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from Powerful Positive Thinking
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As you read this you can be forgiven for asking what positive thinking has to do with death and the parting of a soulmate and you could be feeling so distraught right now that you may be wondering if you will ever be happy again?
I cannot answer that question because what happens from this moment on is entirely up to you. Well-meaning souls have told you that time is a great healer and have said they will be there for you, but where are they now?
Be kind to them if you can because they do not know what to do for the best. All your friends and those that love you think you are coping very well and have adapted to your new life and they are unsure of the next step.
If you are completely honest, you are probably a little unsure yourself right now and that’s perfectly understandable, but you do have choices. You can remain sad and lonely – and those that have passed or still love you would not want that – or you could choose to embrace life and see what the world has to offer.
This is where positive thinking is needed because you cannot move on until you make the decision that from this point on things are just going to be better. You need to acknowledge that life has changed but with it comes new experiences – and when you feel able – you are going to don that metaphoric parachute and take that first skydive and just for fun – you are going to do it all over again.
It starts with the decision to change your thoughts. You are not being disloyal to those that have passed when you do this - there will always be a place in your heart for them – you just need to move on.
So you must imagine a brighter future. Map out in your head the things you want to do, the people you want to meet. Everyone creates their own reality and in your head nothing is off limits. This is your life we are talking about and right now the time for mourning is over.
If it helps you can write down the things you want to do, use as much detail as you want. You may even want to add a timeline of events or anything else that works, but make sure you use plenty of common sense to reinforce the reality – after all it is your future we are talking about here.
Now you need the next vital step in the process of powerful positive thinking – and that is action. Carry that image of your new life and then do something to help the great Amazon of the Universe make it possible.
Book that holiday, join that club, take up that night school lesson, learn a new skill – you have the power to do anything you want and when you start to take action then you will feel more like your old self again and quickly realise a new independence and strength you thought you never had.
It was really there all the time and it could only happen when you were ready to change your mind-set and explore new possibilities. There might be a couple of disappointments or setbacks but learn from the experience and move on.
There is the whole new world, new friends, new experiences, new challenges and new opportunities – just waiting for you to take them by the scruff of the neck. While this is happening, if you believe in an afterlife, then be sure that your loved ones will be looking down and approving.
This is what positive thinking has to do with death and bereavement and it doesn’t want to you to live in sadness anymore – so what are you going to do about it.
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Everything starts with a thought and when you really allow your imagination to take hold you can begin to attract the things you really want in your life. It is the solid basis of powerful positive thinking and it sets the agenda for everything you do.
There is nothing wrong with day dreaming. As you do, you programme your sub conscious mind, the real power house that can get to work with that great Amazon of the Universe which will soon begin to deliver your order for change.
Those that imagine their lives altering for the better, attracting more money, better health or a new lover, quickly discover that their day dreams can become reality. They see all the benefits of change in their mind - that feel good factor as something new comes into their reality.
And you can do the same simply by making a few changes to the way you think and equally as important – to what you say. Both your imagination and the spoken word have to be in complete sync with each other.
It’s no good thinking that you will be wealthy when you keep telling everyone how poor you are and why you believe such circumstances will never change. Thinking yourself rich while telling everyone the complete opposite totally negates the whole exercise.
The same applies equally to your health, the lack of a suitable lover, a decent job – how long do you want the list to be, but hopefully you are getting the idea. Of course, no one expects you to stand on a street corner and tell the world that you are going to be rich or famous – but you definitely need to watch what you say.
Let’s take a look at one example by assuming that you might be feeling lonely and want to attract someone special in your life. The imagination bit is relatively easy so let’s try it together by imagining your ideal man or woman, what they look like, how do they speak, do they smell good?
Let’s take this a little further by setting up a meeting place, maybe at work or at a local pub, or somewhere else where you feel comfortable. What kind of things will this person like doing, will they be the same as you or will you be happy for them to take you out of your comfort zone – you decide.
I think we have set your imagination running and whenever you get a spare moment, keep the programmes going. The more your imagination goes into overtime the closer you bring your dream into reality – don’t forget it must always be based on positive thinking and a positive mind-set.
We are nearly there because we must now concentrate on the less private things – what you do and say to others. Get it wrong and you can undo all the good work achieved by your imagination. If you are saying “no one will ever love me” or using phrases such as “I will never be happy” then all the positive thinking in the world will be a total waste of time.
You need to substitute these phrases with positive thinking. When you talk to friends or colleagues you should be saying “I know there is someone out there for me” or “I will be happy and fulfilled again.”
When you say these things you reinforce your thoughts and give your imagination the equivalent of a turbo boost – and when you do that then anything is possible. So let’s get back to positive thinking and the power of your imagination.
Your mind has the ability to take you anywhere you want and when that happens thoughts turn into reality – your reality. No one is trapped, everyone has power and your mind is ready as soon as you decide what you want. Are you ready?
