Thursday, December 17, 2020

10 New Year resolutions to help turn you into a “Super Positive Thinking Person”

Of course you are – what’s there to think about. But what are you really going to do to make positive change, or will it be the same as last year – lots of good intentions until you meet the first set back – or will it be different this time?

Maybe you are just wondering what you should be doing – so let me help. Here are my 10 best New Year resolutions to turn you into a Super Person – and if you are ready, we can begin.

Number One – No more negative words or phrases

When you say bad or negative things then you are attracting all the wrong stuff. Words like I am never lucky, I am not a winner, I cannot do this, other people are better than me, really do you harm.

You are telling the Universe that you are already beaten. Substitute them instead for words such as: I am always lucky, I can meet any challenge, no one is better than me, I am a winner – and the Universe will receive a totally different message.

Number Two – Change those thoughts

Negative thoughts are like words and are equally as corrosive. When you keep thinking of all the things that can go wrong and all of the stuff you don’t want to happen in your life, then the complete opposite happens – because that’s what the Universe mistakenly thinks you want.

Change those thoughts into all of the things that are going right. See your life getting better. Always think about how you want your life to work and discard any potential problems – the Universe will sort out the rest.

Number three – Like what you see

If you don’t like the image that’s looking back in the mirror then be assured – no one else will as well. If you see and focus in on every little blemish then all you will do is magnify that negative self-image and project it to the rest of the world.

Focus instead on the good things you like, learn to love yourself because there is no one else on this planet quite like you. If you think a couple of things need changing such as a new hair style, maybe some dental work – then vow to do it – but most importantly of all, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are the main man or woman and you’re looking good – and do this every day.

Number four – Stop being so angry

When you are angry and bitter all of the time then you can never be a super positive person. You switch off everyone around you, you will lose your friends and most people will not like you very much or be willing to help or cooperate – which will make you even more angry.

Vow to get that temper under control, learn not to react in quite such an extreme way, foster patience when you are in situations that cause you stress and make you lash out. You can never be a positive person if you are angry all of the time.

Number five – Eliminate fears and anxieties

Fears and anxieties will always stop you from ever being positive. They will nag away at your self esteem and prevent all of the good stuff from coming into your life. Most of these fears have no basis in fact – they are simply things that your imagination has created and over the years you have magnified these thoughts and made seem worse than they really are.

If you need professional help then look for it, but if most of your fears are just natural anxieties then see them for what they really are and visualise different and more positive outcomes. As an example, just because you have had a row with a friend does not mean they will be out of your life forever. Vow not to magnify these things out of proportion.

Number six – Vow not to be alone

If you are starting the new year and you feel totally alone with your whole life crashing around you then it is going to be difficult to be positive. Only you can decide where your life goes from here. It is your choice to leave things as they are – or take action – one of the key components of powerful positive thinking.

Decide that this is the year when you are going to make changes. Decide that you will be ready to try new things. Choose to be brave and resolute and the Universe will be listening and guiding you in the right direction. Take control and the rest will follow.

Number seven – Choose to be decisive

If you are unable to make your mind up about anything, how do you hope to go forward in a positive direction. If you are a procrastinator it means that you keep putting off the things that would really take your life forward.

Vow that this year is the time when you will make positive steps to change all the things that you dislike in your life. You have left them long enough, but nothing will happen until you are ready to take some action and when you do, the Universe will be there to help.

Number eight – Always have faith

A key component of positive thinking is to have complete faith that everything you do will always work out to be good – even if sometimes that does not seem to be quite the case. Faith can make great things happen – you simply have to believe that you will always benefit in a good way.

If you combine faith with positive thinking then you are more likely to attract the things that you most desire such as wealth and happiness. See these things happening in your life and have faith, a real belief that only good stuff is coming your way from this moment on – and it will.

Number nine – Decide to fall in love again

If you are finding it hard to attract love into your life then decide to do something in a positive way to attract new people into your life. Join a club, go to a night school, become part of a drama society, but choose to take action. When you do this with the aim of meeting new people then the Universe will be listening.

If you are in a happy established relationship then decide to fall in love again with your partner. It’s enormous fun when you begin the remember the things that made you feel hot the first time you met – and very positive.

Number 10 – Choose to be your own person

Only you can allow yourself to be bullied, to be put upon, to be used as a doormat. If others are taking you for granted then now is the time to do something about it. Choose to help others under your terms, only do what makes you feel comfortable.

There are millions of selfless human beings across this planet who help others for no reward and no expectations, but just make sure that if you are one of those people that nothing can damage your self-esteem. Make sure that people see you for the super positive thinking person you really are. Make that choice.

Thank you everyone for reading and a Happy New Year.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Adult Positivity Programmes

Are you ready to change your life forever?

Driven by the popularity of our blogs and from feedback from our members we have developed positivity courses to help people. These Powerful Positive Thinking Programmes have the power to change your life. They are designed to challenge the way you think and have been developed to make you confront your fears and anxieties and eliminate them from your life forever.

Adult Programmes

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, October 23, 2020

Want to know how we make our great videos?

We use a platform called Vidnami and here’s the best bit – you can try it totally FREE of charge.

To find out more just click this link As some of you will know, most of what we offer on this website is also free which is why I looked for a similar resource to deliver our videos and blogs.

The thing that I like about Vidnami is that you do not have to be highly technical. It is so easy to use and I am even getting used to the sound of my own voice, which I never thought would happen. You write out your script and the software does the rest.

This resource took me about 20 minutes to work out, not too bad for a technophobe like me and as I have played with it a little bit more, I keep finding out new ways to do stuff, particularly with the videos we produce free of charge for schools.

So, in case you were wondering - it has really changed the way that we present our positive thinking blogs and I am certainly happy to recommend the resource to you.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, October 16, 2020

Want to change your life? Then it’s time to get scared

It is hard to be a positive thinking person when the entire planet seems to have gone mad. It is so much easier to talk about disaster just around the corner and to flood your mind with thousands of negative thoughts and outcomes.

When it starts to get tough, the natural default position is to do nothing, to sit back and see what happens. How many times have you heard people tell you that they will “cross that bridge when they come to it?”

Let’s imagine for the moment that the bridge in question is just around the corner and its bristling with armed guards with orders to prevent you crossing. You might just make it across like one of those Hollywood superstars in a disaster movie, but I would not count on it.

So, what happens now? You are where you are, you have a choice to improve on what you have, to make a better life for yourself, to take on new challenges, to make things happen – in short – to do something that scares you.

Moving forward means getting away from your comfort zone, to be willing to take a chance, to learn to be positive, to formalise a strategy that offers new opportunities to improve yourself and deliver everything you have ever dreamed of -and it is all in your hands.

But what if? These are three words that destroy the concept of positive thinking. As soon as you start listing all of the things that can go wrong then you are already beaten. You have just talked yourself out of ever moving forward.

Forget those three little words and substitute them with two others – “I can.”  I can get this new job, I can lose that extra weight, I can improve my relationships, I can start that new business and improve my finances – please feel free to add your own I can just here.

The day you decide to exchange what if for I can then you will be on the road to recovery, to improving your life forever – and things really start to get moving when you add positive thinking visualisation with some common sense and action.

