Monday, June 24, 2019

Scientific proof that positive thinking works

It therefore grieves me to say it, but there are many who still believe in the face of undisputed evidence, that positive thinking is nothing more than a weird pseudo religion practiced mostly by new age hippy types who like to feel good about themselves.

They will openly dismiss everything about positivity as being meaningless – at best a placebo for people lacking confidence, at worst a false message of hope for those who want to turn their lives around.

To some extent the critics of positive thinking have a point. Individuals do require a belief that it will work for them and have faith that it will deliver the things they need. They also rightly point out that positive thinking fails for most people who quickly give up on the idea.

I want to return to the reasons why positive thinking fails for some later in this article and how they can turn that failure into success, but for the moment I just want to concentrate on the overwhelming scientific evidence.

Quantum physicists have shown in repeated experiments that they can change expected results simply by using the power of thought. They have concluded that thoughts have energy and can influence outcomes.

This should be enough for most people but there is plenty more. In 2016 Kings College, London, published their investigations into positive thinking and concluded that those who visualised positive outcomes reported greater happiness, restfulness and less anxiety.

Studies by the US Army, where positive thinking is taught directly to soldiers in combat situations and the University of Kentucky which looked at 300 different studies reported similar outcomes and also showed the positive people live longer.

I could fill pages and pages with detailed findings from these different studies and experiments – too many for this particular article – and for readers who want to know more I would urge you to Google the scientific evidence behind positive thinking.

For me it is a stated fact – I have been aware of the power of positive thinking for many years but I also know that for many people it does not work for them. These are the people who buy every type of self-help book on the market and still fail to make that magic breakthrough.

I am not surprised when this happens. Many of my fellow writers seem to make the whole subject of positive thinking so complicated that it cannot possibly work. While I have no doubt about their sincerity – maybe it’s because they have to fill a whole book on the subject and believe that quantity makes up for quality that causes the problem.

A lot of these books have chapters with different positive thinking exercises, they look at mood boards, the need to make continued affirmations – so much hard work for something that should be relatively simple for every human being on the planet.

Positive thinking is really about common sense. All of us are subject to mood swings. Our day can change in an instant from dark to light depending on the situations we face hour by hour. This is really the first rule of positive thinking because only you are in charge of your moods and if difficult things happen – as they do to all of us – then you have the power to control how you react to these situations.

Being in control and deciding to stay positive means that you are better able to produce a good outcome and this is particularly useful in business or sport. More importantly if you are in the state of mind then it is a lot easier to practice positive thinking and attract the things you want.

The rest is really quite simple. Be excited that better things are on the way, but please do not bother with continued affirmations or mood boards. Firstly you will get fed up very quickly and secondly you will be telling the universe that the things that you want are lacking in your life.

This concentration on the lack is why positive thinking fails – so you keep the excitement and replace the focus with action. I would refer you to other blogs on this website that give you the detail on how to do this.

In simple terms you have created your expectations and quantum physicists tell us that your thoughts will create your outcomes. We are talking here about real science regardless of what the critics might say or think.

So what are you waiting for?

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, June 17, 2019

When you are ready to ditch the despair – positive thinking is waiting

If your life has really reached such a low point then it’s not going to change overnight, you have to get angry and work out a few issues. You might need to get rid of feelings such as guilt. You might be coping with the stress of bereavement or the break-up of a relationship.

Someone like me cannot know what happened in your life. Was it one single incident or a combination of events that eventually led to this moment? Right now it doesn’t really matter because you cannot recall any time when you felt this low and you probably no longer care.

In case you’re wondering, this really is a website that talks about positive thinking and attracting all the good things in life – so why should I be talking about despair and misery? It’s a great question with an easy answer – we have all been there at some time in our lives and we must acknowledge that fact – **** happens.

You may of course be suffering from a mental illness, severe depression or something similar, where you must seek the help of skilled professionals, but even they will tell you that it helps if you can encourage a positive mind-set.

So let’s draw a line through all this misery and start looking for some solutions. We all know that when you have reached rock bottom then the only way is up – sadly that’s not exactly right. A lot of people reach the bottom and are unable to get up again until they are ready, but whatever category you may be in – it’s time to get positive.

