy again?

I cannot answer that question because what happens from this moment on is entirely up to you. Well-meaning souls have told you that time is a great healer and have said they will be there for you, but where are they now?

Be kind to them if you can because they do not know what to do for the best. All your friends and those that love you think you are coping very well and have adapted to your new life and they are unsure of the next step.

If you are completely honest, you are probably a little unsure yourself right now and that’s perfectly understandable, but you do have choices. You can remain sad and lonely – and those that have passed or still love you would not want that – or you could choose to embrace life and see what the world has to offer.

This is where positive thinking is needed because you cannot move on until you make the decision that from this point on things are just going to be better. You need to acknowledge that life has changed but with it comes new experiences – and when you feel able – you are going to don that metaphoric parachute and take that first skydive and just for fun – you are going to do it all over again.

It starts with the decision to change your thoughts. You are not being disloyal to those that have passed when you do this - there will always be a place in your heart for them – you just need to move on.

So you must imagine a brighter future. Map out in your head the things you want to do, the people you want to meet. Everyone creates their own reality and in your head nothing is off limits. This is your life we are talking about and right now the time for mourning is over.

If it helps you can write down the things you want to do, use as much detail as you want. You may even want to add a timeline of events or anything else that works, but make sure you use plenty of common sense to reinforce the reality – after all it is your future we are talking about here.

Now you need the next vital step in the process of powerful positive thinking – and that is action. Carry that image of your new life and then do something to help the great Amazon of the Universe make it possible.

Book that holiday, join that club, take up that night school lesson, learn a new skill – you have the power to do anything you want and when you start to take action then you will feel more like your old self again and quickly realise a new independence and strength you thought you never had.

It was really there all the time and it could only happen when you were ready to change your mind-set and explore new possibilities. There might be a couple of disappointments or setbacks but learn from the experience and move on.

There is the whole new world, new friends, new experiences, new challenges and new opportunities – just waiting for you to take them by the scruff of the neck. While this is happening, if you believe in an afterlife, then be sure that your loved ones will be looking down and approving.

This is what positive thinking has to do with death and bereavement and it doesn’t want to you to live in sadness anymore – so what are you going to do about it.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Positive thinking and the power of imagination

Everything starts with a thought and when you really allow your imagination to take hold you can begin to attract the things you really want in your life. It is the solid basis of powerful positive thinking and it sets the agenda for everything you do.

There is nothing wrong with day dreaming. As you do, you programme your sub conscious mind, the real power house that can get to work with that great Amazon of the Universe which will soon begin to deliver your order for change.

Those that imagine their lives altering for the better, attracting more money, better health or a new lover, quickly discover that their day dreams can become reality. They see all the benefits of change in their mind - that feel good factor as something new comes into their reality.

And you can do the same simply by making a few changes to the way you think and equally as important – to what you say. Both your imagination and the spoken word have to be in complete sync with each other.

It’s no good thinking that you will be wealthy when you keep telling everyone how poor you are and why you believe such circumstances will never change. Thinking yourself rich while telling everyone the complete opposite totally negates the whole exercise.

The same applies equally to your health, the lack of a suitable lover, a decent job – how long do you want the list to be, but hopefully you are getting the idea. Of course, no one expects you to stand on a street corner and tell the world that you are going to be rich or famous – but you definitely need to watch what you say.

Let’s take a look at one example by assuming that you might be feeling lonely and want to attract someone special in your life. The imagination bit is relatively easy so let’s try it together by imagining your ideal man or woman, what they look like, how do they speak, do they smell good?

Let’s take this a little further by setting up a meeting place, maybe at work or at a local pub, or somewhere else where you feel comfortable. What kind of things will this person like doing, will they be the same as you or will you be happy for them to take you out of your comfort zone – you decide.

I think we have set your imagination running and whenever you get a spare moment, keep the programmes going. The more your imagination goes into overtime the closer you bring your dream into reality – don’t forget it must always be based on positive thinking and a positive mind-set.

We are nearly there because we must now concentrate on the less private things – what you do and say to others. Get it wrong and you can undo all the good work achieved by your imagination. If you are saying “no one will ever love me” or using phrases such as “I will never be happy” then all the positive thinking in the world will be a total waste of time.

