Monday, April 29, 2019

Opportunity – will you be ready when it comes knocking?

Sorry, what’s that you’re telling me? You can’t see any opportunities, you have no idea what I am talking about. You cannot be serious – opportunities are lining up for you right now, waiting for you to take advantage of them. They are right under your nose.

OK! Let’s stop and wait a minute or two and take a second look. Yes, those opportunities are definitely there but I think I understand the problem. You have created these opportunities but for some strange reason you have it in your head that they must be for someone else.

It seems you have waited so long for that opportunity to turn up that you no longer recognise it and you fear the changes it could bring. You have now arrived at a crossroads – do you take that new job, do you invest in that business, do you risk that close relationship just one more time?

That big break has arrived and you feel unworthy, unwilling to take that leap in the dark – after all things could be worse in your life – why rock the boat for something that might not work out, especially if you had a bad experience last time around.

You no longer see this as an opportunity, but a massive challenge. Something which is unwelcome and to be feared. The Universe delivered just what you wanted and now that it’s there for the taking you seem unable to take that vital next step.

Let’s take a closer look at the problem. As I said at the beginning of this blog, you created the opportunity through the power of positive thinking. You desired this change, visualised it, wrote out the specification and sent your order off to the Universe – which duly delivered.

Why has it now come as such a big surprise? Have you forgotten how hopeful you were for success, how much you wanted to meet the right person, get that new job – you get the idea. Why are you so afraid of it now it’s on your doorstep?

I think we have decided that it’s your call. You can let this opportunity pass you by and regret it for the rest of your life. You will never know what might have been and the bliss and enjoyment it might have provided. I’m sure that if you try hard enough you can think of dozens of good reasons for letting it go.

Alternatively you can embrace everything it has to offer. After all, this is your dream, you created it, and you decided to attract it into your life. And when you make that decision to go with it, you can take control of how things work out in the future.

Think of it as buying a new car. You have now decided to purchase the model you desire, but it doesn’t have to stop there. Would you like air conditioning, disc brakes, sat nav – you choose those little extra’s to enhance and custom design the vehicle.

You can do the same thing with your opportunity. You created it and you can decide how it will work out. Yes, you can be a massive success in that new job, this next relationship will be the love of your life and this time the business will really succeed.

So what’s it to be? Are you ready to drive out of the showroom in your life with your next big opportunity, your next big success? You are at those crossroads – will you turn left or right or just continue with life as it has been?

Powerful positive thinking has brought you this far so why let it go? Even better start writing the specification for the next successful stage in your life – and continue that positive change for ever.

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Peace of mind is ready when you are

It is available and ready to be claimed by anyone prepared to accept powerful positive thinking into their lives and with it the faith that everything they desire or need will be received and any challenge will be overcome.

Think how you would be if you were totally free of all your worries, totally unconcerned about money, relationships and all the other day to day concerns that we allow to dictate our nature and the way we live.

Human beings are natural worriers and when they focus everything on one particular outcome, they manifest the very thing they were most dreading. The Universe is the ultimate computer, but this one never wants to say no. The problem is that it will always assume that you are focusing on what you want – and does not distinguish as to whether it’s good or bad.

We are all creating our futures by the way we think and even if you are not negative by nature you have to monitor and redirect your thoughts when they stray into the dark side. This might be difficult but not impossible to achieve initially because our thoughts are so random that your focus is constantly switching from problem to problem.

This is the challenge for serial worriers who seem to be concerned about everything. They worry for the safety of their children, how others see them, whether they are good enough, are they too fat, too thin, too short too tall – hey! Let’s stop there – how long has this list got to be.

You will never be able to achieve peace of mind until you decide to stop. A good beginning is to write down all of your worries – don’t be shy or conservative – let it all out. Just by preparing a list will help you see just how trivial most are. Those are the ones you can choose not to worry about any more.

Once you have identified what is really worrying you, then set about instigating a plan of action and start to concentrate on that instead of the problem. The Universe likes what it sees – new software – and it’s ready to give you a boost because your thoughts are now on positive outcomes and not a series of irrational worries. You have taken a giant step to achieving peace of mind.