The question is – are you really ready to do this? You might still have issues such as anger or “poor me” syndrome or you might simply want to wallow in your misery and despair for a little longer – there are lots of people who do enjoy feeling sorry for themselves.

But as you will be reading this on my website or in one of my books then I can only assume that you want to rise up from rock bottom and if that’s the case then you will need to embrace the power of positive thinking and change your life for the better.

It starts with you recognising all the bad things that have happened to get you to this point. Feeling miserable on its own is not enough, you have to clearly identify what is causing you to feel this bad and if it helps write it all down.

For many this simple act of identifying such problems helps to get them into perspective and when you are able to look at them more surgically they are often not as bad or as insurmountable as they first seemed.

In any event, once you have written them down you must state clearly underneath that the causes of your misery no longer have any place in your life and will not return. Be as forceful as you wish with this last statement.

When you are happy with this then write down the person you now want to be, imagine that you are happier, that you have started a new life, new job, new relationship – it’s your specification right so make sure you include all the things that are going to change your life for the better.

Regular readers know what happens next. Destroy that piece of paper – be as dramatic as you wish, burn it, shred it, tear it into a million pieces if you want. That’s the sound of your order going out to the Universe.

Now you must forget about it because you need to take action. All the misery has had a debilitating effect and you need to get off your backside and do stuff that makes you and your environment look better. You need to take action that will help deliver the new you and when you do – the Universe will be listening and will be ready to help.

But nothing happens until you are ready to stop feeling miserable because everyone who loves, admires and respects you wants you to be happy and fulfilled – the others do not matter in the slightest – and as you emerge from this dark chrysalis then the beautiful butterfly that is you will emerge.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, June 14, 2019

When positive thinking and jealousy can be a good thing

Please do not confuse every day envy with the type of compulsive jealousy that can destroy lives and relationships. Positive thinking and jealousy do not relate with such emotions, especially when they turn into anger and in extreme cases – violence.

The secret is to recognise when a little bit of old fashioned envy can be a very good thing. You can be genuinely pleased for example when someone else succeeds and as you pass on your congratulations you can still forgive yourself, even if you subconsciously wish it had been you.

However, there is nothing positive if that jealousy turns you into a two faced gossip, praising someone directly while complaining afterwards to friends or colleagues that they did not really deserve anything. There is nothing good about that kind of jealousy and in such cases – try as hard as you may – positive thinking will not help you to attract what others already have.

You can admire someone’s good looks, personality, possessions and wish they were yours – it’s the most natural of reactions and you should be grateful for them. They are telling you what you would like and if you are the type of person who practices regular positive thinking – then you will soon have those things in your life as well.

What I am really talking about here is the subtle differences between good and bad jealousy and if you can recognise them for what they are, then you can use these emotions to spur you on to greater things.

This particularly applies to material possessions. I love the way that my American readers react when they see someone with all the trappings of wealth. They mostly and invariably react positively, determined that they will soon attract something similar into their lives.

Sadly there are many in the UK that take the opposite response. They see an expensive car and immediately resent the fact that someone else owns it – and it has even been known that some go on to show their appreciation and jealousy by damaging the vehicle.

We have seen the rise of internet trolls who take comfort in their anonymity to spew bile and anger at others who they feel have achieved more than they have. They believe it gives them the right to complain when all they are really saying – is that they resent that same lack of success in their lives.

It’s all a question of balance. Be as jealous as you like but turn it into a positive by vowing to attract the same things into your life. You can even write down that you are so jealous of something that others possess that you would like something just the same.

Think about it – this is a very precise specification to the Universe. There is no confusion or ambiguity so the chances are you will attract exactly what you want, especially if you have applied a bit of common sense and action.

It is jealously – that little bit of green that has acted as the catalyst to make you do something and the Law of Attraction will be firmly on your side. You must of course be very careful to ensure that your mild jealousy never turns into resentment as you will quickly undo all your good work.

And the good news is that when you start doing all this there is another particular bonus. You have acknowledged that it is ok to be jealous from time to time even when you are genuinely pleased for another.

It is also OK for you to want to share or have some of that success – it does not make you a bad person – it just makes you human – and that’s when jealously and powerful positive thinking can really work for you.

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How to achieve your goals and dreams

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Positive thinking works – so get excited

Regular readers will know that I am totally against mood boards and constant affirmations as these cause you to continually focus on your desires – and when you do this the Universe sees that they are lacking in your life and delivers more of the same – absolutely nothing.

