Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Break free and unleash your hidden power

When it really matters that power can be unleashed in dramatic fashion. There are thousands of stories of people finding super human strength to lift heavy objects to free trapped loved ones; tales of untold bravery and dedication against all the odds and examples of amazing fortitude in adversity.

That power, which is there in every one of us, simply needed the physical catalyst of a challenge or problem to make itself known. It was ready to spring into action to protect and support you and when that time came it was not found wanting.

If only you could mentally harness that power in your everyday life you would be invincible. No one would ever be able to harm or hurt you ever again because you would not allow it, you would have the ability to attract everything you needed or wanted in life because you would have control.

So what has happened to your power? When did you decide that you were not good enough? Why did you choose not to bother or try anything new in case you failed? Yes, it is you we are talking about so let’s find out why and start repairing the problem.

It begins by taking a close look at the company you are keeping. Have you surrounded yourself with people who demand very little from life, who seem content to put up with second best? Do these people constantly complain and are envious of others?

If the answer is yes then they are dragging you down to their level. They have long since given up on any of their aspirations and prefer to snipe from the side lines with negative phrases such as “money to money” or with similar cruel comments about someone’s looks or actions – you get the idea.

Just because they have given up and want to constantly complain about everything does not mean you have to - because inside every one of us is the heart of a Lion and when you act as if you really are the King or Queen of the jungle then you make up your own rules.

Avoid negative people and surround yourself with those that want to succeed, who want to encourage others. They do not envy success, but aspire instead to be the same. These people do not complain or criticise – they encourage and support.

When you surround yourself with positive thinking people then anything is possible. This positivity begins to rub off allowing you to be more successful in your job, better able to attract a loving partner.

You may of course have to overcome any feelings of inferiority. If you have surrounded yourself with negative people who have demanded so little of you then it might be difficult to begin with to feel comfortable with those who always expect to succeed.

It means you have to remind yourself that you are unique, that there is no one else on the Planet quite like you. No one else has your special talents or abilities and if you can be yourself then you will be accepted and welcomed anywhere.

Nothing has to happen overnight. Unlocking that special power can take a little while, especially if it has been hidden for some time so do not be too hard on yourself if you are venturing out into a new playground.

Remember your first day at school and how strange you felt and how long it took you to get used to new people and new surroundings – well you are about to do it all again – and if you have done it once before, then what is there to stop you.

You have to choose to break free or you will never get the opportunity to unleash the real power that is just waiting to help you create a better life. It is your decision and it starts now – so what are you waiting for.

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Monday, February 24, 2020

Positive thinking starts with changing your habits

Many of us marvel at such people as they continue smiling through every adversity, confident that everything will eventually be resolved and success will be assured. Their positivity applies to all their material and emotional needs so as well as being financially secure, their home and personal lives seem equally as charmed.

These are the people who seem to have it all and right now you probably wish you could be just the same – well I am here to tell you that you can. Being a positive thinking person is no big secret, it is simply a way of life – to be more precise, it is a lifestyle choice and all it needs is a little bit of personal fine tuning.

Positive thinking people are successful simply because they are positive in everything they do. Let’s think about that for the moment because there are many who believe that positive thinking is all about imagining bright outcomes, making daily affirmations and so on – and while none of this does any harm it is NOT what real positive thinking is about at all.

To be that positive thinking person means taking a close look at the negatives that are currently cluttering up your life such as anger issues, unresolved problems and pessimism. How can you ever be the powerful positive thinking person if such things continue to dominate?

If you want to, you can stop reading right now because I have just given you the real secret of positive thinking. Get rid of all the negatives as you strive to be a better person and the rest will follow as sure as night follows day and you will be just like all the other successful people.

But surely it cannot be that easy – can it? The short answer is yes, but changing the habits of a lifetime is going to take a little bit more work on your part as you begin that fine tuning process and introduce positive actions into your life.

The first step is gratitude and being grateful and thankful for all the good things you already have instead of complaining about the stuff you dislike. Everyone understands that you would like to be richer, happier, more successful, but you are probably not starving right now, you may have food to eat and roof over your head and people that love you and if you think about it long enough you are incredibly fortunate and have many reasons to be thankful.

Once you start to appreciate what you already have, then you have laid the foundations for more of what you want to attract into your life. The Universe will recognise that you like what you have and will work with you to enhance and grow your expectations.

Stop right now and think of at least three things you are grateful for – that was not so hard, was it – and you have taken the first step, but you still have a little bit more work to do if you are going to be that powerful positive thinker.

Start looking at your day and think back at all the times you have allowed pessimistic thoughts to intrude, did you succumb to road rage or irritation with a colleague or member of your family, perhaps being a grouch is something that you do on a regular basis.

How many times have you complained or moaned about your circumstances? Did you allow yourself to listen to or spread malicious gossip? Did you openly envy another person? Have you been a bully and over stepped the mark when you know you should have been more restrained?

Positive thinking people are none of these. They are instead calm and measured. They keep their anger and negative opinions to themselves unless they are fully justified and when that happens, they recognise these real exceptions because they know there are some situations when you need to complain or feel angry, but equally know that there is a right time and place for such things – negative people are simply angry all the time.

Making those lifestyle changes are vital if you are ever to be a positive thinking person and only you can do it - and once you resolve to introduce positivity then the Universe will get the message. It likes the new you and is now ready to help you attract the things you really want – how good is that.