Visualising means using the power of your imagination to work out the future you really want. Feel excited about the prospect of it being yours, see yourself enjoying all the benefits on offer, but always remember to keep it real.

When you first start out with positive thinking outcomes it is very easy to be unrealistic. Much better to go forward with small baby steps that you know you can achieve and the big stuff will follow later. As you visualise your goals start adding in the actions that you are willing to take to turn those dreams into reality – this will reinforce your vision and help bring it to fruition.

Of course, you could continue to sit back and see what happens, wait until you reach that distant bridge. If you never take a chance, if you never try anything different then it is of course impossible to fail.

No one will blame you for it, but you will know that when the going got tough you were not prepared to take action and consider alternative options. You did not want to do something that really scared you.

For those that did decide to do something they will find that every day is scary, because every mile forward is a step into the unknown. Such people know there will be set backs from time to time, but they have planned for them and will learn from the experience.

So decide that now is the best time ever to take those tentative first steps to a brighter future. It is time to get really scared because you are in charge of what happens next.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, October 2, 2020

No one can make you feel inferior – unless you choose

She was the wife of Franklin D Roosevelt, who was President of America during the World War 2 years, and was ahead of her time in the way she campaigned for women’s rights and her ideas that we are shaped by our thoughts.

Here are a few more of her famous quotes:

  • "A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water."
  • "Do one thing every day that scares you."
  • "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
  • "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."

Not only was Eleonor an inspirational woman. But she also realised that people respond to the negativity of others and this in turn can prevent them from ever obtaining their goals. She knew that negative people have this nasty way of always bringing you down to their level.

They do it because they are jealous of another’s success or looks. They do it because they feel inadequate and in a perverse way, they believe that if they can have some kind of power over you, then it will make them feel better.

Negative people are usually bullies although not so much in the physical sense. They prefer mental aggression, preying on the fears of others in a more vindictive way which saps the energy of their victims, destroying enthusiasm, positivity and joy.

Sadly, many of these mental bullies have no idea that they are blighting the lives of others. They are completely oblivious to their caustic words, sneers and put downs, dismissing their actions as banter or some sort of joke.

If you are allowing someone like this to affect you in any way then, as Eleonor Roosevelt noted all those years ago, you have given that person permission to make you feel inadequate or inferior – and only you can decide when it all stops.

These negative people should no longer have any place in your life. Not so easy of course if those concerned are close relatives, fellow employees or even bosses – but get rid of them you must – or alternatively you need to summon up the courage to deal with these issues.

If these negative people are acquaintances then vow from this moment on not to have any further contact with them. You will feel that a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders by getting rid of those who never really had your best interests at heart.

If we are talking about those much closer to home then you have to decide that from this moment on, they will not make you feel inferior or inadequate in any way. If you feel that you do not have the courage to confront negative bullies then you must choose instead to see their words and actions for what they really are – jealousy on their part and a way in which they believe they can control you.

Choose from this day on that you a free spirit and that no one has any control over the way you feel. Choose to see the words and actions of negative people for what they really are – consider them if you must for a second or two - and then vow that these have no place in your life.

If you have felt subservient or weak for a very long period then it is going to take a little practice on your part. But every time you analyse a negative barb and see it for what it really is then you have won a little victory.

In time those victories will build up and slowly you will learn to ignore them and because you are not reacting, then those negative people will look for another victim - and well done you because in the words of Eleonor Roosevelt, you have chosen not to let anyone make you feel inferior.

This will allow your positive thinking enthusiastic nature to shine through the darkness totally unfettered by the baggage of those unfit to bask in your shadow – and it all starts as soon as you are ready.

Footnote: You can download a copy of the poster that goes with this blog by clicking the link:

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Magic happens when you make room for hope

From being at the very top of his profession, fate stepped in and took everything away. Most people would give up at this stage and ask: “Why me.” But Christopher Reeve was made of stronger stuff – like his stage persona, he was a super person - and never gave up hope of finding a cure, never gave up that things would get better and never gave up on friends and family.

He died in 2004, still unable to walk but hope is what kept him going and as a result of some game changing stuff by doctors, we are now seeing huge advances in the way we treat paralysis and similar injuries. Hope can move mountains, hope can make the vital changes that you need to make in your life and hope is the promise of a brighter future.

A lot of people obviously agree because the poster that illustrates this particular blog and bears Christopher Reeves’ name is one of our top sellers. I am told that this has helped to inspire those with terminal illnesses and I believe it has been the inspiration that others need to turn their lives around.

If you are a person without hope right now, then life is going to appear bleak. You will also be carrying all of the other negatives that hang around you like a mill stone, when all hope has gone, such as anger, bitterness, depression – I am sure you can think of a few more if you are in this position, but I guess you get the idea.

Hope is the moment when you decide that things are going to get better, but first you need to get rid of those negatives and start rebuilding your life before you can develop that ray of hope into the game changer you so richly deserve.

It could be that right now you cannot think of a single positive thing to lift you from your current pit of despair – hope is possibly something you have already given up on, but unless you can make room for it to come into your life, then things are unlikely to improve.

Making room means getting realistic. Anger and bitterness will not change one single aspect of your life – if anything it will simply attract more of the same – because that’s how the Universe works when you focus on one thing.

Anger and bitterness is preventing you from thinking straight. They are not allowing you to look for solutions or other possibilities for change so ditch them now – they are not helping your cause. You will, of course, at this stage of the process still be left with depression and anxiety, but you would have made room for something better - and that is all that hope needs.

Hope will allow you to visualise and imagine how things could be. It will enable you to focus on the changes that you need to make in your life and most importantly, it will identify the actions that you need to take to turn that hope into reality.

That is the real basis of Powerful Positive Thinking – thought, plus common sense, plus action – and it equals power. It is everything you need to leave that dark place and finally return to the light that you and everyone else deserves.

Before moving on, let’s have a quick reality check. Right now you could be thinking - it is easy for him to tell me what needs to be done – but he wants to stand in my shoes for a day and see how easy it is to change a life.

The answer to this is simple because only you can change your life – no one else can. You can listen to as much advice and guidance as you want, but until you are ready to take action and make those needed improvements, then nothing will ever alter.

So the choice is yours. You can choose misery, anger, bitterness, depression and anxiety or you can make room for a little hope to enter your life. It might be a long process but every journey has a beginning and it is just waiting for you to press the start button.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Positive thinking and why it is OK to be anxious

Positive thinking can really only work if you apply loads of common sense and are prepared to take action. I make the point again and again on my website, but there are still many out there who feel that all you have to do is to control your thoughts and the Universe will take care of the rest.

Sorry to disappoint, especially if you have been reading all these self-help books that claim you can work miracles simply by visualising and imagining what you want. Constant daily affirmations might also have their place but only if you apply them properly to your own personal circumstances.

So is positive thinking just a load of nonsense? Of course not and when used properly it can be one of the most powerful tools imaginable and the has the ability to attract good things and change lives for the better.

So what are we really talking about here?  It goes wrong because there are many people who become so focussed on trying to be positive that they begin to lose sight of reality. If things are starting to go wrong in your life then you have to decide what’s causing it and be prepared to take action.

