Wednesday, July 31, 2019


We at Powerful Positive Thinking pride ourselves on being able to provide you with a range of free challenges to help you improve your life. To find out about our challenges, please click here

In order to assist you with the challenges we can provide you with one of our bespoke wristbands. Of course feel free to use any wristband of your choosing, as it’s presence is a vehicle for your training. You can get one of ours if you are happy to cover the packing and postage at only £1.95

To get a purple wristband click the button below

positivity challenge



To get a white wristband (Only for those who have completed a challenge. No cheating) click the button below


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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Positive thinking starts with a smile

What happened when you got out of bed – were you happy and grateful for another day or were you complaining and moaning?  Did you get into an argument with your partner, were you late getting started or was everything just on cue?

I think you might be getting the idea now and I bet you think that I am going to tell you that being a grump is not compatible with positive thinking. You would be correct about that, but you have still failed to get the big picture.

What I want to know is what you have done for someone else today. Did you make them feel good about themselves, a small compliment, praise for a job well done or did you make them feel small and bullied because you were in a bad mood.

You see, we all leave an emotional footprint with everything we do and say and it can have a massive ripple effect, hurting those who have been in direct contact together with their friends and families who have to pick up the emotional fall out.

Positive thinking and positivity are not about “what’s in it for me,” but a way of life that gives you the ability to brighten other people’s lives for the better. A smile, a kind word, letting go of anger and resentment help spread happiness to all within your immediate circle and beyond – and do you know what – the Universe then responds by helping you to attract those material possessions you really desire.

No one likes a grump but you see it and the negativity it attracts in just about everything we do in life. Go out on the road and watch drivers snarl at each other for the slightest thing – road rage has a lot to answer for in terms of starting and ending the working day.

I wonder how many people take out that road rage on colleagues when they finally arrive at work or on their families when they get home in the evening. That rage and anger creates an atmosphere where it is impossible for positivity to make any kind of breakthrough.

You see it in shops and high streets where impatience has almost reached epidemic proportions. How can positivity and positive thinking ever manage to find a place in your life if all you can say to yourself is get out of my way, can’t you go faster?

These are the kind of people who tell me that positive thinking has never worked for them and have decided to give up on all the potential benefits it offers in exchange for anger, stress, impatience and all the other everyday joys of a 21st century lifestyle.

They fail to see that until they can get their emotions under control and start living less negative lives then positive thinking and the Law of Attraction will never be work for them and that in turn leads to further negativity and the inevitable moan that “nothing good ever happens for me.”

If you are agreeing with any of this then the bottom line is that you do not deserve to enjoy the benefits of positive thinking on the basis that you are contributing little to enhance the lives of your fellow human beings.

You need to be nice – and you need to be nice with those who offer you little material benefit in return except for the good feelings and positive energy they radiate back to you. A smile results in a smile back, a compliment lifts the person who receives it and blesses those that gave it.

Instead of being ready to criticise look instead for the positive. Stop complaining and try to be more understanding that things sometimes go wrong. The people you meet on a daily basis are not the enemy and they will respond back to you according to the way they are treated.

Until you can lead you life in this way then the real benefits of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction will always allude you. You will also be a much nicer and more positive person who others will want to be with.

Opportunities will then magically appear in your life and before you know it the Universe will be on your side – ready to work with you and do your bidding – and it all starts with a smile.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Real positive thinking starts when you learn how to fail

As you have prepared for this moment you are excited and optimistic about your future. You will now be positive about your prospects, you have seen yourself with the millionaire lifestyle and you are convinced that no one else has anything quite like your kind of business offer.

So why then do half of all new businesses fail in the first year and why when you were so positive at the beginning did it all go wrong? In fact, this might not be the first time – you may be a serial failure and if so then you will be in good company with thousands of successful entrepreneur’s across the world. They learned from their experience, moved on and finally made it – but that’s the subject of another blog.

