Thursday, March 26, 2020

Positive Thinking and Covid-19

I am no doctor or medical expert, but I do know the effect that positive thinking has on health, stress and all types of diseases and infirmities. This disease, like many others can kill but there are several well documented research projects which confirm and emphasise why we should all try to remain optimistic.

One critical area of research to do with immunity, which is fundamentally what this disease is all about, shows that positive thoughts and attitudes can activate the brain areas to create a stronger immune defence. Further research also confirms that positive people recover more quickly from illnesses such as colds and flu, to which coronavirus is directly related.

Because I write and have done so for many years about positive thinking I know that negative people are more prone to sickness, stress and ill health generally. They attract these things via their negativity because they constantly focus on all that is wrong in their lives.

You do not have to take my word for it. Just Google “positive thinking and health” and you will find many articles similar to this one which confirm that your state of mind has a direct link to your overall health and wellbeing.

Positive thinking creates better resilience and improves our ability to cope with problems. People with such mind sets are better able to face a crisis or trauma with strength and resolve and do not buckle when faced with such problems.

Resilience can be dramatically improved if you have a positive outlook and it has been shown that optimistic people deal better with challenges and look instead for solutions to all their problems even if that means asking others for help.

So where is the research that supports all this? As stated earlier many eminent doctors and psychologist have produced detailed papers on the subject, far too long to be included in this blog so please Google the subject if you want to know more. I have simply précised many of the findings to emphasise why all of us should remain positive while this disease is amongst us.

According to researchers every time you think, your brain releases some type of chemical. When positive thoughts are generated, when you're feeling happy, or optimistic, cortisol decreases and the brain produces serotonin, creating a feeling of well-being. In short positive thoughts make you feel happier as well as boosting your immune system.

Positive thinking will also deliver a wide range of additional health benefits including a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular problems, less depression, and an increased lifespan. There are also suggestions that positive people lead healthier lifestyles because they are better able to cope with stress and are more likely to avoid unhealthy behaviours.

In short, that is the science behind it and however positive you are Covid-19 is not going to go away too soon. It means you have a choice to sit and worry about this disease and the more you focus on it, then the Law of Attraction suggests that you will in time draw the very thing you least want.

Or you could in turn practice positive thinking. It might not stop you getting the disease but according to the experts it may well minimise the effect it has on your body and improve recovery times.

It could be why millions worldwide who have already had the disease have reported only minor symptoms, but no one really knows for sure so to all of you who regularly follow my blogs please stay safe and healthy until we next talk again – and remember to stay positive.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Positive thinking works best when you do nothing

I know from experience that the more you keep focussing on something, the more distant it becomes. This happens with relationships, money, new business or anything else you are hoping to bring into your life. If you keep returning to the same old subject eventually people get a bit fed up – and the Universe is no exception.

Have you also noticed that the more you worry about something the more likely that you will attract it into your life? It is the very thing you never wanted and there it is, big and bold and it is right in your back yard – what happened?

Easy answer - you concentrated so much on the very thing you did not want, that the Universe became confused and decided that must be what you desired all the time. This is why positive thinking fails for so many people when they become so intense and focussed.

Why do you spend so much time constantly chanting in your head about the things that you want? You are simply telling the world that they do not exist in your life right now and you are reinforcing that message in your subconscious, that part of your being that works directly with the Law of Attraction.

The more you keep affirming, the further away that thing becomes. The same applies to mood boards where you write statements and paste images of all the things that you want. Think about it for the moment – simply by doing this you are stating with some conviction that these things do not exist in your life right now – and they probably never will because you keep focussing on them.

So, what should you be doing instead? The answer is simple and can be summed up in four words – “as little as possible.” When you order something online you don’t keep ringing up every two minutes to see if they have received your message -you would quickly be blacklisted if you did – and that is what the Universe will effectively do if you if you keep bombarding it with affirmations and mood boards.

Try instead to be a little more laid back. Firstly, you must decide what you want of course and once it is firmly fixed in your mind – writing it all down frequently helps – you must then use your imagination as if you have already received what you desire.

If it is money you want then imagine you already have it and enjoy spending it. If it is a business venture then imagine it has already succeeded and you are enjoying all of the benefits. If it is a personal relationship then imagine it is already flourishing and you are happy.