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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Positive thinking with no limitations

Nearly all of us want to be happier, more successful, and richer – but only it seems under certain conditions. We want more money, but not so much that others may notice our sudden increase in fortune, we want to be more successful, but not if it means that some may feel undermined, we want to be happier but how can we seen in that way when there are many who seem so sad.

The Universe places no such limitations. It is there to deliver everything you desire – you just have to ask. You are not being selfish by wanting the best of everything that life can throw in your direction because everyone on this Planet has the same opportunity as you – and there is more than enough to go around.

But how can that be when there are so many in poverty, when there are millions in this world without the necessary basics in life. We see it on the news on a daily basis via the global media – the have nots, those facing starvation and persecution – and we feel guilty and unworthy.

As these TV pictures come into our living rooms we forget that even the poorest on this diverse Planet thrive and prosper when they have the tools to do the job, to grow their own food and plan their own destinies.  When people have hope and opportunity they shape their own lives for the better – how many times have we seen refugees with nothing who turn themselves into multi-millionaires – it is human nature to want to prosper and succeed.

This is positive thinking in real action with people who have nothing and who want it all. For them there are no limitations, they have a vison and action plan and they are not prepared to put up with second best – so why should you.

Positive thinking should never come with conditions attached. It is not down to individuals to dictate to the Universe how rich, successful or happy they should be. Positive thinking works when you get the Universe and the Law of Attraction to work independently on your behalf.

Regular readers to this blog site will know that I always say you must use common sense and action to attract what you want in life and that frequently means going about the whole process using baby steps until you get the basics right.

In reality that could well mean in the beginning that you try to attract just a few hundred pounds or dollars into your life rather than going for the big prize in one hit. Being realistic means you are more likely to attract the small sums but as long as you never forget that the ultimate aim is to have it all, then you are not placing any limitations on you or the Universe.

The same rules apply to happiness or success. Go first for the small victories and these will encourage you to go after the bigger stuff. Never forget that everyone who has been successful had to take care of the basics first.

When you place limitations on positive thinking then you are really undermining the whole process and it can never work for you in the way that you would have hoped. You will be sending out confusing messages to the Universe.

You must be very clear about what you want to achieve and have faith that it will be delivered. You must also be prepared to take a little action – after all – even the Universe needs a little help from time to time and anything that will help you achieve your desires will be welcome.

You may of course still be feeling guilty or unworthy and only you can make that change. If you are finding it difficult then you can of course donate the money you have so that others can purchase the tools they need to change their lives.

That what billionaires like Bill Gates are doing and he is someone that really has it all. Just imagine what you could do if you had the same wealth – and if that is not a case for setting no limitations in your life -then I do not know what is.

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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Positive thinking and why you have to listen to the Universe

There are many stories of incredibly successful people who were multiple failures. Thomas Edison, who was considered to be the inventor of the telephone famously, went on record that he had failed at least 10,000 times before achieving his breakthrough. Col Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame tried to sell his renowned recipe more than 1,000 times before he could make progress.

Most of us would have given up long before, convinced that the Universe was trying to tell us something – and maybe it was – but did you misunderstand the signs. It’s a distinct possibility that you did just that – especially if you have practiced positive thinking.

Yes, you did read that correctly. When you adopt powerful positive thinking you create forces that few can really master and it is not unusual to receive conflicting and confusing messages and very often they seem the complete opposite of everything you are trying to achieve.

So let’s assume you have started your new project. You have a good idea of the goals and objectives, but it is all starting to go a little bit wrong. People do not seem as enthusiastic about your ideas as you had hoped, obstacles, where none existed before; now seem to have been placed in your path.

What is going on here, but more importantly – what is your reaction to all this perceived negativity? If you are ready to give up, convinced that your original idea was really a no hoper, then I guess that is the end of the story.

You are understandably bruised by the whole experience, it has probably cost you money that you can ill afford and right now you could well be wishing that you had never started on this new venture. So is that it then or might it just be worth another look – just in case?

I hope that “just in case” will win through because if you have practiced positive thinking throughout then you should not be too ready to give up just yet. Let’s assume that your idea was sound, let’s assume that you did a bit of market research, sounded out potential customers and that all the vibrations and feedback looked good.

If you did all that then your idea still has legs, but something is clearly still missing. In most cases that is what the Universe is really trying to tell you and instead of giving up you should be looking at the whole project again through a set of fresh eyes.

Were you too expensive, can you change your message, can you consider a different route to market, what about the look and the branding? A tweak here, a small alteration there has the potential to make a huge difference – and this is what successful entrepreneurs do all of the time.

I could make this list last for ever, but this is your venture we are talking about and only you know the kind of changes that are needed. That might mean asking for advice or help from a professional, it might need you to bring in an investor or partner – your decision.

When you practice positive thinking then the Universe will want you to succeed which is why it will put obstacles in your way. It is telling you that it likes the idea but it still needs a bit of work if you are going on to be a major success.

And if everything seems to be going wrong at the moment when all you should be seeing is green lights and success then maybe you need to listen to what the Universe is trying to tell you. That is what real positive thinking is really about.

So let’s get back to Thomas Edison and Col Sanders. They kept listening to the Universe and they never stopped trying and one day – all the obstacles evaporated as if by magic – and they will do so for you as well.

Just keep the faith and stay positive and let the magic happen.

The post Positive thinking and why you have to listen to the Universe appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking https://www.powerfulpositivethinking.org/positive-thinking-and-why-you-have-to-listen-to-the-universe/
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