Let’s assume for the moment that failure has almost become a lifestyle choice for you no matter how hard you try. There could well be many reasons for this – the main one being that few people are capable of running businesses, or you just run out of money, had a bit of bad luck – you get the idea.

It doesn’t really matter what happened but what is important is exactly how you feel right now. If you are dusting yourself down and getting ready to do it all over again then that’s fine, but if you are feeling defeated, bitter or wondering if life will ever be the same again then you have a problem and you need to face it.

Now is the time when you need Positive Thinking the most and the first job is to work out why it never worked for you when you first launched that new company. Did you obey the three major rules – positive thinking combined with common sense and action – or did you have this highly optimistic vision of the future and forgot all about the substance.

When you developed your product or service did you do the research? Was it really as good as you first thought or was it too expensive, not very robust? Did you have enough working capital and a good business plan? Most importantly – did you have a clear idea as to who would buy your product?

You might have allowed yourself to be overawed by what you thought you had and when you went to market the flaws were exposed and the product failed to inspire. You might have been too trusting and allowed a bad debt to take you down – it doesn’t really matter because you need to accept what went wrong – that’s the common sense factor locking in.

Now you need to take action because you need to move on, find a new job or get back on the horse and start something new. Let’s assume that you have the product or service just right, let’s assume that you now have a clear idea of who will buy it and let’s assume that you have the right finance and chosen the right partners.

Now you are ready to take action to promote your product with advertising, a conference, social media – doesn’t matter because you are ready and you are making things happen. It’s now and only now that you can introduce Powerful Positive Thinking by creating your vision and pathway towards success.

You have helped the Universe achieve your ambition by taking action with common sense decision and it is ready to deliver – and this time you will be successful. Want to know why – because now you are a real entrepreneur – you tried, you failed, you learned – but most importantly, you stayed positive.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Change your weight in 30 days – take the FREE weight loss challenge

The “Weight Loss” Challenge just like our Positivity and Money Courses is totally FREE of charge, but you will need a wristband which you need to ping every time you are tempted to break your diet. The Challenge is go for at least 30 consecutive days without breaking your diet. If this happens you ping your wristband and the 30 days has to start all over again.

We emphasise again that any type of wristband, even an elastic band will do the job and if you are happy to supply your own then please go direct to the form below to sign up to receive 30 days of positive inspirational e-mails to support you.

But if you want one of ours we do require £1.95 towards postage and packing. To obtain a purple PPT band please click the button below which will take you to a secure Pay Pal account, but be sure to sign up afterwards so that you can receive 30 Days of positive e-mails to help keep you on the right path.

positivity challenge

The daily e-mails include inspirational quotes and advice to lose that weight for ever. We all know that dieting is all about eating less and exercising more but most of us fail to keep to any kind of regime – so that needs to change.

Even worse are yo, yo dieters who manage to shed the pounds, reach their target weight and then put it all back on again – and some. The course is also aimed at people like you to help you change your mind-set towards a healthier life style.

So if you are ready then I look forward to talking to you over the next 30 days.

Kind regards

Michael Younge


OPTION 1: If you want to claim the FREE Powerful Positive Thinking wristband and are willing to pay £1.95 towards the cost of postage and packing please click the Paypal Buy Now button below. Then return to the form to enter your email to ensure you receive the total support package. There will be no further charges.

Yes please I want my wristband and so will pay for the postage and packing :

OPTION 2: If you wish to take part in the 30 Day Challenge and want to use your own wristband, please go directly to the form below to ensure you receive all of the support messages. There is no charge for this.

Yes, I want to receive the 30 day weight loss challenge.

* indicates required

Please select all the ways you would like to hear from TTK:

You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website.

We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp’s privacy practices here.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

[Encore] The Millionaire BrainSwitch Method

Wow! Yesterday’s web class featuring Dr Steve G Jones was incredible!

He covered how to generate more wealth with his ‘Millionaire BrainSwitch’ Method.