Of course – not all worries are irrational or trivial. It is natural to fear for a loved one if they have, for example, been diagnosed with a serious illness, but you don’t have to imagine the worst possible outcome – create in your mind the best achievable prognosis.

That does not mean to say that you cannot be realistic. Some illnesses are terminal but by being positive you create strength and peace of mind for those around you. They benefit from your positive mind set allowing loved ones to celebrate that life and make the most of the time that’s left – and with it comes that added peace of mind that you are doing everything in the right way.

The same can be applied to money. If you are constantly focussing on your inability to pay bills then don’t be surprised if you manifest more of the same. Constantly worrying about money means that you can never achieve peace of mind or actually attract the cash you need.

I show you how to attract money into your life in other articles in my books and on my website, but a good start is stop focussing on your inability to pay and think instead that anything is possible. Simply by shifting your focus you will create action in your life that you are doing something about the problem – your mind in turn will become more peaceful.

I have left relationships toward the end of this article because there are so many variables and complications to consider. The nature of the relationship whether it is with a partner, child, parent is going to be different and so will your fears.

Once again you need to be realistic. All the positive thinking in the world will not win back a partner who has left and doesn’t want to come back, but it will assist you to create a new life and help to attract something or someone better into your orbit.

Children get into scrapes, parents have a life time of experience and can look after themselves – you don’t have to take everyone’s troubles on board because you need peace of mind and you need it now. So start seeing your life in a more positive way and let the Universe help – it’s just waiting for you to leave the dark side – so are you ready.

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Thursday, April 25, 2019

How to beat procrastination with positive thinking

Procrastination can apply to any part of your life, your work, your marriage and all your other important relationships. It stems mostly from a fear of failure which in turn creates inaction – after all, if you do nothing then there is an assumption, consciously or unconsciously, that it is impossible to go wrong.

This lack of faith in your own abilities gets worse when you are under pressure to deliver. Clever procrastinators will then invent a huge range of other tasks designed to hide their inaction, but sooner or later the inevitable will happen – the main task you are dreading has to be completed – and you have probably run out of time.

That means you going to upset people who were relying on you. You have let them down and it was probably not the first time and they are now thinking that you are no longer up to the job, no longer the partner or friend they trusted – your self-fulfilling prophecy has come to pass.

Those who procrastinate, frequently fail in their careers and personal relationships and the sad thing is they have no idea of the kind of people they have become. Procrastinators are not lazy or uncaring, quite the reverse, they just lack focus and commitment when they perceive or imagine that something is a little more challenging than normal.

Every warning bell in their body then unconsciously decides that this is one job too far and urgent evasive action is now required. It will occur again and again until you accept that just maybe you might be a procrastinator and look to do something about it.

Powerful Positive Thinking offers the solution for change, but if you have been a procrastinator all your life you may need more expert help to retrain your mind. There are some incredible scientifically proven courses designed to break the habit of procrastination and deliver a new you. You can access some them via the links on this website and check for yourself.

But for the moment, let’s first focus on positive thinking and set about changing the basics. It starts with that fear of failure that has always held you back and prevented you from making solid work and relationship commitments. It’s also worth mentioning that some procrastinators also fear success – worried that if they do too good a job they will be asked to do more – different problem but same solution.

Check back in your life and start to ask yourself a few difficult questions – as explained earlier, few procrastinators recognise that they even have a problem to begin with so you have to be honest with yourself particularly if you are finding it difficult to hold down a job or sustain relationships.

Were you discouraged by parents or other authority figures not to get out of your depth? Was there an occasion when it really did go wrong and you are now afraid of a repeat? Do you find it difficult to make decisions? Successful entrepreneurs recognise such challenges or failures as experience building and that is how you must view yours.

Write down where you think it went wrong, why you find this aspect of life so difficult and what you would do now to correct the situation. That’s learning from experience so the more you can write down and metaphorically correct in yourself, the more you will benefit.