The post Positive thinking and the power of imagination appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.
At this precise moment you are seething, thinking of all the things you wished you had said at the time and aggressively thinking or discussing how you are going to get your own back. You are angry, wow, are you angry – but the sad fact is – you are about to make things worse for yourself.
Positive thinking is not about anger, revenge or getting your own back. You believe it will make you feel better if you tell the world how unjustly you have been treated, but that is not going to help because while some may sympathise, they have their own problems and will quickly move on.
So here you are bottling up all that hatred and the Universe is listening and assuming that you want more of the same. It will respond to your thoughts, words and actions – and the only person you will be hurting – is you.
You are what you think which is why your thoughts should always be positive. That doesn’t mean that you lose the right to complain if you have been badly treated or received shoddy goods or services, but when your complaint becomes personal and when anger and bitterness kicks in – then it will all come flooding back and some.
If you want to see revenge and hatred in action just trawl through social media and look at the comments left by so called trolls as they attempt to unlock and discard the bitterness and despair from their very sad lives.
Every time they pour out their bile they are storing up more of the same for themselves. Such people are effectively dead inside - their lives only take on meaning if you react to their spite and malice because then they know their vicious words have hit the target and for a brief moment it gives them some kind of warped pleasure.
Totally ignoring this kind of hatred and spite is really the best revenge of all. It denies those who like to dish it out, not having the satisfaction of knowing that you might have been wounded. Even more importantly you have not been reduced down to their dismal level – you have stayed positive and the Universe, which is always listening, sees you for the kind and caring person you really are.
Of course, no one is pretending it’s easy to turn the other cheek when someone has done you wrong. You may even feel that you are being weak by letting someone else trample over your feelings.
When that happens there is nothing wrong in letting that person or organisation know how hurt you are feeling right now. Sometimes people just get it wrong without meaning to upset others and when they told, will quickly apologise.
But for those who have deliberately set out to wound or harm, then no amount of talking will set anything right. You just have to walk away and if possible forgive them – it’s the only way to let go of all the hatred that they have caused to be bottled up inside you.
If it stays trapped it will act as a cancer, always preventing you from being positive or manifesting positive thoughts. It will hold you back on everything you want to achieve in your life and if that happens then they have won.
Yes, you are going to be hurt from time to time, people will say bad things, they are going to be thoughtless, but you always have a choice. You decide how you are going to react and how you are going to deal with each such situation.
By remaining positive and happy, determined not to be beaten, then you will never have to contemplate revenge and all of the bad karma associated with it. Positive thinking people do not do revenge – it’s not worth it.
The post Positive thinking people do not do revenge – it’s not worth it appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.
Alex is the kind of guy that everyone liked. He was always in between jobs and was always broke, but all his family and friends could only say good things about him.
His girlfriend, Kate, thinks that he is the sweetest guy in the world. However, she grew more and more exasperated with him over the years.
She loved Alex for his personality, but he always had trouble taking responsibility for his own life. As a result, Kate felt stuck in a situation where she always has to bail Alex out of trouble.
Things came to a head when Alex got into an accident. His car went off-road and into a ditch. But fortunately, he only suffered a few broken ribs and his leg was in a cast for 3 months.
The bad news was that it was actually Kate’s car, and Alex borrowed it so he could have a night out with his friends.
Needless to say, Kate was extremely upset.
But it wasn’t because of the car, but the fact that Alex’s irresponsibility almost got him killed.
She took care of Alex for the next several months, but she had already decided to break up with him by then.
So after Alex recovered from his accident, he had to take a long, good look at himself and the choices that he made.
This was when he realized that something had to change. It dawned on him that he was always going to be where he was if he didn’t do something about it.
How To Break Free From A Less-Than-Ideal Life
Like Alex, many people lose their direction in life and feel trapped.
You might have a fuzzy idea of the person you want to be - or the kind of life that you want…
...but you don’t really know how to make that happen.
This is where feelings of dissatisfaction come from.
But the good news is that you can, in fact, get out of the rut you’re stuck in - even if you feel the complete opposite.
If you feel like you can’t move forward in life, chances are it has something to do with the 3 following reasons:
Reason #1. You Don’t Know What You Want
Most people don’t realize that they could be so much closer to their ideal future if only they spent real time thinking about what that future actually means.
They only have a vague, nebulous idea of the things that they want. Without a clear idea of what to aspire for, those plans and goals will be just as half-baked.
And so, you need to have a well-defined idea of what your “Point B” is - a.k.a. Where you want to be...
...then work your way back to “Point A”, which is where you are now.
That means you have to have a well-defined “Point B” before you can start plotting your course towards that destination.
To help you with that, here are some questions that you can ask yourself:
It’s very much worth your while sitting down and answering these questions. Be as detailed as you can and describe any emotional details as well.
The clearer you can paint this picture, the better sense of PURPOSE you’ll have in your life!