You need to substitute these phrases with positive thinking. When you talk to friends or colleagues you should be saying “I know there is someone out there for me” or “I will be happy and fulfilled again.”

When you say these things you reinforce your thoughts and give your imagination the equivalent of a turbo boost – and when you do that then anything is possible. So let’s get back to positive thinking and the power of your imagination.

Your mind has the ability to take you anywhere you want and when that happens thoughts turn into reality – your reality. No one is trapped, everyone has power and your mind is ready as soon as you decide what you want. Are you ready?

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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Positive thinking people do not do revenge – it’s not worth it

At this precise moment you are seething, thinking of all the things you wished you had said at the time and aggressively thinking or discussing how you are going to get your own back. You are angry, wow, are you angry – but the sad fact is – you are about to make things worse for yourself.

Positive thinking is not about anger, revenge or getting your own back. You believe it will make you feel better if you tell the world how unjustly you have been treated, but that is not going to help because while some may sympathise, they have their own problems and will quickly move on.

So here you are bottling up all that hatred and the Universe is listening and assuming that you want more of the same. It will respond to your thoughts, words and actions – and the only person you will be hurting – is you.

You are what you think which is why your thoughts should always be positive. That doesn’t mean that you lose the right to complain if you have been badly treated or received shoddy goods or services, but when your complaint becomes personal and when anger and bitterness kicks in – then it will all come flooding back and some.

If you want to see revenge and hatred in action just trawl through social media and look at the comments left by so called trolls as they attempt to unlock and discard the bitterness and despair from their very sad lives.

Every time they pour out their bile they are storing up more of the same for themselves. Such people are effectively dead inside - their lives only take on meaning if you react to their spite and malice because then they know their vicious words have hit the target and for a brief moment it gives them some kind of warped pleasure.

Totally ignoring this kind of hatred and spite is really the best revenge of all. It denies those who like to dish it out, not having the satisfaction of knowing that you might have been wounded. Even more importantly you have not been reduced down to their dismal level – you have stayed positive and the Universe, which is always listening, sees you for the kind and caring person you really are.

Of course, no one is pretending it’s easy to turn the other cheek when someone has done you wrong. You may even feel that you are being weak by letting someone else trample over your feelings.

When that happens there is nothing wrong in letting that person or organisation know how hurt you are feeling right now. Sometimes people just get it wrong without meaning to upset others and when they told, will quickly apologise.

But for those who have deliberately set out to wound or harm, then no amount of talking will set anything right. You just have to walk away and if possible forgive them – it’s the only way to let go of all the hatred that they have caused to be bottled up inside you.

If it stays trapped it will act as a cancer, always preventing you from being positive or manifesting positive thoughts. It will hold you back on everything you want to achieve in your life and if that happens then they have won.

Yes, you are going to be hurt from time to time, people will say bad things, they are going to be thoughtless, but you always have a choice. You decide how you are going to react and how you are going to deal with each such situation.

By remaining positive and happy, determined not to be beaten, then you will never have to contemplate revenge and all of the bad karma associated with it. Positive thinking people do not do revenge – it’s not worth it.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, October 3, 2019

3 Reasons We Get “Stuck” In Life – And How To Bounce Back Strong

Alex is the kind of guy that everyone liked. He was always in between jobs and was always broke, but all his family and friends could only say good things about him.

His girlfriend, Kate, thinks that he is the sweetest guy in the world. However, she grew more and more exasperated with him over the years.

She loved Alex for his personality, but he always had trouble taking responsibility for his own life. As a result, Kate felt stuck in a situation where she always has to bail Alex out of trouble.

Things came to a head when Alex got into an accident. His car went off-road and into a ditch. But fortunately, he only suffered a few broken ribs and his leg was in a cast for 3 months.

The bad news was that it was actually Kate’s car, and Alex borrowed it so he could have a night out with his friends.

Needless to say, Kate was extremely upset.

But it wasn’t because of the car, but the fact that Alex’s irresponsibility almost got him killed.

She took care of Alex for the next several months, but she had already decided to break up with him by then.