As you write down the problem you must also add the solution. You now intend to be more decisive, if you are having problems you will not be afraid to ask for help. You will not invent other tasks as a substitute for failing to complete the real project.

You are effectively writing your own specification and you must tell the Universe that the new you is going to be a massive success. When you are sure that you have everything in place – and this may take some time if you are a serial procrastinator – then you must totally destroy your paper.

You have successfully delivered your order to the Universe and it will deliver on condition that you forget all about it. Stop thinking about the specification and concentrate instead on action – a key part of powerful positive thinking.

You are now the person who will be writing “To Do” lists and asking for help. You will tackle the bigger problems and hardest projects first for your own peace of mind. If you run into difficulties you will be quick to recognise them before it is too late.

You are not a bad person so people will understand if you re indecisive. They will be pleased to help and advise and slowly but surely you will deal with the problems of procrastination, you will work within a recognised schedule, you will be less distracted – and because you have implemented powerful positive thinking – you will feel good about yourself.

So what are you waiting for – your first and hardest task starts now.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Positive thinking – it’s all about the right packaging

So let’s ask another question – have you ever thought it could be something to do with the way you look, act and feel? Successful positive thinking is about the whole package – you the person and what you give out to the rest of the world -as we will demonstrate later.

Regular visitors to this website know that I frequently talk about common sense and action as the essential ingredients of powerful positive thinking. Without them you will inevitably fail to achieve anything no matter how hard you try.

Some writers also talk about the “receiving state” the attitude of mind you must be in if you are ever to benefit from positive thinking. This is when you must learn to forget about your cosmic order and the vital changes you need in your life and let the Universe get on with its work.

There are several other blogs on this site which show how you can do this, but for the moment I want to concentrate on the other vital ingredients that are essential if your life is ever to change for the better. This involves giving yourself a bit of TLC and a massive makeover to ensure that you are ready for all of the benefits that positive thinking has to offer.

So let’s start by taking a look in the mirror. What do you see and we are not talking about your face which is special and unique and is the subject of another blog about esteem (you can read that here) Right now, I want to know are you scruffy or smart – I don’t mean big occasion smart, more how the world sees you when you go to work or pop up to the shops?

That’s the image you have chosen for yourself and if you are happy with it, then great, but if you are now looking in the mirror and you don’t like your look – then ask yourself if it’s possible you have let yourself go – and if so, you must change.

It has nothing to with not being able to afford new clothes. Many of the poorest people in the world constantly strive to maintain a pride in the way they look. People who let themselves go, often without realising it, no longer care and in extreme cases their very appearance simply magnifies their negativity.

If you are in this situation, how can you ever expect positive thinking to work for you if you have no pride in yourself? So this has to be the first stage of your journey – a smarter you, looking as good as you can at all times because this is your message to the Universe and the rest of the world – your first step to a more positive you. This is me and baby, don’t I look good.

But it is only a start – the next step is to take a look at the rest of the package. No one likes anger, victim mentality, complainers, road ragers, snipers, back stabbers – how long do you want this list to be. Recognise any of these – positive thinking can never work for you until you have these negative emotions under control.

Some of you reading this will have no idea that they match one or all of these traits. So ask the question of those who love you and if they are prepared to be honest, you might be shocked by what they have to say.

Once again, how can positive thinking ever work for you when you have all this negativity locked inside? Once again, other articles on this website deal with such negative issues and sooner or later you will need to face them before you ever able the manifest what you most need.

The rest of the package covers your fears. If you are constantly afraid, if you always expect the worst, if you are always anxious, then you will never allow powerful positive thinking into your life as hard as you try.

You will sub consciously be creating barriers into everything you wish to manifest into your life making change impossible. Powerful positive thinking is like a product on a supermarket shelf. It might taste delicious but if you don’t like the way it looks or feels then you never going to put it in your trolley.