Thousands of people attended and they were all raving about the amazing training that he delivered about how to reprogram your subconscious thoughts, beliefs and habits, to get more wealth coming into your life…

…And how to double or even triple your income in the coming year.

The great news is that he’s this webclass again TODAY & TOMORROW.

This is the final ENCORE showing, if you missed it, don’t miss it again…

==> [Encore] The Millionaire BrainSwitch Method

You may recognise Dr Steve from Bravo Tv’s Millionaire Matchmaker, or from his numerous other appearances on radio, tv and in print.

Dr Steve is one of the biggest experts on harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, and has helped thousands of people to achieve phenomenal success in their lives.

Full details about the webclass are on the page below.

==> [Webclass Encore] The Millionaire Brainswitch Method

Enjoy and have a wonderful day!

P.S. Later in the web class Steve even gave away full access to his ‘Millionaire Gateway’ product (normally $99), so make sure to stick around for that as it’s highly beneficial.

The post [Encore] The Millionaire BrainSwitch Method appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

The Powerful Positive Thinking Challenges

Change your life in 30 days

This is our flagship free training. This 30 challenge is designed to help turn you into a dynamic and positive person. The course is totally free if you choose to use your own wristband. Of course you are free to get one of our bespoke wristbands like thousands of previous students.

To get started on the positivity challenge, click here

The 30 day money challenge

At some point in our lives, most of us have had to deal with not having quite enough money to last till the end of the month. Or as some people say, too much month left at the end of the money. This challenge has been designed to give you help and advice to change all that.

If money is an area of your life that you would like to see an improvement then have a look here 30 day money challenge

30 day weight loss challenge

Going on a diet is difficult enough, so we created this 30 day challenge to help you reach your weight goals. Once again the challenge is completely free. If you wish to get our bespoke wristband to help you out then you can but any wristband will do.

This course will help change your mindset over health eating so in 30 days we will se a new you.

To sign up for this course click here 30 day weight loss challenge

The post The Powerful Positive Thinking Challenges appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

‘Millionaire Mindset Strategy Session’ Is Today!

Just a quick reminder that our ‘Millionaire Brainswitch’ workshop is today…

If you haven’t done so already…

Click here to secure your seat

Honestly, this is very different to ANYTHING we have done before…

Dr Steve G Jones is going to reveal how he went from being borderline bankrupt to becoming a cash millionaire in less than 1 year…

…And how his clients have achieved phenomenal Dream Life success also, by following his mindset-related strategies.

He really is incredible!

Click below to see the full details and secure your spot immediately…

If you want to bring more wealth into your life, then…

Reserve your place on this page

(IMPORTANT: Be sure to turn up at least 15 minutes before it starts so you don’t get locked out.)

The post ‘Millionaire Mindset Strategy Session’ Is Today! appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, July 22, 2019

Can wealth really be affected by your thoughts? [workshop]

This upcoming Tuesday, we’re running a live workshop with Dr Steve G Jones that’ll cover a really simple ‘Millionaire Brainswitch’ method that he used do to from borderline bankrupt to a millionaire in under a year!

Short of time?

Secure your spot right here

This is a totally new approach to reprogramming your mind to think like a millionaire. And no it’s not about ‘positive thinking,’ its real world stuff that is scientifically proven to get high results.

Steve has mentored Fortune 500 execs, celebrities, and regular people, and has achieved phenomenal success with them.

As a result, we are expecting this workshop to be packed – so make sure you grab your seat as soon as possible.

Click here to find out more and to register

Kind regards,

The post Can wealth really be affected by your thoughts? [workshop] appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Wealth Awakening [Free Mp3]

My friend, Dr Steve G Jones, is a multimillionaire hypnotherapist.

During his journey, he went from borderline bankrupt, to making over $1 MM a year within 12 months.

Now he’s one of the most sought after success coaches in the world, and has mentored Fortune 500 execs, Actors, Writers, Sports Stars, and regular people like you and me.