So after Alex recovered from his accident, he had to take a long, good look at himself and the choices that he made.

This was when he realized that something had to change. It dawned on him that he was always going to be where he was if he didn’t do something about it.

How To Break Free From A Less-Than-Ideal Life

Like Alex, many people lose their direction in life and feel trapped.

You might have a fuzzy idea of the person you want to be - or the kind of life that you want…

...but you don’t really know how to make that happen.

This is where feelings of dissatisfaction come from.

But the good news is that you can, in fact, get out of the rut you’re stuck in - even if you feel the complete opposite.

If you feel like you can’t move forward in life, chances are it has something to do with the 3 following reasons:

Reason #1. You Don’t Know What You Want

Most people don’t realize that they could be so much closer to their ideal future if only they spent real time thinking about what that future actually means.

They only have a vague, nebulous idea of the things that they want. Without a clear idea of what to aspire for, those plans and goals will be just as half-baked.

And so, you need to have a well-defined idea of what your “Point B” is - a.k.a. Where you want to be...

...then work your way back to “Point A”, which is where you are now.

That means you have to have a well-defined “Point B” before you can start plotting your course towards that destination.

To help you with that, here are some questions that you can ask yourself:

  • What kind of values do I live for? Is it truth, helping others, creating beauty in the world, adding value to other people’s lives, etc.?
  • In what way do I express these values in my personal life, and in my work?
  • What kind of problems do I want to solve, and how does this honor my values?
  • What would a typical day in my ideal future look like? Who am I with, and what kind of problems am I solving, and how do I add value to the world?

It’s very much worth your while sitting down and answering these questions. Be as detailed as you can and describe any emotional details as well.

The clearer you can paint this picture, the better sense of PURPOSE you’ll have in your life!

And this is the perfect antidote to feeling “stuck.”

Reason #2. You Don’t Know How To Get It

A lot of people tend to just accept their situation and get used to feeling stuck.

This is often because they have been so beaten down that they felt like there’s nothing to do but give up.

They become desperate and think that there’s really nothing else for them to do. It’s like they are in an endless tunnel with no light to look forward to.

What they don’t realize is that they lack a solid plan to get out of the rut they’re in. That’s why they never achieve the escape velocity to overcome the gravity of their situation.

Worse, they’re afraid to come up with a plan in the first place. Treading water and staying afloat is a lot less scary than trying to move forward and fail.

But in the long run, “protecting” yourself from failure has far worse consequences than making a plan to get un-stuck.

Here’s a good way to get the ball rolling:

  • Get your plan in place: after you’ve spent time figuring out what you want to do (i.e., your Point B), the next step is to translate that desire into an actionable plan. From here you can come up with smaller goals leading up to your Point B.
  • Use the SMART approach: any goals you make should be Specific (well-defined), Measurable (it can be measured in some way), Attainable (it’s actually possible to make accomplish those goals), Relevant (it’s connected to your values and sense of purpose) and Time-based (there’s enough time to execute your plans and there’s a definite timeline)
  • Create checkpoints: any plan should run on a schedule, and that means setting up goalposts on your way to your Point B. So you can break down that big goal into smaller goals, which can each be represented by a specific checkpoint. That way, you’ll have a sense of progress as you reach each checkpoint.
  • Get a planner: the act of writing down your goals on a planner will make your plans feel more tangible and doable. It will also give you a better sense of urgency since you’ll need to schedule your goals on a weekly and monthly basis.

This is a bird’s eye view of the “getting what you want” process, but this is a great way to overcome your inertia and keep moving forward.

Reason #3. You’re Getting In Your Own Way

Here’s the other thing - you’re going to run into a lot of obstacles when trying to get from Point A to Point B.

But you probably know this already. If you feel stuck in some way, that’s a clear sign you’re having trouble overcoming those obstacles.

And the biggest reason people can’t move forward is that they avoid asking the hard questions.

As uncomfortable as it is to grapple with these questions...

...this is the best way to remove those barriers getting in your way of a better life.