The Universe is just the same. If it doesn’t like what it sees and feels then you can manifest all you want, but it will never happen for you. It’s all down to the packaging and once you get that right, the rest will surely follow.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Embrace positive thinking and end the loneliness in your life

While some time alone, especially for those who choose to meditate, is proven to be incredibly therapeutic, extended days or even weeks of isolation have the complete opposite effect. For those experiencing such loneliness – it becomes more difficult to be positive – but if you are in this position right now, be assured, it is not impossible and if you are ready – let’s begin.

The first step is to decide that you are fed up talking to the wall. It will be difficult to start with because you are what you think and enforced periods of isolation has allowed you to dwell in the past. Almost certainly you keep considering the good times you once had, mourning the passing of such events and have sub consciously decided that you are unlikely to ever be happy again – you get the idea.

As the years pass, older people in particular, become trapped in a downward spiral making it even more difficult to interact with others. They gradually lose contact with people and slowly they allow their lives to be taken over by the debilitating effect of loneliness.

Ok! So far, not so positive and if you are reading this and thinking – yes, that’s definitely me – then it’s about time that you started doing something about it – and what is there to lose? Let’s start by identifying where the loneliness began for you – was it divorce, the passing of a much loved spouse or partner, children or other close relatives moving away, old age or the inevitable loss of close friends – there was a moment or a time when you began the gradual slide towards the loneliness you are now feeling and that is the point from where you rebuild.

Why that particular moment? It was the time when you were not experiencing loneliness and you need to recapture that moment and remember how you felt then. You need to confront the issues that caused the downward spiral in your life and ask yourself a few questions – what happened? Did I allow it to defeat me? Did I take any action to rebuild my life? Did I surrender to feelings of sadness and negativity?

It might be a combination of all these things, but everyone is unique so you will find your own questions and of course – you will need to find the answers as well. Powerful positive thinking offers a solution and a way forward even if you have experienced loneliness and isolation for many years, but you will need courage, plenty of common sense and if you really want to change your life you will also need the other key ingredient – action.

First decide what you really need to end the isolation you now feel – it will obviously be different for every person. It will range from a bit of extra company from time to time for some to a whole new life style change for others – only you will know what you need.

Write it down, take time with this to specify the new life you wish to attract and the type of people you want to share it with. Make sure you add plenty of detail and common sense – this is your specification and you need to get it right so make sure that you add plenty of happiness, joy and realistic goals. Just doing this will help to change your mind set.

You might well be saying at this point that you have been focussing on the same dream for months and nothing has happened. Just because you have written it down, what’s the big difference – good question and an easy answer?

This is the bottom line – you have focussed so hard on a solution to end your loneliness and the Universe has listened and assumed that is exactly what you want – more loneliness – and that is what it has delivered.

Hopefully, you have now thought about what you need for the last time. You have written it down and now I want you to destroy the note. The Universe has received your new order and is ready to knock on your door as long as you let it get on with its job – so forget about it.

What you now need is courage and action. No one has to be totally alone – there are thousands of groups, charities and clubs that would welcome someone like you. There are night schools and courses you can undertake, there are singles holidays – the list goes on. Get on the internet, look in the local paper and choose to start your new life.

You have to be ready to give the Universe a helping hand to deliver your order and if you are taking action you are speeding up the process. That’s the real power of positive thinking – are you ready?

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Thursday, April 18, 2019

There is no such thing as coincidence – it is all down to the way you think

You are attracting people and events towards you, consciously and unconsciously, by the strength of your thoughts. For those that consistently practice the power of positive thinking you are acting as a magnet to others who will help you succeed, who will become future lovers or partners – and because these people will naturally be on your wavelength then everything you desire will follow.

If you are pessimistic and negative by nature you will also be acting as a magnet, but in your case you will be attracting the wrong kind of support. People will come into your life who are equally as negative, possibly abusive or worse. They are not looking to give you anything – quite the reverse – they are takers and will drain you.

Negative thinking of this kind is why so many people continue to attract losers again and again, quickly swapping one abusive relationship for another, a further business failure or another loss to add to an ever growing list

The sad thing is that most people are completely oblivious of what they are doing, totally unaware that they are constantly sending out messages to the Universe, stimulating the Law of Attraction by their thoughts – and guess what – that’s what the Universe thinks you want and it will always deliver.