The reason I’m writing to you today is that he has released an incredible new Hypnotic Wealth Shortcut.

It ‘forces’ your brain to recalibrate itself towards more success, confidence and motivation, while having a particular focus on bringing in more wealth into your life.

The Wealth Awakening [Free Mp3]

Make sure to listen to this as soon as you can.

Dr Steve guides you through to a state of deep meditation, and leads your mind on a journey to create new neural pathways in your subconscious mind…

…Ones that are there to increase your powers of creating and building more financial success in your life.

This is one of the best guided meditation’s I’ve ever heard, and I highly recommend that you follow this link right away:

Dr Steve Shares His Hypnotic Wealth Shortcut

To your life long success and abundance!

Kind regards,



The post The Wealth Awakening [Free Mp3] appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dream Life Mastery free ebook

My friend Steve just released a really inspirational (and valuable) book, and for a short time he’s made it available for free…

I highly recommend that you grab this while it’s still online. It reveals his incredibly powerful mindset system to breaking free of the rat race, and living your dream life.

Follow this link to grab your copy now:

This isn’t your regular “skim and forget” book…

It’s a full encounter of Steve’s story, and how he turned his life around by making a few simple tweaks to his outlook on work, jobs, and lifestyle.

If you’re stuck in a loop, worried that you’ll never move forward…

Or even if you’re doing well, but want to scale up FAST by making a few small changes…

Then you need to read this book right away.

Follow this link to grab your free copy now:

Make sure you download it while it’s still available.

Click here to claim your free copy:


Kind regards,


The post Dream Life Mastery free ebook appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, July 15, 2019

Positive thinking worked for Cinderella – what about you?

OK! I can see there is no fooling you lot, but did you know how Cinderella really found true happiness – and did you know that if you look at this magnificent story in a totally different light it ceases to be a fairy tale and turns into an inspirational positive thinking epic that we could all learn from – so if you are sitting comfortably – then I shall begin.

Just imagine for the moment that Cinderella could be anyone of us living in a comfortable home, no shortage of money, a tinge of sadness over the passing of a much loved mother, but more than compensated by an equally loving father. It almost sounds ideal but there is a sudden change coming.

Overnight bad people move in – the wicked step mother and two ugly sisters in the case of our fairy tale – but in our modern parable they could just as easily be scammers or con artists or other types of people who mean us harm.

They quickly take advantage of the father and when he dies poor Cinders is now at the mercy of the bad people who quickly ensure she has nothing but drudgery, servitude and little to look forward to – her life has suddenly changed due to causes totally outside of her control – and variations of this theme have happened and continue to happen to people across the planet every single day.

Don’t forget there will be a happy ending, but let’s concentrate for the moment on the best bit of all because this is what real positive thinking is really about. Cinders is now at rock bottom and no one would blame her if she bemoaned her fate and spread bitterness and hatred.

But Cinders will have none of this. She continues to speak kindly about her tormentors, there is no trace of anger and she looks for the silver lining even during the menial tasks she has to perform for her ungrateful step relatives. Most importantly she sees a better and brighter future for herself and imagines what it would be like to be free and with someone she loves. She refuses to be negative and the Universe is listening.

She mentally writes down her specification, the things she really wants to happen in her life, but does not keep dwelling on it and the Law of Attraction answers in the shape of her Fairy Godmother and provides the tools she needs to take her life forward.

Ok! We are talking here about a pumpkins, some lizards, mice etc. for Cinders, but in our 21st century tale we would see it as a series of coincidences that begin to happen in our lives, each one a step up to fulfilling that big wish.

She’s now all dressed up and ready to go but real positive thinking needs action. As we all know Cinders makes quite an impact at that Ball – the Prince is smitten and come midnight she has completed everything that’s needed to land the big prize – she has delivered her wish.

Just to make sure, she does not keep dwelling on it in the cold light of day – after all she is back to reality. It’s been a wonderful night but its back to work and all that ingratitude. But she still remains excited even though she has forgotten her original specification. She has faith that it will be eventually delivered.