That said, it’s worth asking yourself the following:

  • “Which of my habits aren’t serving my true purpose?” - The things that you do repeatedly are either helping you get what you want, or are slowing you down.So, make a list of the habits that honor your ultimate goals and those that don’t. With a little humility and self-awareness, you’ll figure out which habits you need to nurture - and which ones to starve.
  • “What thought patterns are making it harder for me to succeed?” - More than daily habits, it’s also worth thinking about the kind of mindset you have when taking on life’s challenges.For instance, do you give up easily when you hit a wall - or do you pivot and try a different approach?Do you handle frustration well, or do you blow every setback out of proportion? Do you waste time complaining, or do you get busy taking action?

Answering these will give you good indicators or whether or not your mindset could use some tweaking.

This particular area is a HUGE sticking point that most people don’t bother to address.

They might know what they want and have a general plan in place. But if their own mindset is working against them, it’s going to be a very tough uphill battle.

How To Bounce Back And Rise Above Life’s Challenges

As for Alex, he wanted to bounce back from his situation. So, went through the process of figuring out what he wanted.

He was actually a great musician and played guitar in a band, but he’d let that part of his life slide. For the longest time, Alex wanted to get back into it by teaching young kids to play music.

But he’d always find some way to talk himself out of it. He convinced himself it was too hard and it was safer to just work the odd part-time job here and there to pay the rent.

Finally, he realized he needed a major mindset upgrade. It was the only way he could actually push through with his plans.

So as he put in the work to make his plans happen, Alex also tried something else.

He started looking inward and removed the unhealthy beliefs and negative thought patterns that were holding him back. When he figured out how to reprogram his mindset, everything began to fall into place for Alex.

And it was easier than he expected. Soon enough, he managed to get out of his rut and reinvent himself.

CLICK HERE To Learn How To Make that Major Mindset Upgrade, RISE ABOVE Life’s Challenges, and Look Forward To An Amazing Future!

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Embrace Positive Thinking when all hope has gone

But not everyone thinks or acts like that. There are people that keep on trying when all of the odds are stacked against them – and do you know what – well let’s use a famous quote from Dale Carnegie who said: “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”

What Dale was trying to say is that there is always hope and if you think that you will succeed, even when others are telling you that everything is hopeless, then you have every chance of moving things around – turning failure into a massive success?

It’s all about having belief in yourself, the very basis of positive thinking. If you always believe you can, you eventually will no matter how many times you have failed before. When that happens, all those false starts will be forgotten as you bask in your new found fame and adulation.

So what’s happening in your life right now? Does everything seem hopeless? If you are in the depths of depression and can only see disaster and failure ahead then you have probably already given up and rejected even the faintest glimmer of optimism.

No point then in you reading any further – you have already decided that there is nothing more you can do so there is little reason why you should continue with this blog. What! You are still with us – that’s excellent – because it means that you really want to find a solution and move your life forward in a positive way.

So what was it that brought you to this point in your life? Only you have the answer and only you have the solution – and it starts with a little gratitude. If you try really hard enough you will find that there is always something to be grateful for, a little glimmer of sunshine poking through the clouds to lighten your depression.

Stop right now – think about good things you have in your life. Visualise situations that bring you joy and happiness. Ok! I appreciate this is not going to immediately change the situation you find yourself in, but when you begin to focus on good things you start to become more positive – and when you become more positive you can discover solutions.

Mahatma Gandhi had a much better way or putting it: “Carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions, for they become your habits. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny.

When you are carefully watching your thoughts you can decide the best way ahead. You then choose the right words and actions to take you to the next stage and positivity can then become a habit and things do not seem so daunting.

When positivity becomes a habit then you really are in charge of your own destiny. You could of course return to that dark place and decide that there really is no hope in carrying on any longer, but if you have read this far, then clearly – that’s not for you.

Rather than be focussing on the things that you do not want to happen in your life you must now think of the alternatives – the positive goals and actions that will take you forward. Everything starts with a thought and if you make yours into good ones then the rest will quickly follow.

That’s when you become one of those people who kept on trying when all hope seemed to have been lost. And if you are really up for it you can become one of those that accomplished great things when all the odds were stacked against you.