Right now you might be asking what this article has to do with coincidence – good question so let’s go for the explanation. To fully grasp the concept you need to fully understand how you think, what it is that you are constantly wishing for and to do this you must start looking at your day dreams, your fears, ambitions, worries – you get the idea.

Your conscious thoughts will be a hotch potch of aspirations, random ideas, caution and navel gazing which will be constantly interrupted by the pressures of a normal day – work, getting the kids to school, health – dozens of different things. But if you just stop for a moment, take a bit of time out and for at least five minutes think about what you are thinking.

What will emerge will be one underlying strong theme that links many of those random thoughts. It could be money problems, marriage or other types of relationship worries. You might discover that you have fears you have yet to confront such as losing your job, the health of a close relative or something more immediate that is causing you stress.

Without realising it you have sent out your message to the Universe, it has received your order and is now making sure that it will be delivered. To do this it will create events and attract people into your life that will be good or bad depending on whether you are naturally positive or negative – and when that happens you will probably think – what a coincidence.

You would be wrong because as I said at the beginning of this article, there is no such thing as coincidence. You brought that person into your life, you made that event happen and you are the architect and chief planner of what happens next.

If you are not happy with the story thus far then you have to ask yourself the question – what am I going to do about it? Hopefully you have spent at least five minutes thinking about your thoughts and if you have done it properly then you will have a good idea of what you are sending out to the Universe.

Let’s assume you are unhappy with the storyline then you are going to have to write a new one. So start off with a pen and paper and write down all the stuff you don’t like and then make a note that from this point onwards all that negativity is officially deleted.

It has to be replaced with something and this where you need to embrace the power of positive thinking. Write down your goals and aspirations, get rid of the losers and replace them with the good people just waiting to be part of your new life.

Take as long as you like with this process and when you are happy that you have the right specification then destroy that paper. Your order has been received, the negative one has been deleted and all you have to do is wait for the delivery man.

It is vital that you now forget all about this order. In your previous life when you were oblivious to what you were attracting then you were happy for the Universe to get on with it. Do the same again with the new positive you because if you keep focussing on the order you will drive it away.

Slowly but surely complete strangers or peculiar events will begin to happen which bring your dreams a little closer – nothing to do with coincidence – just the power of thought, your thoughts

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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

You are the product – so let’s turn failure into success

You choose the way you respond to failure, you decide whether it is a complete disaster at one end of the scale or a gentle correction on life’s journey. The choice is how you react when things go wrong – or to be more precise, it is the way you always react to failure – because there is every possibility that it has happened again and again in your life.

If you fail and then declare to the world that nothing ever goes right for you then you are doing nothing more than delivering your expectations. It did not matter how hard you worked, it did not matter how much money you invested, it did not matter whether you thought you had something special – the simple fact is that you never expected to succeed and as always the Universe simply delivered what you asked for. This applies to everything – money, love, relationships.

Subconsciously you convinced yourself that something would go wrong. You probably drew up a mental list of potential reasons – a bad debt, unscrupulous partner, lack of support from bank, an unfaithful partner – you made it so easy for the Universe to deliver failure that it was amazing you lasted this long.

If this is you, where did it all start to go wrong? Did it begin in childhood where parents and teachers said you were a loser or should set your aspirations a little lower or did life gradually take its toll? Perhaps you are just one of those people that lets the smallest thing convince you that defeat is just around the corner.

If you are a serial failure then I admire your bravery. You have started again in the hope that this time it will be really different but you will never really be able to succeed until you change your mind-set and start to learn from previous mistakes.

So where do we start? It begins by taking a long hard look at yourself. You have to establish why you keep driving yourself forward. What are you trying to prove? You clearly feel that you are not a success or could be doing a lot better in relationships or in business.

Perhaps you feel that everyone else is better than you, more successful, wealthier, have all the right friends, connections and people in their lives – and you have not. At this stage I need to point out what I mean by success. If it is more money you want or a better relationship then I would like to point you to other blogs on this website.