And sure enough one of those coincidences comes up trumps yet again with a carelessly discarded glass slipper. We all know the rest of the story from this point on but what a great analogy for the 21st century.

Here we have a woman at rock bottom who had faith that positive thinking would really work for her. She displayed no trace of bitterness or hatred – two key emotions guaranteed to prevent positive thinking from working. She even went further by forgiving her tormentors.

Throughout all this hardship she never lost sight of what she really wanted to happen to help improve her life and even at the most difficult times when she thought she would never go to the ball, she kept the faith that good things would happen.

But this is just a fairy story isn’t it? You might think that but just look around for a minute and all those characters from literature are as large as life and affecting you – they just have different names, but that does not mean that you cannot live happily ever after.

Start by making that wish and keep the faith.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, July 8, 2019

Try positive thinking because life is not fair

I know that this time you expected everything to be different. The relationship will be a good one, the business will succeed this time, I will get that dream job, house, garden, car – or whatever it is you really wanted to attract, but once again the form book locked in and it all went wrong.

You never really stood a chance did you and unless things begin to change things in your life, it is going to happen again and again because no matter how excited or optimistic you felt at the time and probably the time before that and even before that, there was this little inner voice of doubt telling you the exact opposite – so your dream never really stood a chance.

Deeply engrained negative thoughts possibly implanted in childhood or by those that never really had your best interests at heart are to blame and if only you could learn to eliminate them then you would quickly find that life can be fair – in fact it can be so rewarding that your future can be totally transformed.

Do you want to know how?  Thought so – so let’s start talking about you, life and the future and how powerful positive thinking is going to deliver everything you ever wanted. It starts with a good hard look at the way you view things. Without realising it you have developed a negative attitude and it’s holding you back.

For most people in this position it is the culmination of dozens if not hundreds of small things that have developed around their personalities which have slowly changed the way they think and talk – this is why it is so difficult for many to make the changes needed.

You almost need to take a week off and create a diary of everything that’s happening to you hour by hour, minute by minute – but we all know that you are not going to do that because it sounds like too much hard work – so it’s going to take a little longer.

You would do better to take my 30 Day Challenge instead. You can find out more about this by following this link The Challenge simply involves the use of a wristband which you ping every time you think, act or talk negatively. The idea is to go for 30 days consistently without negativity.

Unless you are prepared to do something like this to train yourself to eliminate your negativity bit by bit, day by day, then life is never going to be fair for you. If we were looking at one distinct major problem it would be easier to find a solution but for you we need to start chipping away at all the little things that have added up into the negative person you have become – so get pinging.

Once you have made that decision then you can set about replacing all those negative niggles with positive ones as part of the rebuilding process. Every time you find yourself getting bad tempered stop yourself, take a deep breath and stay calm and think more rationally. Teach yourself to be slow to anger.

You will find that your mind reacts to what you are hearing from individuals or from what you hear on radio or TV. If your response is negative then try to see the positive in what people are saying and if you disagree with them just accept that they have a different point of view to yours.

Start to assume that everything you start will succeed but if at first things are slow to change simply accept that is part of the transition process you are going through. Try to see the good or positive in everything you do.

Try to see joy in even the smallest of things – the achievements of your children, a job well done, a great holiday – whatever it is that makes you happy. Hopefully you get the idea and if you can slowly do this you will reverse years of negativity and slowly turn your life around.

It starts with a ping of a wristband and when you are ready you can start again on that next great project and this time you will succeed because life is now fair and it always will be – every time you choose to begin something new.

The post Try positive thinking because life is not fair appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, July 5, 2019

Positive thinking and what’s in it for me does not work

When practiced properly, positive thinking really does have the power to work with the Law of Attraction and yes you can have it all – the big house, more money, fantastic job and be surrounded by people who love and respect you.