That’s what I mean by combining positive thinking with common sense and a little bit of motivation. By all means imagine and visualise the best possible outcomes in everything you do. This helps to create a pathway towards achieving what you want in life, but there will always be setbacks and the usual bumps in the road.

You cannot ignore these negative times. They need to be looked at realistically and action needs to be taken to ensure that you get back on course to achieve those life goals. Yes, keep focussing on the positive, but not to the detriment of everything else.

These bumps and negative periods will make you feel anxious or sad. Accept them for what they are, acknowledge your feelings but be sure that they will pass just as soon as you have addressed the problems you are now facing.

A good analogy is NASA’s attempt to land a man on the moon. They never lost sight of the objective, the scientists always felt sure that they would succeed, but for around 98% of the time they were getting everything wrong.

Life is a bit like that. You decide what you want, you embrace positive thinking and then, for no apparent reasons, it all begins to go **** up. That’s the Universe telling you that you might want to rethink the original idea and correct the bugs in the system.

This could apply to relationships, launching a new business, starting a new career. Be positive that you will succeed but keep your mind open that anything new is a learning curve and you might just need a little more time to get things right.

While this is happening it might be difficult to remain positive because the problems you are facing might be life changing so it is OK to be worried or anxious and that’s when you need to take action based on common sense decisions.

You will need a strategy that ensures you will still deliver your objectives just as soon as you have ironed out some of the challenges – and you will do just that and most importantly you will learn from the experience which will give you a greater chance of long term success.

It means that you will be in control of your actions and your thoughts and you will be better equipped to deal with disappointments and you will ultimately learn how to remain positive even during periods of adversity.

Now that is really what powerful positive thinking is about – positive thinking, common sense and action and when combined it equates to real power – are you ready to embrace it?

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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Feeling powerless? Then get ready to embrace change

For many the future has never seemed more uncertain than it is right now. There are real concerns about every aspect of our lives and as a result there are those who feel totally powerless and unable to go forward in any meaningful way.

It is little consolation to be told that we are all facing the same issues as a result of an unforeseen global pandemic, when you have your own problems to worry about.  You are not being selfish, when you believe your entire world might come crashing down around you. It has understandably all become personal and you can think about little else.

I call it “what if” syndrome – and it really applies to many people right now. What if I have no job to go back to, then how will we manage? What if we catch this wretched disease? What if I lose everything? Feel free to add your own thoughts here because the list is almost endless.

Because these concerns are very real it is difficult to think in a positive way, but there are many reasons why you should – and let me tell you why.  What if has probably not happened for the moment. It is a very real fear nonetheless and there may be good reasons why you are feeling this way – but let me repeat again – it has not happened yet and even if it has you have to be positive about the future if you are ever going to move on.

By focussing on the “What if” all you are doing is working on the potential for a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you concentrate on what you do not want the Universe is assuming the complete opposite – and that means it will attract the very thing you fear most because this is what occupies your thoughts.

It’s a tough call, but how do you change those brainwaves when every fibre of your body suggests that your concerns for the future are very real. You are probably rejecting any calls to be positive in the face of what you consider are cast iron facts.

If this is how you are thinking then what have you got to lose by being positive? You can sit there and worry as much as you want – it is your choice – but you will be unable to change anything for the better by constantly imagining a worst case scenario.

The alternatives offer much better solutions – so what are they? You are gifted with a special tool. It’s called your imagination and it has the power to attract anything you want. Right now, it is not working on your behalf and is in urgent need of a reboot – if you want to change your life.

Start using it to visualise a much better future where you have job security, more money, a happy family free from all worries. They more you focus on the good things, the more the Universe starts to get the message.

Before you start to complain, I did not say it would be easy. It is difficult to begin with when your logical brain starts to dictate your thought. This is the one that programmes your sub conscious which in turn communicates with the universe.

That’s why you have to defy logic so that the sub conscious begins to get a different kind of message. When negative thoughts begin to dominate they have to be rejected and substituted with messages for a more hopeful future.

It takes a bit of practice and some days it will feel impossible but when you persevere the rewards start to flow. Firstly, you begin to feel a little happier in yourself. This feeling comes because you are doing something to correct your situation.

As your mood changes you begin to identify solutions. What if might happen but you are now ready to embrace something different if it does and you will actually begin to like the sound of it. The future no longer feels so daunting.

Your positive thoughts will in turn create action and this will make things happen and when this occurs it usually means that you are moving on to even better things.

You do not have to do any of this of course. You can sit there and worry and hopefully the things you fear most will not happen. You have the right to feel miserable if you so choose, but I know what path I would take – what about you?

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Beating anxiety with positive thinking

It can, of course, be very hard not to keep dwelling on the same subject over and over again. If you have just lost your job, or desperately need more money, or have just split up from the love of your life – please insert your particular problem just here - then it is going to be tough for a little while.

After a suitable period most people will simply move on and start to think about something else, but for an unfortunate few that anguish turns into anxiety and the mind can only see bad times ahead - and that is exactly what the Universe will deliver.

Anxiety can be a crippling emotion and for many people it is incredibly difficult to overcome. You are totally aware of how disabling it has become, you know it prevents from moving on or achieving your goals – and the last thing you need is someone telling you to get over it.

If you are fortunate, time will be a great healer, but it doesn’t have to take that long and the whole process can be speeded up if you are prepared to think positive. So let’s take a look at a positive thinking deal that works for everyone willing to embrace it – and if anxiety is your problem – why not give it a go.

You can feel free to be as anxious as you want. If you really need to go that extra mile then you might just be able to include a few other issues – add in everything that is really bothering you, but it comes with a condition.

At the moment this anxiety is with you twenty four, seven. You go to sleep worrying about things and the problems are still there first thing in the morning – or if you are really anxious – every hour or so throughout the long night. That has to stop.

Right now you have lost control of your anxiety and it is dictating your entire lifestyle – so this positive thinking deal starts with giving yourself permission to be anxious. In simple terms you have to start choosing when you are going to worry.

You will feel ridiculous when you first start to do this, but you must set aside time in every day when you choose not to worry about the bad stuff. Might just be an hour or two, or just a few minutes to begin with. Think of it as having a tea or coffee break.

During the times when you consciously choose not to be anxious you must substitute your thoughts for something more positive, things that give you joy or make you smile. When the bad thoughts intrude into these worry free breaks you must tell them to wait their turn until you have finished.

Yes, you will feel foolish, but so what. You are taking common sense action to beat the blues and are substituting your thoughts with the power of positive thinking and the Universe will get a new message from you and it will like what it is hearing.

In time you will find that these positive thinking periods or tea breaks will become a little longer and you will not have to try so hard to keep out the bad stuff. Only you can do this, but by taking control of your thoughts you are taking the first steps towards beating anxiety and becoming a better and stronger person.

If it in turn forces you to laugh at yourself as you announce your regular tea breaks privately or to the world at large, then feel free to turn it into a game. By having these breaks you are letting light into your life and slowly it will take over from the dark and in time you will eliminate anxiety from your life.