All these things are attainable but you need to get the product right first. The product by the way is you.  Success starts with being comfortable and happy with yourself. To put it into perspective let’s look at a marketing analogy. You see advertised this great new food product which guarantees you will lose weight, is healthy and will turn you into the super person you have always wanted.

Off you go to the supermarket full of good intentions but when you get the product home you discover it tastes awful, the weight loss will take at least 10 years and you have to give up everything else you like. You never go back for a repeat purchase.

That’s you when you start something new. It looks great at the launch but when others see what’s on offer they turn away. They do this because as much as you have convinced yourself that this is really going to be something special you have not got the product right – underneath you are uncertain and people see that lack of confidence; because you don’t love yourself others quickly see through the veneer and walk away – you have the idea but not the confidence to make it succeed.

You cannot do anything in life until the product is right and the first step to avoid failure is to learn how to be positive. Start with the small things in your life and see them as successes – little victories quickly turn into bigger ones, once you get the hang of it.

Stop thinking about you all the time and think how you can help others. The law of attraction will respond by gradually bringing opportunity and success into your life. Stop being angry and bitter about previous things that have happened – you cannot change the past but you can learn from it.

Most of all – stop blaming others and look in the mirror. You have created your own reality and today you are where you wanted to be – consciously or sub consciously, you are the product and if it is ever to be ready for the market place then it is down to you to make the changes

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Don’t be confused about Karma and positive thinking

Karma and the deep rooted faith that surrounds this ancient belief, form a major part of some of the world’s greatest religions and when practiced by Buddhists, Sikhs or Hindus, is meant to illustrate responsibility and how we should treat other people. You cannot argue with centuries of such unwavering faith and ancient knowledge.

The problem is, that many people get confused with the concept of Karma and the spiritual way that it is practiced by the devout – and falsely compare it with some form of retribution on those that have done something bad.

Real Karma is not about punishment or reward. It is focussed instead on what you are doing or will do with your life – and most importantly the way you do things. Do not confuse Karma with how you think because this is what the Universe responds to and this is what causes stuff to happen – good and not so good.

We have to accept that there are many bad people who consistently get away with evil – and they continue to lead charmed lives seemingly free of any kind of punishment. This is because they do not regard their actions as bad or evil and do not believe they have done anything wrong.

At the other end of the spectrum there are numerous others who try to lead good lives but frequently fail to receive any kind of success or recognition. The big hearted, of course, never expect any kind of adulation, but sadly many others become bitter and frequently develop a sense of entitlement which reinforces their thoughts of lack – in both cases – the Universe never disappoints.

Powerful positive thinking and Karma therefore become blurred in people’s minds. The first is about what and how you think while the other is about the way you choose to lead your life. Let’s take charity and the concept of giving as a good example.

Charity is a huge part of positive thinking and frequently gets confused with Karma. Many believe that if you consistently give sums of cash to the needy then the Universe and positive thinking will take notice and magnify what you give by 10 or 20 times back into your bank account.

Be aware that this is not a done deal because it is the way you give and not the GIVING that matters. If you choose to give because you think you will get a return – it won’t happen. If you choose to give because of peer pressure or feel you are being forced to – the Universe will not like it.

It is what’s in your heart that really matters. If you feel good and happy about giving then the Universe will respect and understand the way you think about money and ensure that plenty more comes your way. Karma on the other hand is leading your life as a generous and caring person and giving where and when you can with no thought of reward.

The same rules apply to everything else you do in life. If you choose to take something on because you believe will receive a special benefit, then you are going to be disappointed because you have opted to do it for the wrong reasons.

And here lies the clue to powerful positive thinking – it is how you feel that plays a huge role in its success. If your heart tells you that it is right, if it is making you smile and if you are doing it for the right reasons, then the Universe will respond in kind.

That’s real karma because it’s the way you have chosen to lead your life and when you are in that state of mind the Universe will always be listening to what you need and will be ready to respond. Your thoughts will become more powerful and so will you – your journey begins here.

