Thursday, November 21, 2019

Positive Thinking and good health

Everyone is entitled to feel sorry for themselves from time to time and thankfully most bugs and viruses quickly pass and you are soon back to normal, but for a good number of people illness and pain are a way of life. Getting up in the morning requires a massive effort and everything just hurts – and it seems as if it will never go away.

Unless you are on the receiving end then it is impossible to understand what it can be like for people in constant pain or for those who are suffering from debilitating or life threatening illnesses. They carry a daily burden, the hurt is etched on their faces and at first glance it would seem there is little anyone else can do to help.

So what has this got to do with positive thinking? Good question and one with a very easy answer. If you think hard enough we all know someone who remains cheerful and happy, refusing to let pain or illness hold them back.

We all know someone who has defied the odds by living longer and enjoying a better quality of life when all hope was lost simply by remaining positive and refusing to be beaten. There are also many documented cases of those who have been seemingly cured or in remission – putting down this miracle to the power of positive thinking.

And we all know people who remain upbeat and positive whatever life throws at them. There are millions of disabled who shame the rest of us on a daily basis with their can do attitude and refusal to be beaten. They just keep on smiling while the rest of us complain about our everyday aches and twinges.

The disabled cannot change their circumstances but most are determined to live life to the full and make the best of everything and there is a big message here for the rest of us. If you are always complaining about your state of health and how you feel then guess what – the Great Amazon of the Universe will keep on delivering more of the same.

If you groan and moan every time you get out of a chair, if you are constantly complaining how tired you are, how you can longer be bothered to try or do anything new, then you have let illness beat you and have significantly reduced the chances of ever getting better again.

But if you have adopted a powerful positive thinking attitude where you accept the pain and discomfort but are determined to remain strong and positive; if you use your imagination to visualise a time when you are feeling fitter and better and if you have resolved to take action to improve your health – then the Great Amazon of the Universe will receive a different more hopeful message – and things will change for the better.

Action means losing weight, stopping drinking or smoking – or both. Action means taking a little exercise, finding a new hobby, learning to be with positive friends. Action means doing something for you that will improve your life and those that love you and want to see you better.

You have a choice of course – you can continue to be that grumpy old man or woman. You can continue to alienate and upset everyone around you or you can choose to be inspired and spread happiness – it’s your life we are talking about here – and you can make a real difference, either way.

Of course, there are illnesses that cannot go away. They are terminal and no matter how positive you are, there are simply some things that cannot be beaten. But you can resolve to enjoy the time you have left, you can be determined to spread happiness and leave a legacy that marks you out as someone that lived life to the full.

I know which one I would choose.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, November 15, 2019

Online Wishing Well


This is your opportunity to tell the Universe exactly what you want, to attract the things you desire in life – money, love, peace of mind, a better job  – you decide and it’s totally FREE. This is the very essence of Powerful Positive Thinking, the rules and the actions you need to make the whole process work.

Some people might say that this is the digital equivalent of an old fashioned wishing well – and yes it is - because it means you can use positive thinking to work out what you need  – and if you follow the rules – it will appear in your life.

Click on the link, write down the things that you desire, let go of the negatives that have been holding you back. Take as much time as you wish because this is your personal order to the Universe – and it’s listening.

This process is totally anonymous. We do not ask for e-mail addresses or names so you cannot be identified in any way – this is strictly between you and the Universe. When you have completed your personal order then you must hit the destruct button and never dwell on this request ever again.

The Universe does not need to be told twice and if you keep dwelling on your request then all you will be doing is focussing on the fact that it has not been delivered – and the more you focus the less chance you have of ever receiving it. Concentrate instead on the common sense actions you wrote down to make your dream come true.

If you have completed your personal order – maybe read it over one last time – now press the destruct button and when you do the Universe will receive your order. Have faith and belief that it will be delivered and it will.

You can visit this site as often as you wish to make a new order and if you are not sure how it all works then please read some of the blogs for a little guidance and welcome to your new world of powerful positive thinking.

Michael Younge

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Positive thinking people never get discouraged

The trouble is that some people get discouraged very easily. They fall at the first hurdle because they expect failure and the merest hint or suggestion of anything starting to go wrong is enough of a confirmation for them to give up completely.

If all this sounds familiar then we have a real problem, because you have created a personal mind-set where you always expect everything to fail and when you think like that, then the great Amazon of the Universe will assume it’s what you want.

Life is never smooth going and all of us have reason to feel discouraged from time to time, but positive thinking people never give up – they brush themselves down and try to learn from the experience, but more importantly never lose sight of the original goal.

Positive thinking people always remember the prime objective and while it may need an occasional change of course they can always see what they are trying to achieve and will never be phased by the odd setback – even when they seem to be coming thick and fast.

I am reliably informed that when NASA was trying to put a man on the moon they were getting it wrong for 98% of the time but they never took their eyes off the ball – or the moon in this particular case – in their efforts to succeed.

I have no idea whether that previous statement is true or just fake news, but it is a good analogy of what we are talking about here. Setbacks will occur and when they do you look for solutions and new ideas to take you forward.

But it’s not so easy for those who are easily discouraged and if this is you we should ask the question – why are you like this? What went wrong in the past that now makes you think that you will always fail at everything you try to do?

There is no point is me writing a list of possible previous failures as everyone is different, but just because something went wrong in the past does not mean it will fail a second, third, fourth time or more – unless of course that’s what you expect.

It’s interesting to note how these patterns repeat themselves. Many abused women go on to attract new partners who do just the same. Divorced people go on to attract new husbands or wives who are equally unreliable.

We see similar patterns in business where one failure is swiftly followed by another. Maybe you are just a poor business person but more likely you never expected to succeed in the first place and of course – you were not disappointed.

Positive thinking people know that things will go wrong and when that happens they accept it as one of those things and try to correct any mistakes. Those who are easily discouraged assume that when a problem occurs, it is a divine sign that everything is about to end in disaster.

So what are we going to do about it? Is there really any point in me trying to build a road map for you to follow towards a brighter future? After all, as soon as you hit the first set back you will make the decision to give up again – am I right?

I know you don’t want that so let’s do it. Choose something you want to achieve, something modest to begin with – dinner at a posh restaurant, the money to buy that special item - because we have to ensure that you get a few small victories under your belt before you go on to the bigger stuff.

Get those objectives into your head, set a time line when you can achieve your goal, plan to introduce some action and common sense to help the Great Amazon of the Universe deliver. Most important of all – check out in advance all of the things you believe might go wrong. Write them down if you can and then decide that these will never happen to you, but if they do you will be prepared and have a Plan B ready to go.

When you start to win at the small things you will find that the rest will quickly follow. It’s all about training you mind to expect success and not failure. Vow never to be discouraged again because you have the answers – are you ready?

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, November 4, 2019

Imagination – the powerful positive thinking tool

Imagination has the ability to make you rich or poor, to be healthy or unhealthy and to succeed or fail – as you think – then so you create. Positive thinking people imagine everything going well for them, even when times are difficult and as a result their lives are superior in every way to those that can only think negatively.

People with active imaginations are not day dreamers. They are working with the great Amazon of the Universe to attract good things into their lives. They are slowly working on their order and the Universe is listening and ready to deliver just as soon as the final detail is added.

Now some of you could be thinking right now that you imagine winning the lottery every single day, you know how you will spend the money, who you will help, but nothing happens. That’s because you do not believe it is possible, so that little voice, that minute seed of doubt at the back of your head, completely cancels everything out.

That’s the reason why so many people believe that positive thinking is a myth. The imagination is working alright but the common sense factor – the second real essence of powerful positive thinking – is sadly lacking.

If you are not a natural positive thinker then you have to train your mind, you need to work at it, to recognise when you are being negative. In another blog on this website I challenge readers to manifest a £10 note and when you have mastered that you can move on to the bigger stuff – and who knows – one day you might be so proficient at positive thinking, a big lottery could become a real possibility.

However, positive thinking is not all about material gain, it is a lifestyle choice. Positive people are happier, face fewer problems, attract greater opportunities and succeed, frequently against all of the odds because they imagine they will always win through.

They imagine that they will easily fulfil every task, they can see others applauding and praising their abilities and as a result the material things automatically follow. They use their common sense to attract peace and prosperity rather than some shortcut solution.

Positive thinking people use their imagination to improve their lives one step at a time and succeed because they believe it will happen, the odds are not stacked against them like a giant lottery win – they are merely improving their lives little by little.

Negative thinking people expect to fail no matter how hard they try. They are serial failures because they are beaten before they ever try. Their imaginations have already forged the future and once again the Universe is ready to deliver exactly what they have ordered.

Positive thinking people also take action to deliver their dreams instead of sitting back and waiting for something to magically happen. When you combine that action with common sense thinking and a powerful imagination then you really are Masters of the Universe.

If this is all new to you right now then you have no idea of the power and potential that exists when you let your imagination run riot. Every single person on the planet has this special gift, everything around you, the clothes you wear, the home you live in, the technology – all came from the imagination of someone.

Use your imagination now to create your new life. Be ready to plan it one stage at a time. It doesn’t matter whether you are poor or at the lowest ebb, your imagination is ready to take you to new places, baby step by baby step.

Keep it positive and don’t be ready to give up when obstacles cross your path – that’s just life and positive people accept these challenges and learn from them. Your imagination is a powerful tool and if you allow it to dwell on the negative then that’s what way your life will go.

So train your mind, when your imagination turn negative, alter those thoughts. Take command of your imagination, be its master and it will serve you well.

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