So what are you waiting for – good thoughts start the moment you decide that you have a future – and it can be anything you decide.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Positive Thinking and maybe the reason you are here on this earth

Our lives are frequently taken up with abstract thoughts of destiny and what might be and as a result we allow ourselves to be little more than driftwood on that great ocean of life. This is because most fail to take control of their lives in any meaningful way.

I am not talking here about day to day decisions that all of us must make in the material world. This is about your dreams and ambitions and the need to be totally fulfilled in whatever you choose to do with your time.

Your thoughts control your actions and if you truly want to be the master or mistress of your own destiny then you need to be in charge of them. They have the ability to deliver real meaning in your life and you have the power to create that reality.

The problem is that most of us are too weighed down with life to find time for dreams. Yes, we have all heard about positive thinking – tried that, did not work – so all you are left with is chance and maybe a lucky break.

I will get back as to why positive thinking has maybe not worked for you, but for the moment I would like to sow another little seed regarding the concept of destiny. Some writers believe that we are on the planet to learn. It’s a question I cannot answer with any certainty but it would make sense and if we assume that my fellow writers are correct, then it would be essential and desirable to take charge of the process.

So back we come to positive thinking and if it is to work for you then you must be ready to combine it with action and common sense. Most people fail to get anything from positive thinking because they only use it to manifest material things, little realising that it is the total package that counts.

If you are to fulfil your destiny then you have to be positive about yourself, you have to set common sense realistic goals and you have to be prepared to incorporate some kind of action to help the great Amazon of the Universe deliver those dreams.

As an example, what is the point is trying to attract financial success if your secret inner voice is telling you that you are unworthy. What is the point if you do not feel and act like a wealthy person; what is the point if you have not set realistic targets and what is the point if you are just sitting back waiting for something to happen – that is not what positive thinking is about.

Whether or not you believe that you have a purpose in life or that destiny will guide you in some mysterious way, you must take control of the process. Only you can do this and if it helps then write everything down – other blogs on this website will guide you through the process – but whatever happens, make sure you know exactly what it is that you want.

That Great Amazon of the Universe is a very literal place. It is a warehouse packed with goodies ready to deliver directly to your door but you have to get the order just right or the computer is going to say no – and when that occurs you will lose faith in the process and will no longer be in charge.

It is you destiny we are talking about here and you can make it happen and when you do you will find the real reason you were placed on this earth. Things will magically unfold and you will attract what you need to deliver your dreams.

So if you really want to find out why you are here then all it needs is a positive thought and a little bit of effort to make sure it’s delivered – are you ready?

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Building a Powerful Positive Thinking firewall starts here

You set the agenda, you decide how the plot works out and you write the script.  Good fortune tellers or astrologers can predict trends – good or bad – but you must never forget that you have free will and can react in any way you wish to any news you receive.

You are the chief programmer, you write the code for the software that runs your life and this means you choose what buttons to press – positive or negative. In effect you are simply a blank canvas – so what are you going to do with it?

Hopefully you will be a great artist creating a picture reflecting happiness and success. Like every great artist you will be continually making small changes and amendments as you seek perfection on this great canvas of life.

Maybe you will be a Picasso, looking at the world in your own inimitable and offbeat way, but it will still be a masterpiece – or will it be something like the “The Scream,” that iconic Norwegian painting, which sums up the anguish you are facing?

If “The Scream” reflects your life right now then it’s probably a good time to start changing your personal programme and to use a computer analogy we need to cleanse your spirit of all the malware, viruses and Trojan horses and build you a new powerful positive thinking firewall.

It seems that you might have forgotten that you are in charge – that happens when you allow negative thoughts to flood your personal PC, slowing you down to a crawl, where everything seems an effort – and in extreme cases when all hope has gone.

So let me ask again – what are going to do with your life? Let’s start by listing all those negatives. Forget about material things for the moment such as lack of money or success, poor health, disputes with friends or family, job problems or whatever else you might want to add to this list – we can tackle these things later when you are in the right frame of mind.

These are the things that have happened around you, maybe through circumstance or maybe because you have allowed negativity to cloud your judgement and you will never be in a position to resolve them until we have changed the way you think.

