Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Positive thinking and Ebenezer Scrooge

I love this time of the year so I hope that regular visitors to my website will realise that my tongue is firmly set in my cheek for this particular blog and of course I would like to apologise in advance to Charles Dickens and his world famous book ‘The Christmas Carol’ which provided the inspiration, but behind the story is a lesson for all of us who may have lost our way.

We need some spooky background music here because you Ebenezer will first get a visit from Jacob, an old friend. He died seven years ago, you remember because he was the only person who would really talk to you. How you used to complain about everything – laugh – the rest of us never thought we would start and would avoid you like the plague. That could have been when the negativity began in your life.

You never really had a good word to say about anyone did you and slowly all your old acquaintances drifted away and when Jacob died you were left totally alone, bitter and angry, particularly during festive periods when your loneliness felt even more acute. But Jacob, sadly too late for him, has seen the error of his ways – so please listen to what he has to say.

Of course it was not always like that – cue ghost of Positivity Past. You might have had a tough childhood, many did, but they did not all grow up like you, but even then you knew how to enjoy life with your family and life seemed good.

Do you remember as a child how you looked forward to Christmas and later as you grew older and started to train for your first job? You had many friends and there was a special person in your life and everything looked good. It was then that you were positive and looked forward to the future with hope and optimism. You could find it again if you wished and we will look later as to how we will do that.

Wow! We are back in your bedroom and those sheets could do with a change. You have let yourself go Ebenezer. Who would want to be with you in that state? You have to be aware of your appearance if you want to be a positive. But you don’t care because you have been distracted by the ghost of Positivity Present – a spirit with an irritating laugh for an old Grinch like you.

Who are all these people, those old friends and lovers you have chosen to ignore? Yes, we can see how busy you have been ruthlessly doing your own thing to the detriment of everyone else. You probably think those business people are your friends but they only want you for your money and would not even go to your funeral, but a few real friends and family are still there and would welcome you back into their lives – if you were prepared to make the effort.

The ghost of Positivity Present has one final message – want and ignorance. There are people far worse off than you – check out ‘Tiny Tim’ - so stop feeling sorry for yourself especially when someone with your skills can make such a difference in other people’s lives – helping charities or acting as a volunteer – you never have to be lonely around real people.

But is it too late for you because the ghost of Positivity Future is here – a person of few words – but a chilling message nonetheless. Where will your life go from this point onwards? It is not all about you – it concerns all the others that you have chosen to ignore and hurt over the years – and it’s payback time.

Of course you are angry and bitter but you have created your own reality and unless you are prepared to change, to be a better person, to celebrate life instead of complaining and moaning then you can never embrace of the true spirit of Positivity.

You Ebenezer have a real choice to make. Do you want to be a better person? Do you want your life to improve? Then give yourself a real Christmas present – a solemn vow to be a better, more positive person.

There are loads of other blogs on this website to help you get there – so what are you waiting for – Merry Christmas.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Positive thinking means raising expectations

What you expect determines the outcome of everything you do. If you expect to succeed, then most of the time you will. If you expect things to be difficult then you will not be disappointed to discover that the Universe will grant your wish.

Limited expectations slow down everything you do in life no matter how great your ambitions. It is the brake that you apply on all that’s important. It’s a foolish and unnecessary complication because there really is no limit to what you can achieve so why would you want to invent artificial barriers and stop signs.

In the Great Amazon of the Universe the Law of Attraction works in a very simple way. It is ready to deliver everything you need and add a metaphoric cherry on top if that’s what you want and there are no barriers or restrictions except the ones you choose to add.

Why start a new business and decide that all you want is a basic living. Why choose to put up with people in your life who you know are second or even third rate when there is a whole world of fantastic people just waiting to meet you.

Expectations do not just apply to material things. Many lower their expectations as they age because they have stopped challenging themselves to enjoy life as they once did. You made that choice to put up with second best – no one else.

Lowering your expectations frequently starts in childhood particularly if you had parents who were habitually negative. I have heard of many cases where young people have gone for second best in their exams, universities, job ambitions simply because a negative parent mistakenly decided that they did not want their child to be disappointed.

This is then continued in life and eventually negative children become parents themselves and the whole cycle starts anew, but thankfully this is something that is not difficult to reverse once you have understood the concept of positive thinking.

Everyone thinks they are familiar with the way that positive thinking works, but sadly that’s not the case. Most people have the idea that you concentrate on what you want, focus on it for long enough and everything you need will be magically delivered.

Yes, you must have the desire to make changes in your life. You must visualise outcomes and then use plenty of common sense and action to deliver everything you need. Regular readers will also know that I always advise positive thinkers to avoid going back to the original order as you will prevent the very thing you are hoping for happening - because the Universe will assume you have changed your mind.

However, it is your expectation that really matters. If your sub conscious has placed restrictions on your order by watering down the original concept or by having thoughts that you are not worthy or perhaps something smaller or inferior will do, then you would have effectively undone all your good work.

You must always expect to succeed; you must always expect to have good health, friends, prosperity and much more. By expecting the best you will quickly find that the Great Amazon of the Universe will respond in kind.

So decide today that you will always raise your expectations in everything you do in life. No more stop signs, no more restriction and no more negativity - just turbo charged expectations.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, December 9, 2019

Faith – the magic ingredient behind positive thinking

There are many countless and inspiring stories where a strong faith has literally produced miracles simply because those concerned believed that anything and everything was possible. It is of course because faith is the very essence of positive thinking and for many; The Bible is the original self-help book.

“Ask and it will be given,” says The Bible. It could have been taken from any modern self-help paperback and there are plenty more phrases and texts just like that connected with all religions, which are intended to inspire and motivate good people.

Without faith, positive thinking can never work. I regularly hear from those who falsely believe that they are doing all the right things by imagining successful outcomes, practicing affirmations and developing mood boards, but nothing changes in their lives.

They simply do not believe that things will get better. Life takes over and their lack of faith is exposed for what it is – just random words and thoughts. They simply do not believe a word of what they are saying so how do you expect the Universe to respond.

Faith works alongside positive thinking in another highly effective way and is one of the reasons why I launched Powerful Positive Thinking. When you have faith, you place your order with the Universe for change and improvement – and you do it just the once.

Without faith you are like a dog that keeps returning to a bone. You keep using affirmations over and over again but you don’t believe you will ever be successful. Even worse, by going over and over the same old thing simply confirms that what you want is not in your life – and never will be because that’s the message you are sending out again and again and again.

I blame many of these so called self-help books that set exercises as if you were attending an examination. Don’t they realise that all this intense focus has the reverse effect and will almost certainly switch you off from the real benefits of positive thinking.

So how do you develop faith when none really exists?  How do you train your mind to believe that everything is possible when all of your life you have been negative and cynical, particularly about the kind of stuff you don’t really understand?

It starts with baby steps. You set about attracting small things into your life to begin with that you can and do believe in. Do not try to attract millions of pounds or dollars when a couple of hundred would really do for the moment. Do not try for a miracle cure overnight when you would really just like to feel a bit better. Those brilliant new lovers are out there but give them chance to find you.

You can concentrate on the big stuff when you learn how to make faith and belief work for you and to do that you need to be calm and get rid of the intensity that drives all of the good things away – the total opposite of anything you intended.

There really is no magic ingredient that you have to find to benefit from positive thinking. It is already inside you and we all have the same power. It does of course require common sense and regular readers will know that action also helps to deliver your dream – but faith and belief are the real keys to success.

So decide what you need and believe that it is possible and then have faith that it will happen. Deliver your order just the once and then let the great Amazon of the Universe do its work – have faith and success will come knocking.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Instagram versus Reality is a no contest – Reality wins every time

We all have a stylised version of the person we would really like to be and for some it’s becoming a worldwide trend – it’s even got its own name - Instagram versus Reality. These are the people who post what they believe are complementary air brushed images of themselves on social media – pictures they have decided are more attractive than the real thing.

Gone are the rolls of fat, pimples and just about every other blemish as they strive for perfection and approval from others. This way they know they can receive instant accolades from complete strangers – a short term fix to boost their self-esteem, but none of it is real.

If you are one of these people, you have forgotten just how special you really are. You clearly hate the way you look and act and somehow you try to convince the rest of the world that the Instagram version is the real you, complete with wow factor, but it is not you and you need to learn to love yourself before it’s too late.

The sad thing is that Instagram versus Reality can only make things worse. What might have started as a bit of fun simply reinforces that fact that you have no belief or confidence in yourself. You can only trust and admire the caricature you have invented.

Sooner or later the Instagram versus Reality bubble will completely burst and you will be exposed for the person you really are. Then you will publically ridiculed by the gladiator mentality from online trolls as images of the real you appear on social media - and there will be no going back.

You need to embrace positive thinking and slowly rebuild self-confidence, you need to believe that you are attractive and liked by others for the person you really are – unique and special – because there really is no one quite like you anywhere else in the world.

If it helps as you make the change back to reality, look in the mirror and imagine the stylised image you have projected onto Instagram as if it is really you. Imagine you have lost weight or have developed that coveted six pack. Learn to like and love the image you are seeing and slowly day by day it will turn back into the real thing.

There are people out there who like the real you. They think you are great company, you make them laugh and they enjoy having you around. That Instagram versus Reality image can never be you because he or she doesn’t exist or have substance.

Embrace positive thinking to create a new reality, the person you really want to be – and can be – rich, successful, attractive, popular – this is your life we are talking about so you can make up the rules.

Use common sense to spell out the future that is right for you and then take action to turn that vision into a new reality – the person you really are. What’s it going to be – a new job, new hobby or new lover – you decide.

There are plenty of blogs on this website that will help you create your new reality and as you do people will like you – even on social media – warts n all next time you post. This time it will be the real you, the genuine article and the accolades you receive will be real and not based on a false image.

It’s your choice – if it’s Instagram versus Reality – make sure that reality wins, every time.

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