And this is the perfect antidote to feeling “stuck.”
Reason #2. You Don’t Know How To Get It
A lot of people tend to just accept their situation and get used to feeling stuck.
This is often because they have been so beaten down that they felt like there’s nothing to do but give up.
They become desperate and think that there’s really nothing else for them to do. It’s like they are in an endless tunnel with no light to look forward to.
What they don’t realize is that they lack a solid plan to get out of the rut they’re in. That’s why they never achieve the escape velocity to overcome the gravity of their situation.
Worse, they’re afraid to come up with a plan in the first place. Treading water and staying afloat is a lot less scary than trying to move forward and fail.
But in the long run, “protecting” yourself from failure has far worse consequences than making a plan to get un-stuck.
Here’s a good way to get the ball rolling:
This is a bird’s eye view of the “getting what you want” process, but this is a great way to overcome your inertia and keep moving forward.
Reason #3. You’re Getting In Your Own Way
Here’s the other thing - you’re going to run into a lot of obstacles when trying to get from Point A to Point B.
But you probably know this already. If you feel stuck in some way, that’s a clear sign you’re having trouble overcoming those obstacles.
And the biggest reason people can’t move forward is that they avoid asking the hard questions.
As uncomfortable as it is to grapple with these questions...
...this is the best way to remove those barriers getting in your way of a better life.
That said, it’s worth asking yourself the following:
Answering these will give you good indicators or whether or not your mindset could use some tweaking.
This particular area is a HUGE sticking point that most people don’t bother to address.
They might know what they want and have a general plan in place. But if their own mindset is working against them, it’s going to be a very tough uphill battle.
How To Bounce Back And Rise Above Life’s Challenges
As for Alex, he wanted to bounce back from his situation. So, went through the process of figuring out what he wanted.
He was actually a great musician and played guitar in a band, but he’d let that part of his life slide. For the longest time, Alex wanted to get back into it by teaching young kids to play music.
But he’d always find some way to talk himself out of it. He convinced himself it was too hard and it was safer to just work the odd part-time job here and there to pay the rent.
Finally, he realized he needed a major mindset upgrade. It was the only way he could actually push through with his plans.
So as he put in the work to make his plans happen, Alex also tried something else.
He started looking inward and removed the unhealthy beliefs and negative thought patterns that were holding him back. When he figured out how to reprogram his mindset, everything began to fall into place for Alex.
And it was easier than he expected. Soon enough, he managed to get out of his rut and reinvent himself.
The post 3 Reasons We Get “Stuck” In Life – And How To Bounce Back Strong appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.
But not everyone thinks or acts like that. There are people that keep on trying when all of the odds are stacked against them – and do you know what – well let’s use a famous quote from Dale Carnegie who said: “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
What Dale was trying to say is that there is always hope and if you think that you will succeed, even when others are telling you that everything is hopeless, then you have every chance of moving things around – turning failure into a massive success?
It’s all about having belief in yourself, the very basis of positive thinking. If you always believe you can, you eventually will no matter how many times you have failed before. When that happens, all those false starts will be forgotten as you bask in your new found fame and adulation.
So what’s happening in your life right now? Does everything seem hopeless? If you are in the depths of depression and can only see disaster and failure ahead then you have probably already given up and rejected even the faintest glimmer of optimism.
No point then in you reading any further – you have already decided that there is nothing more you can do so there is little reason why you should continue with this blog. What! You are still with us – that’s excellent – because it means that you really want to find a solution and move your life forward in a positive way.
So what was it that brought you to this point in your life? Only you have the answer and only you have the solution – and it starts with a little gratitude. If you try really hard enough you will find that there is always something to be grateful for, a little glimmer of sunshine poking through the clouds to lighten your depression.
Stop right now – think about good things you have in your life. Visualise situations that bring you joy and happiness. Ok! I appreciate this is not going to immediately change the situation you find yourself in, but when you begin to focus on good things you start to become more positive – and when you become more positive you can discover solutions.
Mahatma Gandhi had a much better way or putting it: “Carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions, for they become your habits. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny.
When you are carefully watching your thoughts you can decide the best way ahead. You then choose the right words and actions to take you to the next stage and positivity can then become a habit and things do not seem so daunting.
When positivity becomes a habit then you really are in charge of your own destiny. You could of course return to that dark place and decide that there really is no hope in carrying on any longer, but if you have read this far, then clearly – that’s not for you.
Rather than be focussing on the things that you do not want to happen in your life you must now think of the alternatives – the positive goals and actions that will take you forward. Everything starts with a thought and if you make yours into good ones then the rest will quickly follow.
That’s when you become one of those people who kept on trying when all hope seemed to have been lost. And if you are really up for it you can become one of those that accomplished great things when all the odds were stacked against you.
So what are you waiting for – good thoughts start the moment you decide that you have a future – and it can be anything you decide.
The post Embrace Positive Thinking when all hope has gone appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.