I have always advised that you should concentrate instead on the actions that will deliver your desires, but there is nothing wrong with getting excited at the same time at the prospect of getting wealthier or healthier or getting pumped up at attracting anything else you wish into your life.

Getting excited and optimistic about the things you wish to attract are totally different to focussing on the actual desire and this is where the confusion begins for most people. If you have decided for example that you wish to be wealthy then there is nothing wrong with letting your imagination run riot at the prospect.

You must however be aware of the subtle differences. As already explained if you allow your thoughts to keep focusing on an elusive lottery win, it is not going to happen, but if you imagine instead that you are already rich and enjoying a millionaire life style – then that is totally different and the Universe will respond accordingly.

Imagine that you are purchasing anything you want and enjoying the prospect as if you already had the money. If you are thinking about what you will buy once you get the cash then you are totally defeating the process.

Imagine that you are now enjoying that dream holiday with all the right people in your life. Feel the sun on your back, listen to the different sounds and work out how you’re going to spend the rest of your day, maybe a great evening meal or show – you get the idea. Concentrate on the enjoyment and let the Universe take care of the delivery.

The whole key to successful positive thinking is to FORGET and at the same time have FAITH that the Universe has received your order and is in the process of delivering it. If you have kept your order realistic – hence the common sense – then you are more likely to believe and have that faith that it’s on it way – and that’s when your imagination can really get to work.

In case you have any doubts then be assured there is now a huge and growing body of research and evidence that Positive Thinking when practiced and applied properly in the way that I have already outlined – really does work.

Quantum Physicists have shown that simply by using thought they can deliver expectations and change them again with different thoughts. A massive study in 2016 by Kings College, London, also confirmed the benefits of positive thinking.

There are numerous studies available via Google if you to check out the authenticity and benefits of positive thinking so please research the subject further and prepare to be amazed – one such study by the University of Kentucky even confirmed that you can even live longer when you practice positive thinking.

So, we know it works and delivers results and if you have been following the rules and it has still not been working for you then how are we going to change things in your life. Now is the time when I must refer you to some of my other blogs because Powerful Positive Thinking is about the full package.

If you are a naturally negative person, it’s never going to happen for you – if you don’t like yourself or harbour feelings of inferiority, then it’s not going to happen for you, if you constantly complain and criticise others, then it’s not going to happen for you – you get the idea.

You must first address your own personal issues to change that negative mind-set and then you are ready to work with the Universe and get excited at the prospect of everything it will bring into your life.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

When you are quick to judge the Universe takes notice

If you look at it logically we are seeing a gladiator mentality emerging, where we can focus all our anger or passion on one or two individuals, pleased in the knowledge that we are not on the receiving end.

In terms of positive thinking, this is not a good trend, because all this anger and criticism has to go somewhere – and it does – right out into the Universe where it is magnified 10 fold before it comes all the way back to affect you.

Every time you type a critical post or tweet, every time you shout abuse at someone, every time you stand in a corner and gossip maliciously about others, you create an aura which the Universe sees as negative and labels you accordingly.

This label prevents you from attracting many of the good things in life that positive thinking offers. It holds you back in your career, you ultimately lose friends – after all what are you saying about them when they are not around? In short – your judgement of others ultimately leads to them making a judgement about you – and they don’t like what they see.

You probably never saw it coming. There you were on social media sharing a few opinions and before you knew it you were part of the mob criticising and judging others because a few individuals decided it was a cool thing to do.

Let’s talk directly to you – are you really that nasty person? When did you start to judge and criticise others? Was it peer pressure that started this trend? Did you start a friendship with a negative person who took you down another road?

Perhaps things have been a bit tough lately and it’s been easier to blame others for your problems. Anyone who is different in any way can be such a target and why should you be responsible for your own difficulties?

Well you are responsible but it is never too late to change. You can decide right now whether you enjoy being a social media troll, whether you like your reputation for a sharp tongue – or you could of course take a long hard look at yourself and decide to be different.

If you are willing to change it means never having a negative opinion about someone else – unless cold hard facts say otherwise. It means never targeting others with gossip. It means looking for the good in others – and I promise you – it is really worth it.