For most people this will not happen because they are so intent on “what’s in it for me” that they totally overlook the fact that real positivity is the whole package and if by nature you are a complainer prone to anger and other negative traits then quite simply – the Universe does not want to work with you.

This website and the books that I write are dedicated to helping people train themselves to feel more positive. That’s why I offer the 30 Day Challenge Free of charge so that individuals can confront their own personal demons and negative thoughts.

Once you have trained yourself to be more positive than all the good stuff will follow and then you can work with the Law of Attraction to make the right things happen, but you have to get to that point first – so how do you do that.

Obviously, take the 30 Day Challenge, but it would help if you could do an audit of friends and family and if you have surrounded yourself with negative people then be assured that they are dragging you down to their level – so you have two choices – change your inner circle or get them to be positive as well.

Try and be aware of your own thoughts at all times. We are all prone to letting our minds wander particularly if you are anxious or worried about something, so acknowledge those thoughts and visualise positive outcomes. It’s difficult to begin with but gradually you will train your mind.

Your physical body, how you look and feel, is also important. If you have let yourself go then negativity has found a home within you and that’s where it’s going to stay until you’re ready to show the world your brave new image.

Look out for positive things in your life or inspirational quotes. It is you being proactive and by seeking out the good things then your sub conscious mind will gradually respond to your positive programming.

Another good way to generate a positive mind-set is to stop thinking about your own problems and set about helping others. If you can spare time as a volunteer or want to help to raise money for a charity it will give your brain an automatic boost of positive power.

Combine one or two of these things and you will slowly train yourself to be more positive. You will notice that good things begin to happen for you, opportunities that seemed to be unobtainable in the past will by magic begin to arise in your life and money will come to you more easily.

The bottom line is that the Universe is now prepared to work with you, it has noted the improvements you have made and instead of receiving garbled messages of want, it is now receiving clear signals and is ready to deliver.

Now you can practice the Law of Attraction by writing down, visualising and taking action to bring material and emotionally pleasing things into your life. Other blogs on this website show you how to use the Law effectively so I will not repeat them here, but I do need to remind you that being positive now has to be a life style choice for the rest of your days.

If you allow yourself to drift back into negativity then all your hard work will be undone and the Universe will once again shut up shop as far as you are concerned. So do you really want to be that miserable again? Do you really like the idea of attracting the good stuff?

Of course you do – that’s the power of positive thinking.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Positive thinking and selfish people can make an incredible combination

But, like everything else to do with positive thinking, there is always a caveat which I would describe as good selfishness and bad selfishness – and the difference between the two are enormous to such an extent that they represent total opposites – one being highly positive and the other damagingly negative.

Good selfishness starts with liking yourself. That doesn’t mean to say that you have to think that you’re perfect because we all have faults. Liking yourself for what you are warts ‘n’ all and knowing that you will always do what’s right is a good start.

Good selfishness means that you sometimes have to let people down, but you make sure they know there is a very good reason and will make it up to them at some future date. It might mean that something has to give because you need me time to recharge batteries and sometimes there are clashes and you have to choose which one is most important to you.

Good selfishness is making sure that you remain in the right shape to look after your family and your job and those things that are important to you. Yes, you are being selfish, but it is for the best of reasons.

When you go through life with such a mind-set then you are working with positive thinking and the Law of Attraction because you are focused, know what you want, know what’s right and the Universe in turn will always be ready to work with you.

This is not so in the case of bad selfishness where no one else on this planet matters. For such people it will always be about them, their welfare, their happiness, their sense of entitlement and they will go to any length to ensure it remains that way.

They are not very likeable people but because they are so self-centred they have gone through life bull dozing all before them and as a result they are frequently in positions of authority where they can bully and harass others to bend to their will.

Those that practice bad selfishness are not good in relationships unless of course they manage to find a willing doormat to do their bidding, they make bad lovers are totally unreliable and are quick to blame others for anything that goes wrong.