Please feel free to start as soon as you are ready.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The positive thinking way to overcome jealousy

We are all subject to a little bit of green from time to time to time, that moment when we really wish that it was us receiving the praise or that special prize, but most of us grit our teeth, wish the recipient well and do our best to make sure that we are on the winning team next time.

Positive thinking people recognise that jealousy under these circumstances is perfectly natural and are able to feel pleased and enjoy someone else’s success, but for a few others, their emotions take over and they become totally irrational.

In extreme cases jealous reactions border on serious mental health issues and if you know someone like this then I urge you to encourage them to seek professional help, if they will listen. We know of people who constantly believe their partner is being unfaithful or cannot believe they have come second or have been turned down for that top job

No one with such a serious jealous nature can ever benefit from positive thinking. They are so focused on others that they lose sight of the bigger picture and invent reasons why rivals have benefited and they have not.

When this happens, jealousy can swiftly turn into irrational hatred and so begins the descent into negativity. If you recognise yourself here then you already know that your jealousy can only end in tears and will eventually alienate you from everyone you love and hold dear. You also know that you are the only person who can do something about it – so if you want to change and you are ready, then let’s begin.

Most people are jealous because they are unsure of themselves, they believe they are unworthy in some way and this is turn causes anxiety and fears. This applies in relationships, job situations and other areas that involve some kind of interaction or competition.

When you are so focussed on the successes or perceived failures of others then it is impossible to look at your own shortcomings and make all the necessary repairs to your own life, but this is what you must do, however difficult it might seem in the beginning.

First you have to accept and rationalise why you are jealous about something or someone. Give yourself a good talking to, it really does help. Decide that you are jealous and ask the question why and just so you don’t miss anything, write a list – and do not leave out the detail.

When you start to write down why you are jealous it really does focus your attention and when you read it back, it almost seem ridiculous why you feel the way you do. He or she gets all the breaks - well so what. He or she is better looking than me – really. They are more talented than me – and your point is. My partner is being unfaithful – so where is the evidence.

Sooner or later you will realise that you are focussing on all the good things that others have and you are comparing yourself in a negative way and the result is jealousy.

When the penny drop you then need to start looking at all the good things about you.

So start that second list and write down as many positive points that make you the unique and special person you are – and do not be modest. This is where your focus should really be because you cannot alter what happens in other people’s lives and if you are going to be a positive thinking person then you first need to like yourself and your abilities.

Decide to do this and you begin to concentrate on the good things that make you special. You start to look at your strengths instead of focussing on your perceived weaknesses. You begin to understand why others act in the way they do and it’s not about any perceived sleight against you.

Once you have started this process you can then begin to use positive thinking to turn your life around, by attracting all the things that before you were missing out on. Your relationships begins to improve and suddenly opportunities start coming your way – and do you know what – you might even find that others are jealous of you – now that would really be something.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

This is the second big FREE Money Challenge

So here is your choice – to sit back and complain about your lack of money or do something instead to attract prosperity into your life. Only you can make the changes needed and all we can do is provide help, advice and a road map with all the instructions you need.

If you are ready, sign up to our second FREE Money Challenge and if you are really determined to make those changes, then you can begin to attract money into your life. You get another 30 days of support messages totally free of charge, but we need you to click the button and sign up again to make sure you can be part of the programme.

If you wish to enhance the whole challenge experience then please click the “I want a Positivity Pack button.”

I Want a Positivity Pack

Yes, I want to receive the 30 day money challenge.


* indicates required

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, July 6, 2020

Positive thinking and superstitions

If things seem to get difficult after you have walked under a ladder or crossed the path of a black cat then it is human nature to connect the two in some perverse way – and you might be right – bad things can happen, simply because you allowed negative thoughts to create a self-fulfilling prophecy – more about that later.

All good professional fortune tellers and astrologers will tell you that they do not have the power to foretell your future, not with any real accuracy. They can identify trends, highlight times when you are likely to be more successful, flag up potentially difficult patches, but they cannot tell in detail what will happen to you in the years and months ahead.

Only you can decide what will really happen in your future. You have total free will to dictate what occurs next in both the good and the bad times. It has nothing to do with fate, it is about your personal decisions and how you react to situations – this is what positive thinking is really about.

For the record, I am an avid follower of astrology – I am a Gemini by the way – but I see it for what it really is, an incredibly useful tool that reminds me when to be bold, when to be cautious, when I can spend money, when I should save, when I might meet someone special – I think you get the idea.

Astrology will not give me the winning Lotto numbers, it will not tell me the highly personal details that I and millions of others are searching for when we consult a fortune teller or any other type of oracle.

I am the only one in charge of my life, the same as everyone else and I choose to be positive. I choose to decide that no matter how difficult things are right now, they will get better, I have decided that I will learn from my experiences.

I know that when I am bitter or angry that things seem to get worse. I know that negativity stops me from achieving anything worthwhile and all that happens is that I alienate those around me and make them equally unhappy in the process.

Let’s face it, s**t happen to all of us from time to time and this is what I mean about superstition and the self-fulfilling prophecy. If bad or difficult things are happening, it has nothing to do with the fact that you walked under a ladder – that’s just your excuse for why life seems challenging right now. It is a convenient way of placing the blame somewhere else.

The sad thing is that when the superstitious side takes over then many believe that they are powerless to do anything about it. It is much easier to blame some old wives tale and use it as an excuse for doing absolutely nothing.

As I said at the beginning of this short blog – only you have the power to change your life. If it is tough right now, very little will improve until you start to make a few positive decisions. Lack of money, poor relationships, lousy job prospects – you have the power to alter the future.

I know it is not so easy to be positive when your whole world seems to be crashing down around you, but no matter how dire the circumstances, life will move on in some way and only you have the power to decide the direction.

It is possible that right now you cannot imagine any kind of future, but the answer does not lie in astrology or any other type of fortune telling – it remains totally with you. It is OK to take time out until you are ready – the time will come when you feel stronger – when life seems a little brighter, but always hold the thought that everything improves and look for every opportunity to stay positive.

Real solutions come from inside and not on the pages of an astrology column.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, June 22, 2020