When you decide to be that better person there are some incredible pay backs from the Universe. You start to attract new and loyal friends because they see you as someone who will defend them at all times – even when they are not around.

The Universe likes the new you and in return will help you manifest the things you need in your life. Negative people do not get the same break. It means you can attract money, love or anything else you truly desire.

But first you need to stop making judgements – at least until you know the real facts. It’s like the woman who every day peered at her next door neighbour, saw her washing on the line and remarked on how dirty it was.

Every day she would do this until one morning her husband cleaned the windows. That’s how too many of us make our judgements – through dirty windows until all is made clear.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

You should never feel guilty about riches and success

There are hundreds of thousands worldwide who feel this way about success, money, winning and all the other kind of things that lesser mortals strive for and fail to obtain. I doubt if most of you feel any kind of sympathy for them right now – but read on because things are not always what they seem.

There is an enormous paradox which probably illustrates exactly how the Law of Attraction and positivity really works and if the rest of us could truly master what is going on here we would never want for anything for the rest of our lives.

Regular readers to this site will be familiar with the Powerful Positive Thinking formula and the one key area that is critical to its success or failure. You will recall that I keep telling you to forget about the thing you want most because if you keep focussing on it – and the fact that it is not there – then the Universe will assume that you really don’t want it – and that’s what you get.

People afraid of success are petrified about being thrown into the limelight, petrified that if they have money and success that it will change their lives for the worse. They keep focussing on these areas, anxious that they should never appear – and what do you think happens?

Correct – success, money, the big house – everything they never wanted turns up by the bucket load. As they have focussed on not wanting something then the Universe has assumed the reverse by interpreting that they really do.

To support this focus, those people set about a series of actions designed to keep out of the limelight. They take lesser jobs, do their best to stay in the shadows and that’s how they want it to last.

I guess this does sound a little confusing until you realise that those people are as intense about NOT wanting something as most others are intense about REALLY getting it – if you get the drift – and the Universe duly obliges.

All this does is confirm what I have always known about the Law of Attraction and the way it works and I hope this will do the same for you. If you are trying to manifest something into your life right now then you must forget about it.

You must have faith that the Universe has got the message and take action instead to bring the object of your desire a little bit closer. Some of you of course may be thinking that a bit of reverse psychology might do the trick.

You can forget about the straight away because the Universe will see through the charade. It will see that you lack commitment and real focus – so all you will be doing is wasting your time. Sorry, but you have to keep to the agreed formula.

But let’s get back for the moment to the people that appear to have it all and continue to have these feelings of guilt and unworthiness. What went wrong here? What caused them to have these feelings?

It probably goes back to childhood when parents and those in authority made their feelings known about money and success. Such people probably heard that money was evil, only the wicked would ever succeed and how could you be rich and successful when there is so much poverty and distress in the world?

No one told them how their riches could help alleviate distress and poverty. Bill Gates certainly got the message and is transforming the lives of millions. The rich and famous are using their money and influence to really help others and that is the message we need to put across to those feeling unworthy.

The fact is that the Universe is abundant and there is enough for all if we practice the Law of Attraction – it is never something to feel guilty about.

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Friday, June 7, 2019

Positive thinking and the power of love can sometimes be confusing

Nothing in the entire Universe is stronger than the power of love or sadly, more misunderstood. Love in its many forms is what keeps us together as people – love for each other, love for our children and love for someone really special – emotions that can create intense joy and pain, all at the same time.

Many confuse love and positive thinking. They are of course very similar but both have a distinct set of subtle rules. True love is unconditional and all-embracing while positive thinking relies on an individual’s power to influence the Law of Attraction.

My apologies if this is beginning to sound a little complicated but I needed to make the distinction that while you can use positive thinking to attract love, it has no power to force another individual to love you.

When relationships falter many people mistakenly believe that they can embrace positive thinking to win that person back. The very fact that you have become more positive and ready to change might convince them that you are worth another try, but if love has really died then it is unlikely to be repaired.

Once you have overcome the shock of such a split you can of course then use positive thinking to attract love again. Regular readers will be aware of the process of attraction and will happily let the Universe sort out the details – and I will come back to this later in the article.

Love however can and does create intense emotions. Thoughts can quickly turn to hate and self-loathing and when this happens your life becomes negative. In extreme cases depression and hopelessness can kick in and a downward spiral begins.