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Friday, April 5, 2019

More good reasons to stay positive when you are in real pain

It is about my family and dozens of ordinary people, friends and neighbours, medical professionals and acquaintances who were there when I needed them and demonstrated in the most practical of ways what love, real positive thinking and actions are all about.

Such people would almost certainly be there for you as well, but it is so easy to forget when you are weighed down by the troubles of the world, just how much support is out there. It does exist by the bucket load so never think you are entirely alone as I have been reminded in the last few days and why I will always choose to be positive even when life gets a little difficult.

Earlier this week I had a nasty fall, broke my arm and cracked a few ribs. The paramedics which arrived in just minutes then spent the next hour working out how to carry me from my home into the back of the ambulance to cause the least amount of pain.

As I fell backwards I remember thinking “this is going to hurt” and I was not disappointed. It was absolute agony as my arm hit the edge of a plant pot followed by a resounding crack to confirm that I had indeed broken my humerus, the not so funny name for the bone between your shoulder and elbow.

I was obviously making a bit of a fuss and within seconds I was surrounded by neighbours and friends who seemed to arrive from nowhere. Their concern was nothing short of amazing. They made me as comfortable as possible as I could not be moved – my left arm had apparently taken on a life of its own.

Yes, I was very much in pain but these people had stopped what they were doing to concentrate on me at that particular moment demonstrating the love and kindness that most humans radiate and allow to come to the surface at time of need.

When the paramedics finally got me on to a stretcher they took the slowest and easiest route to the hospital, trying to avoid bumps and potholes because every little movement was agony even with the morphine that was by now beginning to take effect.

On my arrival a whole NHS team of the most caring people I have ever met took over to relieve the pain, take tests, plaster me up, x-ray the damage and ensure that I could be on my way to recovery. The following day was just the same as these medical professionals bandaged and strapped me up for two months of recuperation.

As I write this blog very slowly using my one good hand I feel humbled by what I have seen and the messages of support I have since received. I have not felt at any one time that life has socked me a Lemon – quite the reverse.
I have seen human beings at their best practicing powerful positive thinking as they get on with their lives and jobs. It would have been easy to ask why this has happened to me; it would have been easy to bemoan my luck and while this fall is very inconvenient it is not the end of the world and I probably need the enforced rest anyway.

Such things have almost certainly happened in your lives and when they do you will be faced with the same choices as me. You can moan at the universe and tell everyone how unlucky you are or just be grateful that you have seen human nature at its best – and as soon as you are healed you will get on with your life in a positive way.
I intend to stay positive – what about you.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Gratitude and how saying thank you attracts the good things in life

The skill is in finding things to be grateful for and if you are going through a difficult time right now then you might feel that I am asking the impossible, but sit back for a moment and take a long hard look at your life and you might be very surprised by what you discover.

Most of us lead fairly ordinary lives with the usual day to day worries but please stay with me as I will come back to you a little later. I first want to focus on the terminally ill, those that are handicapped, those going through a divorce, those facing extreme financial hardship, those that are being abused – such a list can be almost endless.

You would think that people facing such problems have little to be grateful for, but have you noticed how the terminally ill frequently set examples for the rest of us with their courage and fortitude – grateful for the lives they have had, the support of their families and thankful to have had another day. It is their gratitude and positive thinking that frequently works miracles, defeating the illness that has beset them.

Have you also noticed that those facing dramas such as a divorce, abuse, or money troubles suddenly realise what is really important in their lives and give thanks to that realisation. Positive thinking combined with gratitude helps to turn their lives around as well – and when the drama is finally over most will admit that they are now in a much better place.

For those facing extreme difficulties it is probably easier to identify what is really important – not so easy of course for the rest of us – I did say I would get back to you so thank you for staying with me thus far.

Everyday lives can by their very nature become humdrum, small dramas get exploded out of all proportion and the daily grind just goes on. You have already sunk into a negative pattern without realising it so things will slowly become more arduous, your relationships will seem dull and your job and home may lose its sparkle.