Positive thinking and taking a risk

As I write this in the middle of what can only be regarded as a Global pandemic you can see what fear of the unknown means for millions of us across the globe. It is something we have never confronted before in living memory and people are understandably afraid of the consequences.
As a result, the easiest option for many is to do nothing, to hide away until the storm passes. That might be the right option in the middle of a pandemic, but in real life we are required to be brave and decisive if we want to achieve change in a positive way.
It is easy to soldier on and put up with an abusive relationship when you are too afraid to consider the alternatives. It is easy to put off launching that new business when you have the comfort of a nice steady wage. It is easy to accept second best all the time because you are unwilling to make the effort to improve.
So what are we really talking about here? Many would refer to it as good old fashioned fear of the unknown - I like to call it “What if Syndrome.” I have written about this in other blogs on my website because it prevents success. It has an awful lot to answer for because it is question that can never really be responded to in an accurate way – think about it for the moment.
“What if” I leave that abusive relationship, what will happen to me? The simple answer is that you would stop being physically or verbally attacked and that would equally apply to those you love such as your children, but like everything else in life the answer is not that easy. This is when “What If” really kicks in with - where will I live, how will we eat and dozens of other questions just like these.
Suddenly, being abused on a daily basis does not seem quite so bad compared to the unknown alternatives – and that is what I mean by taking a risk, taking a chance outside your comfort zone, being brave as you strive for change. You have to make these decisions to alter your life and make them with a positive frame of mind that things will get better – and they will.
“What if” applies to everything else you do in your personal, emotional and working life, but please do not misunderstand what is being said here. “What if” is the opposite of “let’s do it anyway?” They are total opposites and both are equally destructive if you fail to combine them with common sense and positive action.
“What if” is looking at the risks and negatives and deciding that they far outweigh your current difficulties, which means that change can never happen and you will remain stuck in that same old rut and with those same old problems.
“Let’s do it anyway” is equally as foolish if you totally ignore the potential risks without considering the alternatives. If you launch a new business, it might fail. That’s not a good reason for not doing it, but as long as you are aware of that possibility then you can have a Plan B just in case.
“What if” I leave that abusive relationship? Yes, I might not have anywhere to live but I will make sure I talk to the right people who can help me so I can minimise the risk. It is just common sense of course but it is amazing how many simply forget all about such things when fears take hold.
Which brings us neatly back to our pandemic. Millions of us are now afraid to take those first steps back to a normal life because “What If” has taken over. “What if” is catch this virus? “What If” I bring it back to my family? I think you can probably substitute a few of your own fears here.
All of this could happen, but the “What Ifs” are taking over from the positive messages that show we are beating this disease, that demonstrate that there will soon be a vaccine, that confirm that children are unlikely to suffer badly and much more.
We see new hope on a daily basis with doctors announcing better and more efficient ways to treat patients - and as the “What If’s” disappear then so should our fears – now is the time to be brave and plan for a bigger and better future.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It is time for your monthly positive thinking service

Yes, I really am asking you to talk to yourself, because everyone needs a full emotional audit from time to time in the same way that a motor car needs a service. You cannot lie to yourself, but you can of course ignore those little nagging questions that are preventing you from obtaining success, improving relationships and much more – that’s what we are talking about here.

And that’s why you need to confront yourself from time to time and have a good clear out of any negative thoughts and actions that might be holding you back. It is the only way that you will ever get your life into some semblance of order.

So if you are ready and using the motor car analogy, we can start with a positive thinking personal service to tune up the bits that are doing well, replace the parts that are worn out and at the end – a good wash and brush up to bring you back to showroom condition.

Find a quiet room with a large mirror if possible – it is difficult to talk to yourself unless you can see someone looking back. Let’s start with the body work – what do you see. This is honesty time and the chances are you are being negative about your looks or some perceived blemish that might be bothering you.

To really practice positive thinking you have to like yourself, you need to recognise that there is not another model quite like yours anywhere else on this planet. You are responsible for its upkeep and maintenance.
If you do not like the image looking back then what are you going to do about it. If you think you are overweight you can choose to diet. If you do not like what you see, you can choose to change your hairstyle unless of course, like me, you have very little, but hopefully you get the idea.

The point is that only you can make the changes you need to boost your body image which is the reason for the heart to heart. Talk to yourself as you would if you were advising another person or a good friend – and then take your own advice.

You are not ugly, you are not unloved and you are a vibrant positive person – even if it doesn’t feel like that right now - you must think it is, if your personal engine is to make real progress. You must keep telling yourself that you are a winner. You are liked, you are successful – this is your story we are talking about here and it is your conversation – so keep it positive.

By remaining upbeat you are reprogramming your own on board computer, your subconscious, that part of your being that works with the Law of Attraction to bring anything you want into your life. This part of your own personal automobile gets all its commands from the brain and if your thoughts are negative then that is what the sub conscious will pick up and the computer will say NO.

If your personal computer is saying no then once again – what are you going to do about it? About time we stepped up this conversation. Start talking to yourself right now and ask honestly what might be troubling you.
I want you to actually speak the problem or issue out loud so that you can see it for what it really is. Start by saying – I am worried about and add in your personal problem. You have taken the first step towards solving the issue.
The thing that is worrying you is now out into the open and no longer hiding in your mind creating anxiety and unnecessary worry. Ask it a direct question – also out loud – what is the worst thing that might happen?

You have established the worst case scenario so now ask another two questions. Is it likely to happen and what options have I got to minimise the entire issue. Now you are working positively because you have confronted the problem, it is not a nagging anxiety anymore because it has been acknowledged and you are looking for solutions. You might have to make some difficult decisions but you have taken positive action instead of letting things fester.

This is what happens when you start a conversation with yourself. You bring to the surface all of the things that are worrying you and you have the power to act as the mechanic and fix all of these issues.
You need to have such a conversation at least once a month even if you are feeling good because then it is a different kind of talk – one where you give thanks for all the great things in your life. By having gratitude you attract even more into your orbit.

So are you ready for your positive thinking service – then start to talk to yourself – you would be mad not to.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, May 22, 2020

Motivational Metal Posters

Hang some motivation on your wall with the Michael Younge Collection, a series of inspirational images printed on metal and designed to last a lifetime to give you the added WOW factor for years to come. These unique images are only available via this website and are intended to remind you to remain positive at all times.

Each image is hand crafted to the highest possible quality to create a metal portrait that is stylish, water resistant and eye catching - tough enough to be displayed both indoors and outside, regardless of weather conditions.

Prices start from as little as £12.95 for these special images built around a reinforced aluminium core before being coated in vinyl and laminated to produce an image of lasting beauty.

Available in A4 (21.0cms x 29.7cms), A3 (29.7cms x42cms) sizes or if you really want to make an impact A2 (42cms x 59.4cms)

Check out the posters we have to offer clicking here.

The post Motivational Metal Posters appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

90 Days to change your life – Take the Challenge!

Make a difference in the first 30 days

It is the first 30 days that make the real difference and determines whether you’re ready for what follows. Your goal is to go 30 consecutive days without any kind of negativity. During that time you will be wearing one of our distinctive purple wristbands as a reminder to stay positive. If you become angry, bitter or negative at any time during that period you must give your wristband a flick – AND YOU MUST START THE CHALLENGE ALL OVER AGAIN.


We chose a purple wristband, a colour which combines the stability of blue and the magnificent energy of red and is associated with wealth, creativity, wisdom mystery and magic – the kind that can change your life for ever.

To help, we will send you a daily support message via e-mail. We will also provide you with other tools to keep you positive. These include a daily diary with positive quotations and a unique pad to allow you to write down and order what you want from the Universe. When you have completed the first 30 days you will be entitled to wear our coveted white wristband to show you have succeeded and you will then be ready to take part in the second part of the Challenge, to help you attract wealth and abundance into your life.

Are you ready for the second challenge?

You decide when to start the next stage of the Challenge – your path to wealth and abundance. Only you will know if you are ready to begin and once again you must go 30 days without negativity. If you feel you can complete the next steps to prosperity then click the button, sign up to receive your daily messages and start the next stage of the 90 day process.

Are you ready to look and feel good?