When you see yourself as being successful, rich or happy then the rest will follow in time turning your imagination and faith into reality. Your subconscious mind has already accepted that everything you have ever wanted has already arrived and it will ensure that success will surely follow.

Hold on – I hear a question coming. Are you saying that positive thinking is really that simple? The short answer is yes. Various authors have over the years tried to wrap up the whole subject with the need to take part in long exercises, they keep telling you how you must train your mind to be positive – after all they do have books that need selling.

Most people will not do this because it is too much like hard work – and much of it is pointless anyway. Positivity is a way of life and when you constantly visualise success as if it has already happened, you will begin to be positive in other ways.

You will start to take action to bring your dreams into reality, you will start to meet the right people who can help you, it will seem as if your luck has changed and everything you have ever wanted will start to slip into place as if by magic.

That combination of faith that everything you desire will be delivered, positivity that things will always succeed supported by your brilliant imagination will ensure that your sub conscious gets the message – and he or she in turn will talk to the Universe on your behalf – and all you have to do is wait for that ring on the doorbell.

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from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, March 6, 2020

Positive thinking and the power of the subconscious

Just like a computer the subconscious reads everything in a literal way with no margin for error. Based on the information it receives, it then tries to deliver what it believes you really want – and that is why you have to be very careful about what you think and how you act.

Your subconscious mind interprets what you focus on most, so if you are continuously thinking of things that frighten you, things that concern you and things that you never want to attract – then guess what – that is what will come into your life.

The subconscious uses your thoughts like a computer programme. It does not care whether you are positive or negative, it does not care whether you are rich or poor, happy or unhappy – it is not based on emotions and will simply react to your conscious mind.

We are not talking here about random thoughts, the kind of things that spring into all of our minds throughout the day. These have little or no effect on the subconscious. Try to imagine instead that your subconscious is the world’s greatest computer, without the broadband, which means change is gradual because you have to think consistently about a particular subject to alter the programming.

You and I and the rest of the population have been doing this all our lives. We have been slowly adding to our own personal programme and equally slowly and surely it has stored up all of our fears, our prejudices, our negative thoughts and a whole lot more.

In real terms your subconscious acts like an early warning system to react in a certain way to situations that you may have found difficult in the past. Your fears and worries are locked in its memory banks ready to put up defences in the belief that it is providing protection.

Some of these warnings may be justified based on previous experiences, but if these fears are irrational or negative or are simply the result of baseless anxieties then the subconscious will step in and prevent you from achieving what you truly want in life.

You have all heard the phrase that “You are what you think” and this is derived from the way that your conscious mind has gradually programmed the real powerhouse – your subconscious. At this precise moment everything you are, everything that you do is the result of the way you think.

That is what people are talking about when they ask you to practice positive thinking. That is why you are urged to control your anger and negative actions. When you reinforce such thoughts with this kind of passion then you are really switching on the turbo charger and making it even more difficult for your subconscious to work well on your behalf.

All this can be changed because you are choosing the programme. You have to decide to upgrade your own personal software and clear away the virus of negativity which has been holding you back for such a long time.

You cannot control the subconscious mind using willpower, it will only respond to consistent and focussed thought preferably when you are relaxed. Your first step is to decide how you want your life to change and we are not talking here about material things such as money or a new job – these will follow later when the new you begins to emerge. While you are at it resolve to be kinder, less angry and judgemental – these negative emotions only harm one individual – you.

What kind of person do you want to be? Write it all down to begin with as it will help to clarify your thoughts and then begin to focus with thoughts such as “I am success” or “I am fearless.” Begin to see what you really want and forget about the fears or the “what ifs” and leave your subconscious free to work with the Universe.

It might be difficult to begin with because you are probably used to thinking in a negative way. When these thoughts appear in your head, challenge them and remind your subconscious that they have no room in your life anymore.

Gradually your focus will be more on the good things and slowly your subconscious will respond. It will begin to send different signals to a new revitalised you and when that happens all of the success and happiness that you have always craved will appear.

You are the virtual Microsoft of your own brain – all you have to do is change the programme for it to begin.

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