This is when you must really embrace positive thinking because if this is you then you must begin to love yourself first before you can move on. All those negative thoughts such as guilt and going over what might have been must be consigned to the past – you cannot change what’s happened and as already stated – you cannot force another to love you.

So what’s it to be?  Are you going to sit there and wallow in your own self-pity or are you going to set about rebuilding your life by coming to terms with the past and by mapping out a new future for yourself?

If all of this is very new at the moment, then of course you must give yourself a break. It’s quite natural to grieve over what might have been and to miss someone who has been a real and special part of your life.

It could be that you are feeling betrayed by the circumstances and possible lies that lead to the split which is resulting in anger and thoughts of revenge. Enjoy the moment if it helps but remember you cannot move on until such thoughts are replaced.

But let’s assume that your break up is now well in the past. Let’s take a close look at you, because if you are now ready to use powerful positive thinking to rebuild your life we have to take care of a few basics to begin with – like restoring your confidence and self-esteem.

How are you looking at the moment? Have you let yourself go? What about the place you are living in – is that how you want others to see it? When was the last time you did something for you? When was the last time you contacted old friends or bought yourself new clothes?

Are you getting the idea – if something – and we are talking about you here – looks good then it’s already half sold. I don’t mean to refer to you as a product you buy in a shop, but if you are looking in the mirror and you don’t like what you see, then you have to take these essential first steps.

Let’s assume you have taken those steps and wow! You are looking good and now you can begin to practice positive thinking. You can begin to attract new people into your life and new opportunities. I refer you to other blogs on this site where you write down your specification for your new life and the actions needed to make those changes.

Those actions might include joining a club or other social organisation, taking up new hobbies, changing your job, may be even checking out a dating website – whatever makes you feel good. By taking such actions you will be helping the Universe deliver your new life – or of course you can just sit back and feel sorry for yourself and do nothing at all.

It’s your call because only you have the power to move on and only you can make those vital changes – so what’s stopping you?

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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

This is the big FREE Money Challenge

Short of money, having trouble meeting the bills or wondering how you will get through to the end of the month? Most of us have been there at some time and you don’t need me to tell you that shortage of cash can be and is a major source of stress.


So I am offering you a choice – to sit back and complain about your lack of money or do something instead to attract prosperity into your life. Only you can make the changes needed and all I can do is provide help, advice and a road map with all the instructions you need.


If you are ready, sign up to my FREE Money Challenge and if you are really determined to make those changes, then we can begin to attract money into your life. The only thing you will need is a wristband and you can have one of ours, also free of charge, but we do ask for £1.95 to cover the cost of postage and packing. If that is your choice, please click on the pay button below before you sign up.

positivity challenge


However, you do not need one of our wristbands to take part; anything will do, even an elastic band, because this course is about you the person and the changes you will make to your mind-set to ensure that you attract money and wealth.


The Challenge will last 30 days and all it requires from you is to think positively about money. When those negative thoughts take over that’s when you need to ping the wristband to bring you back from the dark side. Be assured that at no time will we ever ask YOU for money – this course is and always will be free.


It is a very comprehensive course that over 30 days covers every aspect of the way that we deal with money, our negative perceptions relating to wealth, savings, charity and a whole lot more. It will get you to think like a rich person.


So far, so simple and to help you reach your target, you will receive a daily e-mail with instructions and encouragement, but before you start you really need to understand the ground rules otherwise all your hard work will be for nothing.


These rules are a key part of Powerful Positive Thinking and will be repeated from time to time over the next 30 days, so don’t worry or be concerned if you don’t fully take them in at this stage.


I am talking here about common sense and being realistic and everything you do to attract money must be based around this or you will not get the results you desire. So time for some straight talking:

  • You are unlikely to attract a massive lottery win
  • You will not become a captain of industry overnight
  • The massive mansion might be a step too far when a two bed apartment would be just as welcome.
  • Don’t try and manifest millions at this stage when a few thousand or even a few hundred would make a real difference.


Hopefully you get the idea – even self-made billionaires had to start with very little but gradually built up their resources and you must do the same. Keep it real, keep it going in baby steps and most all stay grounded and use common sense and you will succeed.


So let’s get started………

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