It is impossible for such people to ever work in harmony with the Universe because every part of them radiates negativity which affects everything they touch and everyone they meet, but the sad thing is that, more often than not, they are totally unaware of the kind of person they are.

Paradoxically, many of those afflicted with bad selfishness are outwardly charming and on first impressions give a false picture of their true character which means they can quickly tarnish and affect the lives of other. Scratch away at the veneer and you soon see the real person underneath.

We all know such people and try to avoid them but it could be there is one such person in your life who fits this description or maybe, just maybe, you have recognised yourself from the previous description. If the penny has just dropped then it’s not too late to change – but it will take enormous work on your part because you will need to alter the habits of a lifetime.

You might like to start by talking to those few friends you still have left and ask them to give you an honest assessment of what they really think about you, if they are brave enough, but in truth you will already know that something is wrong.

You now have to put others first, consider their welfare, start liking yourself a little more, highlight the things that a genuinely good about you – no one is all bad – and set about change. Start thinking more positively about things you could do for others that would make a difference, try volunteering or supporting charities – you get the idea.

I guess you might also have to start saying sorry to an awful lot of people, but you have made a start and gradually the Universe will take notice and positive thinking will lock in. Your relationships will improve, people will want to be around you – and then real success will follow.

You can of course still be a little bit selfish – but only when it’s for good.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, July 1, 2019

Positive thinking and the gift to your children that just keeps giving

It might be too late for you, but if all this is ringing a chord, then it’s not too late for your children or your grandchildren – and if you are now a true believer of the benefits of powerful positive thinking, you have a real opportunity to provide an exceptionally wonderful gift – one that will keep on giving generation after generation.

Think for a moment of all that you can pass on. You can teach them never to use negative or life limiting phrases such as I can’t, or this is too difficult, or I’m not good enough, or I have always been unlucky or a failure, or no one likes me – you get the idea.

You can explain to them why such phrases are negative and damaging to their self-esteem and potential to do well in the future. They might not believe you initially but stay with it because children learn by repetition and if you can show them how they can attract things into their lives using the power of positive thinking, they will want to work with you.

Consider as well some other benefits of positive thinking which allow you to reduce or control your anger, help you learn not to complain about everything, not to hold a grudge or be a bully. You have the power to change these negatives by helping youngsters understand what happens with such behaviour and why it will hold them back in the future. how to overcome the fear of success

This might seem to you like basic common sense stuff that children took for granted just a few generations ago when the world seemed a friendlier place, but the basics have not changed that much and in this fast moving digital world, a clear understanding of the benefits of positive thinking is more than welcome – especially when you get to the really interesting bits.

What would they be then? Assuming that your children or grandchildren have accepted that negative phrases can be damaging – and assuming that you have replaced these phrases with statements such as – “this might be challenging but I will do my best,” or “I am a winner and will always try to succeed” – then you are ready to explain how the good stuff works – and how they can work with the Universe to attract what they want.

Just imagine for a moment if you knew how to do this when you were young. How much would your life have changed do you think? Exams and finding that good job would have been a lot easier, you would have had a lot more confidence when you especially needed it and perhaps you would never have given up striving for that special goal – that’s why it is so important to know these things as early as possible.

Of course, you have now opened up a can of worms because youngsters think very literally and you have just told them that the world is at their feet if they embrace positive thinking. Many will now believe that they are going to be the next star of the X Factor or are going to win millions on the lottery and they are going to find it hard when you explain that positive thinking needs plenty of common sense to work well.

So be ready to let them practice first by using positive thinking to attract something more down to earth in their lives. You have to show them not to keep focussing on what they need or they will drive it away but get them to concentrate instead on actions to help the Universe provide them with what they need.

Further details on how the process works are available across a wide range of other blogs on this website or in my books, but as long as you have the basics right, you have set a process in motion that could ultimately be the greatest gift of all – one that will allow them to achieve everything they want in life – and how good is that!

And if they have accepted your gift then maybe they will never have to say if only….

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