If you are angry, if you complain a lot, if you bear hate and malice – it will be impossible for you to turn your life around. If you have decided that your life cannot improve, or you feel trapped or have simply given up – then once again, it’s impossible for change to happen.

You must first resolve to rid yourself of this negative, forgive those you hate, stop complaining, look for ways to change your situation, seek professional help. The simply act of doing something will lift your mood and turn towards the light.

Then and only then can you get back to your personal list and begin to set things right. You have effectively written a new software programme which will help you set about correcting problems and resolving issues – and this is the real meaning of positive thinking – getting your power back.

And when you have that power, when you have eliminated the negatives – then everything is possible.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, September 16, 2019

Positive Thinking people can achieve the impossible

Just because you cannot feel or touch something does not mean that it doesn’t exist. Winston Churchill summed it up for me when he said: “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”

When you set out your goals in life, it is human nature to imagine that you will succeed at everything you choose to do. You day dream about success, reaching the top of your chosen profession, finding the perfect partner – I will leave you to fill in the rest – after all it is your dream we are talking about here.

Sadly, life has this unfortunate knack of delivering a few knocks on the way – it happens to us all – and it is then when positive thinking has to kick in if you are to achieve those goals. If you allow negative thoughts to take over then those dreams will quickly begin to fade.

Let’s get back to Winston Churchill – a man who had more than his fair share of knocks in life. He was a prisoner of war in South Africa, frequently fell out with his peers, was sacked from high profile jobs on more than one occasion and after leading Britain to victory in World War two, promptly lost an election – how’s that for gratitude.

Winston bounced back in the following election, but during all his trials he never lost sight of his ultimate goals – and no matter how daunting – he always assumed he would succeed – and most of the time he did.

But the real reason why I admire Winston Churchill so much is because he frequently suffered from deep depression which he called the “black dog,” but recognised it for what it was and used positive thinking to take him from his inner dark place and back into the light.

Here is the real lesson from this blog and for the rest of us. We have all been in dark places and will no doubt be again at some time and as difficult as it may seem we have to look for the positives and reassure ourselves that in time it will all pass and you will be back where you belong.

If you cannot allow positive thinking back into your life when everything seems to be going wrong then you will develop a pattern of negativity. You will quickly lose sight of those original goals, instead of visualising success, you will only see failure – and that is what you will attract.

Let’s assume for the moment that you may as you read this be in that dark place. We have temporarily distracted you with this blog but as soon as you get to the end then your thoughts will go back into overdrive – so let’s stop that process now with something more practical that even serious people would approve of.

I want you to find yourself a paper and pen and write down everything that is worrying you at the precise moment. Go into as much detail as you want, how you arrived at this situation, what went wrong in the process – get it all out of your brain and on to the paper.

I now want you to write down what you think will be the worst possible outcome. Now I realise that we could be talking about terminal illness or something else that might well be life changing, but even these extremes have to be confronted because right now you need to be strong and thinking positively. By writing down what is truly on your mind you will be able to see it for what it really use and get whatever is challenging you into some kind of perspective.

When you see it on paper you can focus on a solution or a plan of action to take your life forward. You can begin to think more positively by identifying alternatives. Every life is different and so is every negative situation, but think like Winston Churchill and see the invisible, feel the intangible and achieve the impossible.

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Positive thinking means having the courage of your own convictions

If everyone felt that way it would be almost impossible for an original idea or project to ever get off the ground so let’s be thankful for those individuals prepared to stand by their thoughts and put them into action.

But what about you - are you prepared to let your thoughts and ideas withstand scrutiny from the court of public opinion? If that is the case you have in effect decided that pleasing others is more important and without realising it, you are living their reality and not your own.

Positive thinking means having the courage of your own convictions without letting others dictate the agenda – easier said than done for most – as we all want to be liked and have the knowledge that our friends and colleagues approve of what we do.

Business leaders, entrepreneurs and the world’s most successful people make their own decisions without fear or favour and while they understand that in an ideal world it’s much better to take others with you – they are honest enough to understand that it is not always possible.

Making decisions that work for you, but might not be approved by others, is made even worse by social media. People are quick to criticise without understanding the full picture and this can quickly turn into mob mentality and rob you of any confidence.

It is easy of course to glibly tell you that you should disregard what others think. Most of us are not strong enough to take that route, but sometimes you have to be your own person regardless of what anyone else might do or say and that means letting go of your fears.

We have spoken about fears in other blogs on this website, but making decisions and keeping to them is something entirely different and if you can master this then everything else to do with positive thinking is relatively easy.

If you are to live within your own reality you must learn how to make decisions that suit you and your lifestyle and now is a good time to start. Think about the things you want to accomplish and imagine for the moment that there is nothing to hold you back.

Ok! Let’s take a look at some of these decisions – it helps by the way if you can write them down – and then we can work out how we are going to deliver them. This is the basis of powerful positive thinking.

The decisions you have made will almost certainly be based on something that really improves your life or it will be about something you desire or need to happen. Now let’s take a look at the negatives – the things, for want of a better expression that others might not want to approve.

Best to write these down again if you can, because when you do you will see these negatives for what they really are – you worrying unnecessarily about what others might think. They could of course involve you in a major change of lifestyle and your decision to take a different path may affect others – but this is your life we are talking about and only you can make the changes needed.

It’s important that you rationalise these negatives and understand that you are trying to do your best to improve your life. Others may be hurt by your decisions but ask yourself what benefit is there to you, your children and others involved if you are living in a loveless marriage, or trapped looking after others, or in a job you hate – how long does this list have to be.

Ask yourself what you could lose if you don’t take this next big step into the unknown. Will you forever be living a life of regret – a useless emotion – because your fear of what others might think or say has held you back?

This is your life, your reality and you deserve the best and as the world’s most successful people will tell you – you cannot please all of the people all of the time – but you can please yourself. Isn’t it about time you got started?

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

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Positive thinking works when you cut out the intensity

Disraeli was the first and only Jewish person to be prime minister and he had to work harder than his contemporaries to reach such high office because of the immense levels of anti-Semitism that existed in those times. We should remind ourselves that Britain was also the Super Power of the 19th century and for seven years Disraeli was its leader – making his accomplishment even more incredible.

So you can see, there is nothing new about positive thinking – successful people have been practicing it for hundreds of years and reaping the benefits, rising from poverty and humble beginnings to reach the highest pinnacles of success.

So let me ask you the question – what is holding you back? I am sure that between us we can think of dozens of different reasons why you have failed to achieve what you truly want, but it really gets down to one thing – the only person holding you back – is you.

Mastering the art of positive thinking is like anything else you want to do in life – it takes a bit of practice – but if you persevere then you will get better and better by the day and here comes the twist - the secret of positive thinking is not to try too hard.

It’s not a misprint, you read correctly – positive thinking fails for most people because they try too hard. They are so focussed on the things they want that they become too intense and that great Amazon of the Universe misreads the signals and assumes that you want the complete opposite of your desires.

Of course, when you are so desperate to attract something new into your life it’s very easy to be intense, but positive thinking is like everything else in life, if you go over the top then you quickly turn everything and everyone else off.

So let’s get back to the basics. Everyone wants a better life, to earn more money, have a nice home, healthy and happy children and for some, circumstances may not have been kind and this in turn has probably resulted in negativity.

You may have failed to succeed – maybe many times. You may have been unlucky in love. There could be many other reasons why you are feeling bitter, angry and let down at this precise moment and if that’s the case you will find it very hard to practice positive thinking and achieve anything meaningful.

You have to first resolve all of these issues, let go of the anger, recriminations, hatred or any other negative emotions that are currently holding you back. These are things that happened to you in the past so they cannot be changed – so let them go and embrace a new and more positive life.

When and only when you have cleared your persona of anything negative can positive thinking start to work for you and when you are ready the process becomes a lot easier. You can then, just like Disraeli, think and focus on what you really want to attract into your life. Visualise it, become excited by it and then try to put the aspiration to the back of your mind.

Regular readers will know that I recommend writing down what you really need in some detail and then destroy what you have written and have faith that the great Amazon of the Universe has received your order and will set about delivering what you want.