You have forgotten just how lucky and fortunate you really are and you have stopped saying thank you for the many blessings in your life. Have you got a nice home? Say Thank you. Great kids, family support, good job – say thank you. Did you feel healthy this morning, did you have a great breakfast, was the ride to work ok – then say thank you.

You have simply taken for granted the things in your life that really matter and thankfully you have not had to face any extreme issues to remind you of just how lucky you really are. That’s what I mean by taking a long hard look at your life and when you do this to coin an old fashioned phrase – count those blessings.

The power of positive thinking starts with gratitude because it helps you to focus on the good things in life. At the same time it will correct your thinking by seeing those good things for what they really are.

Like all things to do with positive thinking you do need to apply a little common sense. You are not going to change overnight from being dull negative person worn down by life and turn into superman or super woman.

Start in a small way from the moment you wake up. Say thank you for another day brimming with opportunity, say thank you that you have hot water and a warm home, say thank you that your family is well – you get the idea – keep finding things to be grateful for and express that gratitude throughout the day.

And as you go to sleep you might also want to go over your day and find something positive to say thank you for. By doing this you remain in a positive mind set and this also helps to attract anything else you are trying to manifest such as extra money or a lover,

By focussing on what you are grateful for then you are not going over what it is you want so you are leaving the universe to get on with the job of bringing you all the good things that you desire – now that really is something to be grateful for.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, April 1, 2019

The power of positive thinking and making it work for you

When used properly, the power of positive thinking is a force for good like no other, almost akin to a religion supported by an unwavering faith that everything will work out no matter what. It is proven to change lives because people always achieve more when they feel good about themselves and their goals.

Many of course, strive to reach such levels of perfection and while there are numerous examples of exceptionally religious people together with a few other individuals who claim to have reached such heights, for most of us the real power of positive thinking continues to remain elusive.

The trouble is that most of us want to be positive but find it difficult to stay the course and when they stumble they convince themselves that they should probably have never bothered in the first place. It is one of the reasons why I developed the 30 Day Challenge to enable people to recognise that life is not always plain sailing – and to remind themselves to stay focussed, they are encouraged to give a simple flick of the wristband.

You can read more about the challenge on other pages on this website, but for the moment I just want to examine the concept of the power of positive thinking and put it into some kind of logical perspective because it is something that continues to remain very misunderstood.

Many who decide to embrace the power begin so enthusiastically that they manifest the exact opposite of what they are trying to achieve. They seem to be on a personal crusade to change their lives and do it with such intensity that it becomes impossible for the universe to ever deliver.

They are like a dog with a bone, forever returning to the object they most desire and by focusing so much thought on the thing or things they want most, they slowly but surely drive it or them even further away.

The power of positive thinking, like everything else in life, works a lot better when you are relaxed. If you are tense when you’re driving the more likely it is that you will make mistakes. If you are out for the evening with the love of your life they will not have a very good time if they can see that you are stressed out and anxious.

So Rule One – Relax! You have already decided what you need to change your life. You have focussed on it, worked out the detail, decided what will happen as things change and now you are ready and expectant.

You now really have to forget all about it. You must have faith that your message has been sent and received. The universe now wants you to have what you most desire – assuming of course that you have used plenty of common sense in your manifestation. You are unlikely to become a brain surgeon next week if you have never been to medical school – you get the idea.

Faith and action is all you need from this point onwards. Stop focussing on the idea but move things along if you can by talking to the right people, making the right moves, taking some sort of action to reinforce your desire – but you must ignore and forget about your order to the universe.

That is the real power of positive thinking – you having faith that what you have asked for is coming your way. You have no idea how that is going happen and it is none of your concern but circumstances will combine to ensure that one day they delivery person will be knocking on your door.

But if you keep focussing on what you need most then it will never happen for you. Positive thinking will be working against you and you will lose faith and you will be one of the millions that will shrug their shoulders and justify your actions by claiming that you thought it was a load of rubbish anyway.

Just remember – that even the most power positive thinking gurus had to start somewhere – and they were just like you.

The post The power of positive thinking and making it work for you appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking