Monday, February 25, 2019

Break the chain to open up a positive future for your children

Those born into privilege take all this for granted which is why life seems so easy for them and why they attract envy from those who feel less fortunate. There is of course no doubt that being born into the right family gives you a massive head start in life – but equally there is nothing to stop you from enjoying the same benefits.

It is all down to the way you think and more importantly, how you pass on those thoughts and feelings to your own children. As parents you are literally programming your own youngsters and telling them what is possible based on your own mind-set – and this is what they take on throughout life.

Even more damaging is that a pattern has been set because in time they will pass on the same thoughts to their children and so another generation becomes locked into lack of opportunity and attainment simply because of their parents.

The responsibility is with you to break the chain regardless of the way you were brought up. It is understandable that you want the best for your children and you will strive hard to deliver their emotional and material needs – so why do you set artificial limits for their future based on your own experiences?

Let’s be a bit realistic here. Not everyone is going to be famous, not everyone one is going to be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon, not everyone is going to be a multi-millionaire, but with a positive mind set you can be the best in what is right for you.

As parents you have a responsibility to encourage your children to be positive because it is one of the finest gifts you can pass on to the next generation. Equally you need to explain the use of common sense, one of the key principles of Powerful Positive Thinking, to set personal life goals, combined with action to ensure that success comes more easily.

The earlier you can start this process the better because young children see everything in black and white. A strong positive mind set will equip them with the many pressures they face in life from bullying, social media scrutiny and more – but how can you succeed and face all this if you have been brought up to feel that life is limited by your own aspirations?

So where do we start? As a parent you may not feel very positive yourself so how are you going to change the lives of the young people around you if you are feeling negative all of the time? Good point, so if we are going to break the chain perhaps we should start first with you.

If we can turn you into a positive person you will want the same for your children and you would have discovered the secret that privileged families’ take for granted. There are many blogs on this website which explain how to overcome negative thoughts. You should also take our 30 Day Positivity Challenge and encourage your children to do the same.

You must also learn to love yourself, you must learn to lose damaging phrases such as we can’t afford it or this is not for people like us – yes it is – opportunity is there for everyone. You must see it as your right to a better life.

Every improvement will bring you more happiness and will seem like a lottery win and as your positivity increases it will rub off on your children and one by one you will be breaking those links in the chain.

It starts with you and it means a whole new future for your family.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, February 18, 2019

Mindfulness and positive thinking – the key to business success

It is also worth noting that most entrepreneurs have also had their fair share of failures but here is the thing that makes them different – they don’t give up and tell themselves that success is beyond them – they put positive thinking into practice, stay focussed using mindfulness techniques – and learn from the experience.

There is nothing new in mindfulness – it has been practiced by Buddhist monks for centuries. It is based on mediation and putting yourself into a relaxed state to give you the ability to cope with any of the pressures that come your way.

Mindfulness can help every aspect of your life. It has been shown to reduce suicides in the workplace, it is proven to create increased productivity, higher morale and self-esteem and when introduced into a business environment alongside an active policy of positive thinking – then the sky really is the limit.

For most of us meditation might seem like a pipe dream. You have probably tried it many times and failed. You think you have followed all the rules like sitting up straight and concentrating on your breathing, but somehow your mind continues to go in all kind of directions and after a few minutes you give up.

Practicing mindfulness does take time and if you can find yourself a quiet place at some period during the day and shut out the rest of the world, then the benefits will be incredible, but there is an easier way.

Mindfulness, if you had to precis it down, is very much about living in the NOW and when you combine it with powerful positive thinking then you have taken the first steps towards success and you are ready to build a business empire.

Let’s think about that for the moment. If I am running a business what has NOW got to do with it – shouldn’t I be planning and forward thinking for at least the next five years? Guess it’s time to let you into another little business secret – in the absence of a crystal ball no one knows for sure what’s going to happen in five years’ time, but at this precise moment, it is crucial to ensure that you are doing all the right things.

You may now be getting a little confused but stick with it as we go on to the next step. When you decided to start your business – you worked out what you wanted to do, you made the decision to provide a particular service or product, if you were serious you formed a plan in your head regarding finance and cash flow and how you would attract and keep customers.

If you were any kind of entrepreneur you would also have factored in targets and all of the “what ifs” that might cause you to have business difficulties. You would have sought professional advice and based on all that, you would have planned budgets and financial objectives. I know about this because I have started and continue to run many successful companies.

So you see – your long term plan is now in place and as circumstances alter you will bend with the wind and make adjustments along the way – but one fact still remains – your objectives and aspirations remain the same. All the matters is what’s happening right NOW and that’s where mindfulness and positive thinking is going to make a difference to your business.

At this precise moment you need to be focussed on the moment, the challenges you face, the solutions you will deliver. By focussing on the NOW you will make the right decisions to take your business towards that crucial next step. You will not let other distractions get in your way but will action those decisions and then move on.

By focussing on the NOW you are practicing mindfulness and in time you can master the meditation and other techniques required – but let’s keep it to baby steps for the moment and if you really want to capitalise on this success then you must make sure that everything is supported by powerful positive thinking.

A positive personality is proven to bring many other benefits. It will certainly improve your decision making and make you more resilient to the day to day challenges you will face. You will almost certainly be more energetic – negative thinkers usually react far more slowly and because they fail to see opportunities will never succeed in the way you will.

In time you will be employing other people and your positivity will rub off on them helping to create a greater team spirit and higher morale. In turn your staff will work harder for you so you will achieve those original objectives even quicker.

Yes, there will be set back and failures, but you must regard these as learning experiences and if you factored them in at the beginning then ever better. As long as you keep focussing on the now and no matter what – continue to remain positive – then success will surely follow.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, February 11, 2019

Change your mind set and lose that excess weight forever

You have read all the books, you may even have attended groups such as weight watchers. You have tried shakes and every faddy diet you can think of and you are still looking in the mirror and seeing a fat person looking back.

Welcome to the world of the Yo-Yo dieter.  This is the scenario where you lose weight and rapidly put it back on again with the additional penalty of weighing even more than when you first started. There are millions out there just like you and it’s not going to get better until you change your mind-set – but more about that later.

Thinking slim is a marathon and not a sprint. The trouble is that in the world of instant gratification everyone wants to lose all that excess weight in just a few days and when that fails to happen they get disheartened. That why fad diets that promise instant weight loss seem so attractive.

That weight went on ounce by ounce, kilo by kilo, over many years so what makes you think there is a magic button that will make it disappear overnight? You will not immediately change the engrained habits that make you eat the wrong type of foods or that stop you exercising.

Why you eat too much can also be part of your emotional state. We have all heard of comfort eating but whatever the reason you have for losing weight it is never going to happen until you change the way you think.

I am not a dietician or a health guru and this blog is not about the type of foods you should have or how long you should spend in the gym – that’s down to you. I just want you to start to think slim and get rid of all those negative thoughts you might have about your self-image and why you may think you are fat – even if you are – because we are going to change all that. To be more precise – you are going to change all that.

Powerful positive thinking requires you to get out a notepad and a pen because I want you to confront your thoughts and the things that are preventing you from achieving your perfect weight. This is an exercise you only have to do once, but it needs to be done well and honestly if you are to succeed.

First of all you must vow to like yourself. Stop looking at all the negatives because most of them have no basis in truth. You are unique and special and not only do you look good but you going to look even better soon when you shed those few pounds – so start by writing down everything that is wonderful about you and don’t be modest.

Then write down your target weight – what you want to achieve and give yourself a realistic time line to make it happen. Take a year or even longer if you wish. Do not put yourself under any pressure because the weight went on over a long period so give it chance to come off again just as slowly if you wish.

Next you must write down that you intend to diet and what you are going to do to make that happen. You will have to cut out something or reduce what you are already consuming, so choose wisely. Do not cut out all the luxuries because what’s the point of being miserable – make sure you have plenty of treats – just a lot fewer than before. In short you must vow to watch what you eat and drink and cut down where you can.

This is your message and specification to the universe. Your note can be as long as you wish but I now want you to destroy it and have faith that the universe has received your message. Never think about it again because you are not dieting or slimming – you are now a slim person.

Every day when you look in the mirror stop saying here is a fat person because that is no longer true. You are getting lighter by the day and I want you to look at that person and feel empowered because you are making it happen.

The scales will reflect the good news you want to see and hear. Slowly you will be the person you want to be. Hold the faith and picture in your mind. You have made the first and most important step.

Positive thinking + common sense + action gives you the power.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, February 7, 2019

If you want to be wealthy you must first treat money with respect

The super-rich will not squander money. They respect it and what it can do and as a result they attract more cash and more wealth. Jealous individuals will respond with the time honoured phrase that it’s money to money and wonder why they cannot be in the same fortunate position.

The short answer is that you can as long as you are prepared to obey the same set of rules. Look at the world’s wealthiest individuals, discard those that became rich via inheritances and you will find people just like you who started with very little and built empires.

But let’s assume for the moment that you have no desire to be the next Richard Branson but would just like a little more money. That’s fantastic, because it means you have just discovered the first rule – the road map and the way that the most successful entrepreneurs got started.

They needed money to turn their dreams into reality and in the absence of a bank loan or a lottery win they had to find the funds from their own resources. That meant spending less and using the surplus to build up capital.

Right now most of you will be thinking that you can barely scrape through from month to month as it is. You have an overdraft, credit cards to pay off, bills that seem to get bigger and bigger – and if anything you are getting deeper into debt.

Well, that’s how it is going to continue for you unless you are prepared to do something about it because I am now going to ask you to save at least 10% of your income each month as the second step towards becoming a wealthy person.

In fact I want you to reinforce that commitment by opening up a savings account and every month I want you to deposit that 10% and watch it grow. Some months will be tougher than others when 10% will be impossible – but that’s your target and if 10% is too much it might be just 1% on occasions, but you must deposit something and enjoy seeing it flourish and expand.

So how are you going to find that 10% when you are already cash strapped. We come to step number three because you must now write down every item of expenditure you have each month and ask the question – is that really necessary?

Let’s start with the credit cards. Are you able to consolidate these into one interest free payment with another provider? Do you need to pay out each month to a gym, can you do without a foreign holiday and can you cut down, reduce or eliminate any item of expenditure. It might even be worth putting all your debts into one loan and reducing your monthly outlay – only you know what is right for your particular needs, but look at you outgoings you must.

By focusing on your expense’s you are giving your money respect and making it work for you by freeing up 10% each month into your savings account – and now here comes the good bit. The first thing is that you fully understand your financial position and you are actually accumulating wealth. The second factor is that you can use that accumulated wealth just for you – a special event, the start of a new business or deposit on a home – you decide.

Every time you go to spend money I want you to question if it is necessary. Forget the impulse buy or casual whim – this is your hard cash we are talking about and only you can decide whether you really want that item.

Bit by bit you are slowly going to feel and be wealthier and it is going to get easier. Now I want you to take that fourth step and open another savings account. This could be just for fun, or special purchases and I want you to put another 10% in each month.

Don’t worry because this is the account that is going to be there just for you and it will mean that you will be less reliant on those expensive interest sapping credit cards – and when you get a nice attractive amount – then go out and spend it.

By taking these actions you will feel like a wealthier person and the law of attraction says you will attract more money – money really does come to money when you treat it with the respect it deserves and can handle it responsibly.

It is all down to those baby steps once again, common sense and action. It is the formula for Powerful Positive Thinking and it will give you the Power.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Abusive relationships – What’s love got to do with it?

It gets even more difficult when you probe still further. Is loving your children or another individual for example, any different to loving a cherished pet?  Do you really mean love if you are referring to a passion for a cause or hobby and why is it that so many of us get confused by the different variations often mistaken for love such as lust, sex and obsession?

Love can also be confusing regardless of whether you are by nature a positive or negative person.  The law of attraction works just the same whatever your outlook, which is why even so called vibrant men and women are like everyone else and will attract useless partners who frequently tend to be abusive – and surprise, surprise – more often than not, are just like their own fathers or mothers. Some psychologists would suggest that this is because such parental figures are often associated strongly with love.

It’s a pattern for such women and to a lesser extent men that will likely continue until the cycle is broken. It means they will have to change that vision along with the type of person they are looking to attract, love and share their lives with when things get better – and they will – I know this from personal experience.

Positive thinking will help and it is a good first step, but it really does need a hefty boost of old fashioned common sense and plenty of action on your part, because love is so personal and the way you view it and embrace it within your life is totally unique. It is also very difficult if you live in fear for yourself and children but don’t give up because if you are reading this then you are aware that change is long overdue.

First you need a strategy and you need to write it down in some detail as to what you want to happen in your life and write down the steps that will be needed to achieve those objectives. As you will need help, ask for it to happen – you don’t have to spell out the details, the universe will sort that out and finally fast forward and imagine where you want your life to be in 12 months’ time and with whom – preferably someone totally unlike the previous model.

Now you have something else to focus on instead of the fears and other negative emotions that have plagued your life. You have a plan of action and now that you have written it down in as much detail as possible I would like you to destroy that message and have faith that the universe will take care of the rest.

Forget about this message and now start taking that common sense action that will lead to your new life. It may seem hard at first – breaking the habit of abuse always is but every step you take will remind the universe to deliver your objectives and the help you need will arrive – more often than not when you least expect it.

You can and will find love again when you are ready but as you are now in control of your life once again then you have that power to decide when. It’s called powerful positive thinking and it’s waiting for you to get started.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Who gave you permission to be miserable on the 3rd Monday in January?

I think you all get the picture but as a marketing exercise it has spectacularly failed because the media has taken the concept and focussed on the misery – as we all know there is nothing like a good dose of bad news to sell papers.

And because the media are unwilling to let the facts stand in the way of a good story then millions of people really believe this stuff and think it gives them a right to be miserable because somebody else has told them that is the correct way to feel.

For the sake of this blog let’s assume and hope that there is nothing really serious in your life right now that could be responsible for your misery. Divorces, bereavement, ill health, serious financial difficulties are obviously good reasons to feel down and need to be dealt with in a totally different way and are covered by other blogs on this site.

What we are talking about here is something totally artificial but because it has the power of the press behind it then millions will decide to feel miserable for the sake of it because misery is infectious and even worse – once it takes hold that day can easily turn into a week, a month and in worse cases – a whole new way of life and not a good one.

Before we start talking about thinking positive let’s first consider a few basic facts that the misery mongers don’t want to discuss. On the 3rd Monday in January every year thousands of new lives will appear on this planet and for most they will bring untold joy. There will be those winning cash prizes, hearing of success, getting or starting new jobs or hobbies – how long a list do you want.

The point here is that no one should have the power to decide whether you are miserable or happy. Bad things happen to us all from time to time but it is you who chooses how you react to these situations and how they will ultimately affect you – in short, it means that you have total control over the person you want to be.

Choosing not to be miserable on the third Monday in January is one thing, but choosing not to be miserable – period – is a way of life. Like everything else to do with Powerful Positive Thinking write down the person you want to be, see yourself as happy and write that down as well. Look at all the things you have to be grateful for, try to discard your dislike for others and try to forgive or understand them if you feel slighted in any way. Most importantly, you must write down your strategy and goals for being happy and staying that way.

Once you are satisfied with the list then destroy it as you are already on the way to being a happier person and the universe has got the message. Then start with the action, being grateful for all the good things in your life, start looking forward to new events and happenings however minor or insignificant they may seem.

You are now on your journey to a happier life – yes there will be set backs, but they will only seem like you have taken a wrong turn on a motorway and if you have set the route properly then you will soon be back on course.

Unless of course you like being miserable – which means you will never be short of company – and you will never start that journey to happiness. – your choice.

from Powerful Positive Thinking