Of course you will also need action and plenty of common sense to make your dreams work for you. The great Amazon of the Universe will always help those that help themselves. All you have to do then is keep a check on all those negative thoughts – you will still get setbacks – but such is life.

Learn from these and get over them - practice staying positive and in time you will achieve everything you want and it starts right now – if you are ready.

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Monday, September 9, 2019

Positive thinking and taking back power in your life

American novelist Alice Walker, who wrote the book ‘The Colour Purple’, got it right for me when she said: “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” She hit the nail firmly on the head because individuals and communities do have power, they do have a say – and if they are determined enough – they can move mountains, particularly if they use positive thinking in the way it was intended.

Most people mistake positive thinking as simply a way of attracting material possessions, but it is at its most powerful when people as individuals, or as groups, decide they want things to change. When someone is determined enough and has a clear vision of what they want to achieve then everything is possible.

The trouble is that individuals and communities faced with what seems like insurmountable obstacles quickly believe that there is nothing they can do. Whether you are a lone woman under the boot of a bully partner or a whole community facing pressure from an oppressive government, or whether it’s any one of thousands of other different variables – you still have power.

But first you have to recognise the support you really have and work out what you can do with it. Let’s talk first about individuals who right now may be feeling that they have lost the power to influence their lives in any to overcome the fear of success

Maybe someone has broken your spirit to the point where you feel so worn down that you have effectively given up. It is easy to give some glib solution or statement about such situations – the only way is up, right. No wrong, because you need to decide where you go from here or even if you want to go anywhere – but regardless of how you are feeling – you still have the power to make some kind of decision.

Even at the darkest moment the human spirit has proved it can conquer every kind of adversity. It just needs one decision by you to put together a positive solution to anything that you are currently facing. You need to think positively, summon up your courage and take that first step towards taking back your power. If you have a vision of what you want to achieve, supported by a strategy that will take you forward, then everything really is possible.

Embrace positive thinking and combine it with action by looking for what support is out there.  It exists and when you start looking with intent, then it will find you – and you will not be alone because you have decided to take back power.

It’s a little easier of course for communities or groups because you are surrounded by like-minded people all with the same problems, but even these are prone to collective perceptions believing they have lost the power to make change.

Wrong, wrong, wrong - collective positive thinking can make a huge difference even when you have been told that change is a hopeless cause. There is always a solution but if you decide there is nothing more you can do, then you have effectively given away any power you might had.

Have you waived a white flag without considering other options? Things have a habit of changing. What was once written in tablets of stone no longer applies. Are there any compromises to be had or have you all simply rolled over to have your tummies tickled?

Most communities and groups feel powerless when authority tells them they have to take or leave certain issues, but with good leadership, a positive strategy, a vision of possible outcomes – then change can be made.

As I said earlier – positive thinking is not all about attracting material possessions – it has more to do with making real change in the lives of individuals, groups and communities. It is about taking back power when all seems lost.

So what are you going to do about it?

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Inktuitive Canvas : Inspirational Wall Art

We can all agree, your environment can hugely impact your development. Even if you are born with innate skills in let's say lifting weights. If you eat pizza all day, you will die early. With the canvas wall art from Inktuitive you can have this influence daily in your life.

It can be easy to overlook the power of visual prompts but unless your eyes are shut you will be always processing visual information. Other than turning your head away, your eyes will pick up everything in their field. After all, if you are reading this blog post, you are still taking in information for the corners of your eyes. You might not be "seeing" that object on the right side of your monitor or phone but you might notice something move off screen.

If you have followed Powerful Positive Thinking for a while you will know the value of improving your thoughts. Better thoughts turn to better attitudes. Better attitudes turn into better actions.

Here is where the canvas art by Inktuitive comes into play. They have created their works of art with a goal. To help tune your mind for a life of prosperity and abundance. Once you choose the design that fits your personality, it will be a daily reminder to fuel your vision, dreams and goals.

With an extensive range of different types of inspirational canvases, there will surely be one that can assist you on reaching the goals you want to get to.

To find out more about Inktuitive click here

The post Inktuitive Canvas : Inspirational Wall Art appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking