Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Positive Thinking and maybe the reason you are here on this earth

Our lives are frequently taken up with abstract thoughts of destiny and what might be and as a result we allow ourselves to be little more than driftwood on that great ocean of life. This is because most fail to take control of their lives in any meaningful way.

I am not talking here about day to day decisions that all of us must make in the material world. This is about your dreams and ambitions and the need to be totally fulfilled in whatever you choose to do with your time.

Your thoughts control your actions and if you truly want to be the master or mistress of your own destiny then you need to be in charge of them. They have the ability to deliver real meaning in your life and you have the power to create that reality.

The problem is that most of us are too weighed down with life to find time for dreams. Yes, we have all heard about positive thinking – tried that, did not work – so all you are left with is chance and maybe a lucky break.

I will get back as to why positive thinking has maybe not worked for you, but for the moment I would like to sow another little seed regarding the concept of destiny. Some writers believe that we are on the planet to learn. It’s a question I cannot answer with any certainty but it would make sense and if we assume that my fellow writers are correct, then it would be essential and desirable to take charge of the process.

So back we come to positive thinking and if it is to work for you then you must be ready to combine it with action and common sense. Most people fail to get anything from positive thinking because they only use it to manifest material things, little realising that it is the total package that counts.

If you are to fulfil your destiny then you have to be positive about yourself, you have to set common sense realistic goals and you have to be prepared to incorporate some kind of action to help the great Amazon of the Universe deliver those dreams.

As an example, what is the point is trying to attract financial success if your secret inner voice is telling you that you are unworthy. What is the point if you do not feel and act like a wealthy person; what is the point if you have not set realistic targets and what is the point if you are just sitting back waiting for something to happen – that is not what positive thinking is about.

Whether or not you believe that you have a purpose in life or that destiny will guide you in some mysterious way, you must take control of the process. Only you can do this and if it helps then write everything down – other blogs on this website will guide you through the process – but whatever happens, make sure you know exactly what it is that you want.

That Great Amazon of the Universe is a very literal place. It is a warehouse packed with goodies ready to deliver directly to your door but you have to get the order just right or the computer is going to say no – and when that occurs you will lose faith in the process and will no longer be in charge.

It is you destiny we are talking about here and you can make it happen and when you do you will find the real reason you were placed on this earth. Things will magically unfold and you will attract what you need to deliver your dreams.

So if you really want to find out why you are here then all it needs is a positive thought and a little bit of effort to make sure it’s delivered – are you ready?

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Building a Powerful Positive Thinking firewall starts here

You set the agenda, you decide how the plot works out and you write the script.  Good fortune tellers or astrologers can predict trends – good or bad – but you must never forget that you have free will and can react in any way you wish to any news you receive.

You are the chief programmer, you write the code for the software that runs your life and this means you choose what buttons to press – positive or negative. In effect you are simply a blank canvas – so what are you going to do with it?

Hopefully you will be a great artist creating a picture reflecting happiness and success. Like every great artist you will be continually making small changes and amendments as you seek perfection on this great canvas of life.

Maybe you will be a Picasso, looking at the world in your own inimitable and offbeat way, but it will still be a masterpiece – or will it be something like the “The Scream,” that iconic Norwegian painting, which sums up the anguish you are facing?

If “The Scream” reflects your life right now then it’s probably a good time to start changing your personal programme and to use a computer analogy we need to cleanse your spirit of all the malware, viruses and Trojan horses and build you a new powerful positive thinking firewall.

It seems that you might have forgotten that you are in charge – that happens when you allow negative thoughts to flood your personal PC, slowing you down to a crawl, where everything seems an effort – and in extreme cases when all hope has gone.

So let me ask again – what are going to do with your life? Let’s start by listing all those negatives. Forget about material things for the moment such as lack of money or success, poor health, disputes with friends or family, job problems or whatever else you might want to add to this list – we can tackle these things later when you are in the right frame of mind.

These are the things that have happened around you, maybe through circumstance or maybe because you have allowed negativity to cloud your judgement and you will never be in a position to resolve them until we have changed the way you think.

If you are angry, if you complain a lot, if you bear hate and malice – it will be impossible for you to turn your life around. If you have decided that your life cannot improve, or you feel trapped or have simply given up – then once again, it’s impossible for change to happen.

You must first resolve to rid yourself of this negative, forgive those you hate, stop complaining, look for ways to change your situation, seek professional help. The simply act of doing something will lift your mood and turn towards the light.

Then and only then can you get back to your personal list and begin to set things right. You have effectively written a new software programme which will help you set about correcting problems and resolving issues – and this is the real meaning of positive thinking – getting your power back.

And when you have that power, when you have eliminated the negatives – then everything is possible.

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Monday, September 16, 2019

Positive Thinking people can achieve the impossible

Just because you cannot feel or touch something does not mean that it doesn’t exist. Winston Churchill summed it up for me when he said: “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”

When you set out your goals in life, it is human nature to imagine that you will succeed at everything you choose to do. You day dream about success, reaching the top of your chosen profession, finding the perfect partner – I will leave you to fill in the rest – after all it is your dream we are talking about here.

Sadly, life has this unfortunate knack of delivering a few knocks on the way – it happens to us all – and it is then when positive thinking has to kick in if you are to achieve those goals. If you allow negative thoughts to take over then those dreams will quickly begin to fade.

Let’s get back to Winston Churchill – a man who had more than his fair share of knocks in life. He was a prisoner of war in South Africa, frequently fell out with his peers, was sacked from high profile jobs on more than one occasion and after leading Britain to victory in World War two, promptly lost an election – how’s that for gratitude.

Winston bounced back in the following election, but during all his trials he never lost sight of his ultimate goals – and no matter how daunting – he always assumed he would succeed – and most of the time he did.

But the real reason why I admire Winston Churchill so much is because he frequently suffered from deep depression which he called the “black dog,” but recognised it for what it was and used positive thinking to take him from his inner dark place and back into the light.

Here is the real lesson from this blog and for the rest of us. We have all been in dark places and will no doubt be again at some time and as difficult as it may seem we have to look for the positives and reassure ourselves that in time it will all pass and you will be back where you belong.

If you cannot allow positive thinking back into your life when everything seems to be going wrong then you will develop a pattern of negativity. You will quickly lose sight of those original goals, instead of visualising success, you will only see failure – and that is what you will attract.

Let’s assume for the moment that you may as you read this be in that dark place. We have temporarily distracted you with this blog but as soon as you get to the end then your thoughts will go back into overdrive – so let’s stop that process now with something more practical that even serious people would approve of.

I want you to find yourself a paper and pen and write down everything that is worrying you at the precise moment. Go into as much detail as you want, how you arrived at this situation, what went wrong in the process – get it all out of your brain and on to the paper.

I now want you to write down what you think will be the worst possible outcome. Now I realise that we could be talking about terminal illness or something else that might well be life changing, but even these extremes have to be confronted because right now you need to be strong and thinking positively. By writing down what is truly on your mind you will be able to see it for what it really use and get whatever is challenging you into some kind of perspective.

When you see it on paper you can focus on a solution or a plan of action to take your life forward. You can begin to think more positively by identifying alternatives. Every life is different and so is every negative situation, but think like Winston Churchill and see the invisible, feel the intangible and achieve the impossible.

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Positive thinking means having the courage of your own convictions

If everyone felt that way it would be almost impossible for an original idea or project to ever get off the ground so let’s be thankful for those individuals prepared to stand by their thoughts and put them into action.

But what about you - are you prepared to let your thoughts and ideas withstand scrutiny from the court of public opinion? If that is the case you have in effect decided that pleasing others is more important and without realising it, you are living their reality and not your own.

Positive thinking means having the courage of your own convictions without letting others dictate the agenda – easier said than done for most – as we all want to be liked and have the knowledge that our friends and colleagues approve of what we do.

Business leaders, entrepreneurs and the world’s most successful people make their own decisions without fear or favour and while they understand that in an ideal world it’s much better to take others with you – they are honest enough to understand that it is not always possible.

Making decisions that work for you, but might not be approved by others, is made even worse by social media. People are quick to criticise without understanding the full picture and this can quickly turn into mob mentality and rob you of any confidence.

It is easy of course to glibly tell you that you should disregard what others think. Most of us are not strong enough to take that route, but sometimes you have to be your own person regardless of what anyone else might do or say and that means letting go of your fears.

We have spoken about fears in other blogs on this website, but making decisions and keeping to them is something entirely different and if you can master this then everything else to do with positive thinking is relatively easy.

If you are to live within your own reality you must learn how to make decisions that suit you and your lifestyle and now is a good time to start. Think about the things you want to accomplish and imagine for the moment that there is nothing to hold you back.

Ok! Let’s take a look at some of these decisions – it helps by the way if you can write them down – and then we can work out how we are going to deliver them. This is the basis of powerful positive thinking.

The decisions you have made will almost certainly be based on something that really improves your life or it will be about something you desire or need to happen. Now let’s take a look at the negatives – the things, for want of a better expression that others might not want to approve.

Best to write these down again if you can, because when you do you will see these negatives for what they really are – you worrying unnecessarily about what others might think. They could of course involve you in a major change of lifestyle and your decision to take a different path may affect others – but this is your life we are talking about and only you can make the changes needed.

It’s important that you rationalise these negatives and understand that you are trying to do your best to improve your life. Others may be hurt by your decisions but ask yourself what benefit is there to you, your children and others involved if you are living in a loveless marriage, or trapped looking after others, or in a job you hate – how long does this list have to be.

Ask yourself what you could lose if you don’t take this next big step into the unknown. Will you forever be living a life of regret – a useless emotion – because your fear of what others might think or say has held you back?

This is your life, your reality and you deserve the best and as the world’s most successful people will tell you – you cannot please all of the people all of the time – but you can please yourself. Isn’t it about time you got started?

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

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Positive thinking works when you cut out the intensity

Disraeli was the first and only Jewish person to be prime minister and he had to work harder than his contemporaries to reach such high office because of the immense levels of anti-Semitism that existed in those times. We should remind ourselves that Britain was also the Super Power of the 19th century and for seven years Disraeli was its leader – making his accomplishment even more incredible.

So you can see, there is nothing new about positive thinking – successful people have been practicing it for hundreds of years and reaping the benefits, rising from poverty and humble beginnings to reach the highest pinnacles of success.

So let me ask you the question – what is holding you back? I am sure that between us we can think of dozens of different reasons why you have failed to achieve what you truly want, but it really gets down to one thing – the only person holding you back – is you.

Mastering the art of positive thinking is like anything else you want to do in life – it takes a bit of practice – but if you persevere then you will get better and better by the day and here comes the twist - the secret of positive thinking is not to try too hard.

It’s not a misprint, you read correctly – positive thinking fails for most people because they try too hard. They are so focussed on the things they want that they become too intense and that great Amazon of the Universe misreads the signals and assumes that you want the complete opposite of your desires.

Of course, when you are so desperate to attract something new into your life it’s very easy to be intense, but positive thinking is like everything else in life, if you go over the top then you quickly turn everything and everyone else off.

So let’s get back to the basics. Everyone wants a better life, to earn more money, have a nice home, healthy and happy children and for some, circumstances may not have been kind and this in turn has probably resulted in negativity.

You may have failed to succeed – maybe many times. You may have been unlucky in love. There could be many other reasons why you are feeling bitter, angry and let down at this precise moment and if that’s the case you will find it very hard to practice positive thinking and achieve anything meaningful.

You have to first resolve all of these issues, let go of the anger, recriminations, hatred or any other negative emotions that are currently holding you back. These are things that happened to you in the past so they cannot be changed – so let them go and embrace a new and more positive life.

When and only when you have cleared your persona of anything negative can positive thinking start to work for you and when you are ready the process becomes a lot easier. You can then, just like Disraeli, think and focus on what you really want to attract into your life. Visualise it, become excited by it and then try to put the aspiration to the back of your mind.

Regular readers will know that I recommend writing down what you really need in some detail and then destroy what you have written and have faith that the great Amazon of the Universe has received your order and will set about delivering what you want.

Of course you will also need action and plenty of common sense to make your dreams work for you. The great Amazon of the Universe will always help those that help themselves. All you have to do then is keep a check on all those negative thoughts – you will still get setbacks – but such is life.

Learn from these and get over them - practice staying positive and in time you will achieve everything you want and it starts right now – if you are ready.

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Monday, September 9, 2019

Positive thinking and taking back power in your life

American novelist Alice Walker, who wrote the book ‘The Colour Purple’, got it right for me when she said: “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” She hit the nail firmly on the head because individuals and communities do have power, they do have a say – and if they are determined enough – they can move mountains, particularly if they use positive thinking in the way it was intended.

Most people mistake positive thinking as simply a way of attracting material possessions, but it is at its most powerful when people as individuals, or as groups, decide they want things to change. When someone is determined enough and has a clear vision of what they want to achieve then everything is possible.

The trouble is that individuals and communities faced with what seems like insurmountable obstacles quickly believe that there is nothing they can do. Whether you are a lone woman under the boot of a bully partner or a whole community facing pressure from an oppressive government, or whether it’s any one of thousands of other different variables – you still have power.

But first you have to recognise the support you really have and work out what you can do with it. Let’s talk first about individuals who right now may be feeling that they have lost the power to influence their lives in any to overcome the fear of success

Maybe someone has broken your spirit to the point where you feel so worn down that you have effectively given up. It is easy to give some glib solution or statement about such situations – the only way is up, right. No wrong, because you need to decide where you go from here or even if you want to go anywhere – but regardless of how you are feeling – you still have the power to make some kind of decision.

Even at the darkest moment the human spirit has proved it can conquer every kind of adversity. It just needs one decision by you to put together a positive solution to anything that you are currently facing. You need to think positively, summon up your courage and take that first step towards taking back your power. If you have a vision of what you want to achieve, supported by a strategy that will take you forward, then everything really is possible.

Embrace positive thinking and combine it with action by looking for what support is out there.  It exists and when you start looking with intent, then it will find you – and you will not be alone because you have decided to take back power.

It’s a little easier of course for communities or groups because you are surrounded by like-minded people all with the same problems, but even these are prone to collective perceptions believing they have lost the power to make change.

Wrong, wrong, wrong - collective positive thinking can make a huge difference even when you have been told that change is a hopeless cause. There is always a solution but if you decide there is nothing more you can do, then you have effectively given away any power you might had.

Have you waived a white flag without considering other options? Things have a habit of changing. What was once written in tablets of stone no longer applies. Are there any compromises to be had or have you all simply rolled over to have your tummies tickled?

Most communities and groups feel powerless when authority tells them they have to take or leave certain issues, but with good leadership, a positive strategy, a vision of possible outcomes – then change can be made.

As I said earlier – positive thinking is not all about attracting material possessions – it has more to do with making real change in the lives of individuals, groups and communities. It is about taking back power when all seems lost.

So what are you going to do about it?

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Inktuitive Canvas : Inspirational Wall Art

We can all agree, your environment can hugely impact your development. Even if you are born with innate skills in let's say lifting weights. If you eat pizza all day, you will die early. With the canvas wall art from Inktuitive you can have this influence daily in your life.