On Day 61 we look to change the way you feel about yourself, your body image, potential weight loss. We will remind you that you are a unique and special-person and only when you think that way can you finally change your life for ever. Once again, if you are ready, then return to this website and click the button to start the weight loss and renewed body image process.

Giving you the tools to do the job

The full 90 day series of Challenges are available for a low one off cost of £19.95 if you live in the UK and £24.95 for the rest of the world and include a whole range powerful positive thinking tools to help you transform your life.


Sign up and you will receive :


  • Daily support messages across the entire 90 day period which you can save to remind you to always stay positive.
  • Purple and white wristbands to use when negative thoughts intrude.
  • Your own 30 day diary with positive quotations ready for you to record your daily thoughts.
  • A unique order pad so tell the Universe what you desire most together with instructions on the best way to work with the Law of Attraction.
  • Three ancient Feng Shui coins to attract wealth and prosperity – place them in your wallet or purse and let the magic begin.
  • A Positive Thinking Pen to spell out your daily needs.
  • Positive Thinking stickers for you to place around your home to help keep away negative thoughts and actions.
  • A Positive Thinking Eco friendly bag to help you share positivity.


The Challenge begins NOW. You are just one click away from changing your life forever.

Take the Challenge

The post 90 Days to change your life – Take the Challenge! appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Ending procrastination and putting action into your life

It does not have to be like that. You might be a laid back person, but that does not necessarily mean that you are lazy – there is a difference and I will talk more about that later. The major problem is procrastination – putting off things that really deserve immediate action.


Sadly, the biggest procrastinators rarely realise what they are actually doing and the damage they cause – and this is why they find it so hard to succeed in everything they do. At work they are “Business Prevention Officers,” in relationships they are “Mr or Ms no commitment” and in life they are “Maybes.”


There is something very descriptive about the word procrastination – I believe it says exactly what it does on the tin. Some even have difficulty pronouncing the word. Do it right now - PRO-CRASS-TIN-ASHUN - and you will see what I mean. It could well sum up why so many people will do, or try anything to put off or delay the job in hand – the things that really matter.


Procrastination can apply to any part of your life, your work, your marriage and all your other important relationships. It stems mostly from a fear of failure which in turn creates inaction – after all, if you do nothing then there is an assumption, consciously or unconsciously, that it is impossible to do wrong.


It is another link in the chain which you probably learned from a well-meaning adult or from your parents and it needs to be broken before you pass on the same level of inaction to your children. It is the lack of faith in your own abilities which gets worse when you are under pressure to deliver.


Clever procrastinators have even been known to invent a huge range of additional activities which are designed to hide their inactions, but sooner or later the inevitable will happen – the main task they have been dreading has to be completed – and they have probably run out of time.


That means you are then going to upset people who were relying on you. You have let them down and it was probably not the first time and they are now thinking that you are no longer up to the job, no longer the partner or friend they trusted – it is like a self-fulfilling prophecy which has come to pass.


Those who procrastinate frequently fail in their careers and personal relationships and the sad thing is they have no idea of the kind of people they have become. Procrastinators are not lazy or uncaring, quite the reverse, they just lack focus and commitment when they perceive or imagine that something is a little more challenging than normal.


Every warning bell in their body then unconsciously decides that this is one job too far and urgent evasive action is now required. It will occur again and again until you accept that just maybe you might be a procrastinator and look to do something about it.


But for the moment, let’s first focus on positive thinking and set about changing the basics. It starts with that fear of failure that has always held you back and prevented you from making solid work and relationship commitments. It’s also worth mentioning that some procrastinators also fear success – worried that if they do too good a job they will be asked to do more – different problem but same solution.


Check back in your life and start to ask yourself a few difficult questions – as explained earlier, few procrastinators recognise that they even have a problem to begin with so you have to be honest with yourself particularly if you are finding it difficult to hold down a job or sustain a relationship.


Were you discouraged by parents or other authority figures not to get out of your depth? Was there an occasion when it really did go wrong and you are now afraid of a repeat? Do you find it difficult to make decisions? Successful entrepreneurs recognise such challenges or failures as experience building and you must do the same. Where do you think it all went wrong, why do you find this aspect of life so difficult and most importantly, what can you do now to correct the situation?


It frequently helps if you are prepared to tackle the problem in an analytical way – not easy for a serial procrastinator, but as there is no pressure and everything to gain then please believe me when I say it is worth a few minutes of your time.


It starts by recognising that you might just be a procrastinator. C’mon, it is not so hard - this is your opportunity to be a powerful positive person and get rid of all that indecision and start your life afresh – ready to tackle anything that comes your way. When you become that person you will then begin to experience material success, your relationships will improve and a whole new way of life is yours for the taking


Find a piece of paper and a pen and write down that you are a procrastinator. You need to admit that you could be a ditherer and indecisive – you get the idea because we are going to set about correcting all those things. As you spell out the problem you must also add the solution. Write down that you now intend to be more decisive and that if you are having problems you will not be afraid to ask for help. Assert that you will not invent other tasks as a substitute for failing to complete projects.


When you are satisfied that your specification is just right then destroy that piece of paper as it will help to reinforce the ideas you have sown in your head. You have metaphorically sent a message to the Universe that you are ready for change and it only needs to receive it the once.


You are effectively writing your own personal message and you must state that that the new you is going to be a massive success - decisive, strong, a leader and someone who others will gravitate to for advice. You will be the one who tackles the bigger problems and hardest projects first. You will recognise that if you run into difficulties you will be quick to correct them before it is too late – and you will not be worried about asking for help, safe in the knowledge that it is not a reflection of failure on your part.


Use your imagination to see that you are a huge success, delivering incredible projects. See yourself as receiving praise from bosses and colleagues for a job well done. Visualise relationships improving with more and more attractive people coming into your life. Most importantly – please do not confuse procrastination for laziness.


This is of course how many people will always view procrastination – but that could not be further from the truth. None of us are the same – there are always going to be people more motivated, more dynamic and more driven than you. It does not mean that you are less committed or care less – and it certainly doesn’t mean that you are lazy.


You might be more laid back than most and you might like to take time to consider what needs to be done – that doesn’t mean that you are lazy either – so welcome the type of person you are and let’s move on, but be ready to give yourself a break because there could be other things that are holding you back right now.


Could be that you are feeling very tired at the moment. Maybe it’s been a bad week, month, year or even longer when everything has gone wrong. It’s your problems we are talking about here – anything from divorce, ill health, finances, depression – so an understandable lack of motivation is probably OK right now and we will talk more about that later because these things will pass.


The real problem is procrastination because some people will avoid action of any kind by looking for distractions. This also has nothing to do with laziness as we have already discussed – so could it be that you are simply unwilling or unable to do a particular job or you have no idea what action to take. May be you could be worrying about the potentially embarrassing consequences of a failure on your part.


Depression is also the direct route to inaction. When all you can think of is how bad you feel and how bleak the future looks then it’s not surprising that you feel demotivated. In such circumstances, the last question you need to ask is why am I so lazy?


Feelings of hopelessness and low self-esteem are massive factors for inaction. Add them to all the other reasons already stated – and if these apply to you – then you are not a lazy person, just someone who needs to think differently.