It can be easy to overlook the power of visual prompts but unless your eyes are shut you will be always processing visual information. Other than turning your head away, your eyes will pick up everything in their field. After all, if you are reading this blog post, you are still taking in information for the corners of your eyes. You might not be "seeing" that object on the right side of your monitor or phone but you might notice something move off screen.

If you have followed Powerful Positive Thinking for a while you will know the value of improving your thoughts. Better thoughts turn to better attitudes. Better attitudes turn into better actions.

Here is where the canvas art by Inktuitive comes into play. They have created their works of art with a goal. To help tune your mind for a life of prosperity and abundance. Once you choose the design that fits your personality, it will be a daily reminder to fuel your vision, dreams and goals.

With an extensive range of different types of inspirational canvases, there will surely be one that can assist you on reaching the goals you want to get to.

To find out more about Inktuitive click here

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Monday, September 2, 2019

How positive thinking can turn you into a winner

Pressure is one of the main reasons why many favourites frequently fail to deliver. The pressure leads to negative thoughts of failure and once they become entrenched then the damage is done and the will to win has gone.

Most top and budding athletes have a natural self confidence in their own abilities but its keeping that self-confidence and focussing it into a winning mentality that offers the biggest challenge for sports coaches.

A couple of bad races, a poor game and even the best sports people start to doubt their own abilities. You can see it vividly illustrated in league tables across the Globe – once a team has had a few bad games they quickly lose confidence and slide down the table as a result – they are mentally beaten before the next game has even started.

Not everyone can be a winner all of the time which is why the best sports people include positivity and positive thinking as part of their training routines. It protects them when things do not go entirely to plan and helps them bounce back for the next challenge.

So how do you become a positive sports person in the first place? Before you can start to visualise yourself winning and succeeding then you have to first work on your own personality. If you are a complainer, if you have anger issues, if you are constantly critical of others – then it is going to be difficult to develop a positive mind set.

This can be a problem for many sports people who are passionate about what they do, but please do not confuse natural aggression, a key component in most sports when you are on the field with being a total arse when you are off it.

You also have to like yourself. Sports people who frequently doubt their abilities tend to magnify their weaknesses, even the way they look. These insecurities then show themselves in small ways on the field and once again can affect performance.

So firstly you have to tackle your own personal issues and come to terms with them before you can fully concentrate on developing a winning mentality. This can happen by replacing negative phrases with positive ones when you talk and think. Vow never to use them again – difficult to begin with but you will soon get the hang of it.

So let’s assume you have changed your personality a little then you are ready to become a real winner and this is the essence of Powerful Positive Thinking and why it should become a lifestyle choice for people who want to succeed.

Chances are that you do not have a clear mental image of what you want apart from being successful in your chosen field. You might of course be visualising yourself as a world champion – nothing wrong with that – but we need to take care of the smaller stuff to begin with.

So we need you to clarify your thoughts and the best way to do this is to actually write down what you want. You need to keep it realistic by concentrating on something that your sub conscious will readily accept.

I know you really want to be world champion but first of all there are other things you have to win before you work your way to the top – baby steps if you like – and if you do this then positive thinking will have more chance of succeeding for you.

Write down your next target because that is achievable, write down how you are going to win, visualise yourself winning and overcoming any obstacles, add targets such as a couple of seconds on your speed or whatever is right for your sport.

When you are happy that everything is good to go then I want you to destroy that piece of paper. You can shred it, burn it, tear it in little pieces, but destroy it you must - then you have to forget all about it. You have effectively delivered your order to the Great Amazon of the Universe and you must have faith that it will be safely delivered.

Don’t keep dwelling on those written goals but concentrate instead on the next component of powerful positive thinking which is action. Work with your coach to deliver those goals and you will be on your way.

It takes a bit of practice to begin with but as you succeed then start the process again – bit by bit – and then one day you will look in the mirror and will really see a world champion looking back.

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