That could mean turning to mindfulness or meditation which is known to correct thoughts and can be very powerful in cases of negativity, but most people have no idea how to go about this and they do not have the time or the inclination to make it work.


There is really nothing new about Mindfulness. It has been around for thousands of years, practiced and passed down through the generations by Buddhist monks and it works by keeping people in the NOW – focussing on things at this precise moment.


The practice has been clinically proven to fight depression and anxiety – and according to some medical reports, up to 20% of individuals taking part in trials have benefitted - and there are a growing number of organisations willing to offer courses and advice.


Does it work – yes? Is it good for your mind and body – without doubt? So what are the downsides of Mindfulness? The short answer is time. You must be willing to invest part of your day – you will need, according to the experts, at least 15 minutes to meditate, some say up to one hour. This allows your thoughts to be put into perspective in a non-judgemental way - and in a modern fast moving world, most of us are sadly unwilling to make that investment.


It’s the very same reason why most people fail to get the results they need from self-help books, particularly those that involve daily exercises and affirmations and why most New Year resolutions fail by mid-January. You will be pleased to know that we do not recommend such things – because you do not need them.


That doesn’t mean to say that you cannot introduce Mindfulness into your life and daily routine and you can do it on the go, as you travel to work, during you lunch hour, as you tidy up the house, clean the car or whatever it is you are doing at that particular moment.


The secret is learning to control your thoughts and living in the now, enjoying this precise moment accepting that everything is how it should be. Let the dozens of thoughts coming into your head pass into the ether without comment or analysis – they are random and however pressing they may seem you can choose to return to them when you are ready ensuring that you dominate the agenda.


A good start is to forget about the past mistakes – there is nothing you can change as much as you might want to beat yourself up over it. Simply vow to learn from the experience however painful it was because it is now in your past and only causes you distress when you relive it. That simple process of acceptance alone will take you forward into the process of mindfulness.


As for the future – if you are practicing Powerful Positive Thinking then you will already have a strategy to take care of what comes next or you will have by the time you finish this article – so all you have to do is concentrate on what’s happening now.


Enjoy the moment and if you are sitting on a train or a passenger on a bus or simply lounging in a café, take the opportunity to look around, smell the coffee if you like, metaphorically and literally, look at the surroundings, take notice of colours and textures and as you do, thoughts will stream into your head and you will have an opinion about what your senses are telling you.


To achieve mindfulness you must control these opinions. It doesn’t matter whether you hate the colour of someone’s curtains or whatever else you are looking at. It doesn’t matter what you think about anything really at that particular moment – stop being judgemental, acknowledge the thoughts without any additional mental comment and let them drift away.


This is the lazy way to mindfulness because without realising it you will be in a mild state of meditation, it’s doing you good and you can do it any time it takes your fancy. Analyse it a bit further and you have probably allowed yourself unwittingly to relax in the same way on numerous occasions. It is just common sense – another key part of Powerful Positive Thinking.


You can do this during even the busiest of days and here comes the good bit. Because you have not locked yourself into a rigid programme of meditating at a certain time then mindfulness becomes a pleasure when you are ready to switch off and not another chore or duty you have to include as part of your 24 hour schedule.


This way you will slowly learn how to control your thoughts, you will become less judgemental, gradually you will learn to let go of the past and slowly – step by step – you will be living in the NOW – and that’s exactly where we all should be.


By living in the now you can correct your thoughts away from procrastination or laziness and focus on what needs to be done immediately. You will see the way ahead and the task in hand, you will not be afraid to ask for help if it is required.


Do not feel you have to practice all the time, just take a moment to relax, the odd few minutes here and there and slowly but surely you will become more positive, more incisive and you would have made another step forward towards personal and material success – so chill. You have vowed to be less of a procrastinator and most importantly, you have taken another step towards a more positive you.

The post Ending procrastination and putting action into your life appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Monday, May 4, 2020

Conquering your fears

It is particularly visible it in our brave soldiers when they return from conflict, unable to resolve what they have seen and done. Many have the false belief that people will mistake them for cowards if they allow their feelings to be seen by others – and they suffer as a result.

We are talking here about extreme cases, but fears are still fears nonetheless, however trivial they may seem - and they have real power over us because we have allowed them into our lives and slowly but surely they have eaten away at our confidence and self-esteem.

Fears are the masters and those that are affected are the slaves and until you resolve to eliminate them from your life you can never be the positive person you really want to be. Even worse, fears act like a highly contagious virus and you will infect others, particularly those close to you, with exactly the same worries.

My blogs frequently return to the theme of breaking those chains, the stuff you pass on to your children – and the worst and biggest candidate of them all is fear. It will stop you in your tracks as effectively as a brick wall, fuelled by your imagination and the dark thoughts that follow from your sub-conscious.

I use the words sub-conscious because that is where your innermost fears are buried and that’s where we have to go to get rid of them for good. So let’s start that journey – it will not be as hard as you think if you are prepared to put your fears into some kind of perspective – and that is just what we are going to do.

Most fears, as real as they seem, are totally irrational and based more on natural anxiety. We need to make this distinction. Natural anxiety is quite normal – it is natural for example to be worried about the safety of your children if they are out alone for the first time; it is natural to be worried about passing an exam that is important to your future and it is natural to be worried about getting a new job after a gruelling interview.

The list is almost endless, but it represents the day to day challenges that face us all and in a perverse kind of way natural anxiety can be a good thing as it spurs us into action to ensure that the things you are worrying about have a better chance of success.

It is only when those worries turn into serious anxieties and they begin to take over your life and when action is needed to bring you back into the light. It could be that there are underlying medical and psychological conditions that are affecting you – and if that is the case then you must seek professional advice.

However, for most people it is the deep rooted fears that are the most dangerous and debilitating. These are the ones that may have been with you since childhood, planted in your sub conscious by your parents or other well-meaning adults who failed to recognise what they were doing.

Those seeds found fertile ground inside you – and if the truth be known, you probably added to them with a little bit of your own imagination and life experience. You almost certainly magnified them and today they remain in the fully grown adult to continue their damage when they are passed on your own children or loved ones.

These are the fears that effectively prevent you from fulfilling your life in the way you want. They act as barriers, virtual brick walls that hold you back in relationships, attracting material things, being the success you desire – I feel sure you can add to this list. But let’s examine these fears in more detail because until you can see them for what they are you will always be unable to deal with them.

Fear is one of the worst emotions anyone can face. I am not talking about raw fear, that gut wrenching adrenaline fuelled feeling where you have to choose between fight or flight. I am looking instead at that nagging day in, day out voice in the back of your head that reduces you to constant worry.

It is the one thing that is preventing you from moving on in your life. It changes the way you think to the point where even the smallest thing can completely change your mood in seconds. All it takes is a misspoken word, maybe a demanding letter, a thoughtless remark – and your mind goes into overtime as you imagine the worst.

You must put these into some kind of perspective. If you are having trouble paying a bill, it doesn’t mean that you will be declared bankrupt with all your possessions taken away. This is the last resort for banks and big corporations who will do their best to help you.

If you had an argument with friends it is unlikely that they will shun you forever, at least not if they are good friends. If you are facing health issues wait until you get the right advice before thinking about the worst outcome.

Fears about losing a job, offending that special person, losing the one you love – that list is almost endless, but feel free to tick the box that applies to you – will end up attracting the very thing you least want.

So how are we going to eliminate fears from your life? Only you can do that but, you are not completely alone so let’s see how Powerful Positive Thinking can help - that combination of positive thinking, common sense, realism and action.

However, before we look at the solution let’s make sure that we properly identify the problem. It starts with you confronting and dissecting your fears and getting them into perspective. Ask yourself what are you really worried about. Chances are all that you have is this nagging feeling of worry and anxiety that something is not quite right.

Start picking at that nagging feeling. What’s it all about? Confront and question it so that you have clearly identified the thing that is worrying you. Drag it out of your mind screaming for all it is worth, if you must – but confront and identify you will – for unless you know what concerns you, no one else can help.

There, as if by magic your worry appears, no longer protected by false emotions but standing naked before you and feeling very vulnerable. It is no longer a nagging worry because you have confronted it and reduced its power over you – it is now only a challenge waiting to be solved. I will return to this later because there are many fears that must be confronted if you ever to be free of them.

Believe it or not, one of these is fear of success. There are millions across the world who live with this phobia on a daily basis. It is difficult to define because success can come and is judged in so many different forms, but it is bad enough to cause major problems for sufferers – and in extreme cases it can be life changing.

It seems ironic that while so many crave success and the fame and fortune that goes with it there are those that fear it with the same level of passion – at least it seems that way especially when you discover that success and the way we react to it, means different things to different people.

At the most basic level there are those that never want to be seen to be standing out in a crowd. That could mean never putting your hand up in class, never volunteering or putting yourself forward for even the most mundane of tasks, always sitting in the back row, hoping you will go unnoticed. These affect the shyest of people in particular which we talk about this later.

Fear of success in such cases means the potential for humiliation, the thought that people will laugh at you if you get it wrong - much better not to try, than to take the risk of public rejection. Confused, I expect you are, because what I am describing sounds more like the fear of failure – so let’s explain the difference.

The two are closely linked, but while the variations may be subtle – they are still very much poles apart. Fear of failure is all about wanting something badly but being too afraid to pursue the dream. Fear of success is the worry that great things will be foisted upon you and you will not be worthy, so best not to try.

This feeling of unworthiness is the real key to understanding fear of success and when you can get that idea fixed in your mind then you can then look to use positive thinking as a potential solution and embrace the real benefits that success brings.

However, unworthiness also comes in many different forms so you need to understand the levers that make you feel this way. The most common relates to money where sufferers feel that they should not have been so blessed or have been more fortunate than others. They find it difficult to cope when they see poverty and lack and as a consequence. They feel guilty that they have been successful while others have not.

It is no good telling such people that there is plenty to go around and everyone can enjoy the same success and prosperity if they practice positive thinking. They have heard for example all the stories that being rich cannot relate to religious beliefs – the best known being about the rich man, the camel and the eye of the needle which implies that the wealthy will never enter heaven.

In spite of these fears there are many who still reach the greatest heights even though they fear being unable to cope with what it brings. Such people conveniently forget that they can use their wealth to benefit the poor and make a difference in a way that reflects their means – they can only see the guilt and as a result are unable to enjoy their money and what it can do.

Even worse is the scenario that those that have the ability to be rich reject the idea because they feel they will never be able to handle money. Equally, they never aspire to let the world see their talent for fear they will not be able to handle fame.

There are many similar variations which all relate to fear of success so you should now have an idea as to whether I am talking about someone like you. If the answer is yes then we should set about doing something about it, but what if your major fear is shyness.

We all know that feeling, that terrible moment when you walk alone into a crowded room, desperate to make eye contact with someone familiar. It’s that lack of confidence which has haunted you all your life. Some call it shyness but that does not go anywhere near to describing the fear that is gripping every fibre of your body right now.

You have read all those self-help books, you have taken in all of the advice, you may even have tried, Lord help us, to imagine your fellow guests vulnerable and naked and it’s not helping. Why is it that everyone else seems to so confident while you inwardly are self-destructing?

Well, I am going to let you into a little secret. Everyone in that room is feeling just like you to a greater or lesser extent. It all depends of course on how long they have known their fellow guests, how old they are, whether it’s a brand new environment – there are multiple permutations of course, but you can be certain that they all feeling a little unsure.

But that does not help me, I hear you say. I just want this feeling to go away, to be less shy and to be that confident outgoing person. Fear and anxiety are holding me back and it has been the same all of my life.

Ok! So we have worked out the problem. What are you going to do about it? Sorry, you will have to speak up – I did not hear you. Surely, you are not waiting for me to give you the answer – the solution is in your hands.

I do not mean to be cruel but when you focus on how bad and unsure you are feeling, you don’t stop to consider that others are having the same problems – and they do have the same uncertainties. What’s that you say – no one could be interested in you, you are not that good looking, you don’t have any special skills, you are a bit overweight?

Well, I’m looking your way right now and I am thinking there is no way that I can speak to you either. I expect you will notice that big spot on the end of my nose and my teeth have turned black with red wine and I always manage to say the wrong thing when I see someone attractive. Why can’t I be as confident as you?

Are you starting to get the picture? Probably, but I know you still have that fear, your throat is chocked up so let’s get back to positive thinking but combine it with some common sense and ask ourselves a few questions.

What is the worst thing that can happen to me if I conquer my fears and start a conversation with that person? What’s that you say – the sky will fall in – why didn’t you say. Best to stand there like a wallflower then.

Conquering that fear starts with a first step and sometimes you will falter and when you do you will stand up, brush yourself down and take another step until that whole glorious new world opens up. You will never totally lose those fears and anxieties. It’s called being human, but you will learn to control them.

Now you are ready to put positive thinking into action. Your fear is once again out in the open, write it down on paper or use a PC, mobile or tablet if you prefer. Go into some detail about this fear and question it. What is the worst thing that can happen? Is that likely?

Carry on writing or typing and then express what you want to happen – the best outcome that’s right for you. Tell the universe that it is not welcome in your life and you wish it to be removed. Check your message, make sure it’s right for you and your wishes – and then destroy it. Tear up the paper, delete the message and have faith that the universe has received it. Vow never to think about it again and then you will be ready for good things to happen.

OK! I accept that it’s not so easy to forget the message because that’s the big worry, but forget it you must because when you keep returning to the problem the universe will assume that you wish to keep it – so keep the faith.

This is when the next part of Powerful Positive Thinking comes into force. You need common sense to decide what else you are going to do to eliminate this or these worries and then choose a course of action with realistic expectations.

As I said at the beginning, everyone is afraid of something – crime, physical violence etc – but these are rational fears and if we are wise, we take steps to avoid such things. You may extend such fears to your loved ones but there is nothing wrong with teaching them to be wary or streetwise and such concerns represent natural anxiety unless you give them power by turning them into an obsession.

It is the mental fears, your own irrational thoughts that we are talking about here – and you have the power to change them when they are confronted and seen for what they really are. You are not powerless and they can be eliminated as soon as you are ready to take that first step – so what are you waiting for?

The post Conquering your fears appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking