Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Turning you into a Positive Thinking Life coach

As caring parents you have been there for your children from the moment they were born. You have taken care of all their physical needs, fed them, clothed them, put a roof over their heads and provided support whenever it has been needed.

They have taken on your mannerisms and you have done your best to teach them right from wrong to prepare them for adulthood, but without realising it you have also passed over your fears and worries. Little by little your anxieties have become theirs and if the chain is not broken, then those fears will continue to be transmitted from generation to generation.

You are a life coach for your children, the person they look to for guidance and support. Through you they will grow up with a mental attitude to life which in extreme cases can be highly positive or highly negative. Most of us of course, occupy the space in between and develop coping mechanisms to handle what life sends our way depending of course on what you have learned in your childhood.

But what if you could become a ‘Positive Thinking Life Coach’ with the power to teach your children to think success, to be optimistic and to always expect the best? What if you had the ability to show your sons and daughters how to deal with the dark times and learn from these experiences?

You can - and if you follow the advice in this blog – you will. This is your opportunity to break the chain and work with your children to promote a positive thinking lifestyle. You can correct the negatives in your life and make sure they are not passed on; you can identify your fears and anxieties and eliminate them forever.
So if you are ready then we can get started. Do not worry, you will never be asked to do complicated exercises, prepare mood boards or make constant affirmations – you do not need them - positive thinking is all about common sense, a phrase I shall use regularly in all my blogs.

I would ask you instead to think back to your childhood and some of the things you learned from your parents. These are probably vague memories and I doubt if you have ever considered them in any great detail – you just accepted these random ideas, which were built up over time and which gradually helped shape the person you are today.
I doubt if your parents ever meant to harm you in any way, at least I hope not, but without realising it they programmed your mind and your attitudes to life as effectively as any computer programme and now I need you to analyse these thoughts.

What did they tell you? Were you told you should limit your ambitions in any way because you were the wrong gender; did they tell you that you should not try or attempt something new as you would probably fail; did they criticise the way you looked, undermine your confidence, compare you unfavourably to others – how long has this list got to be?
Everyone’s experience is different, but if you can recognise any of this or something similar, it would almost certainly have negatively affected your life in some way. You would not have realised it at the time because your parents were telling you these things with the best of intentions. They probably did not want you to be hurt or disappointed but they were sapping your confidence nevertheless and the chances are – you are doing exactly the same to your children right now – trying to protect them but having the complete opposite effect.

The same thinking can be applied to fears and anxieties. We all have them to a greater or lesser extent, but without knowing it you are passing on those same fears to your children. Think of something as basic as arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. If one of these turns you into a quivering wreck the chances are your children will copy your behaviour and inherit the same problem.

Sadly it gets worse than that. Anxieties such as fear of failure where you are unwilling or unable to try anything new, fears that others may judge you or criticise you in any way which swamp your self-confidence, are also being passed on to your children.

You do not even realise that you are doing it because these fears and anxieties are so deeply ingrained into your subconscious. These are your thoughts, the things that hold you back in life and they were taught at your mother’s knee and probably ingrained still further by well-meaning teachers, friends and people in authority.

Recognising these issues is the first step towards becoming a ‘Positive Thinking Life Coach’ and that is the person you will become by the end of this book. We are going to look in detail at the words and phrases which have held you back, we are going to look at your fears and anxieties and we are going to offer solutions.
Breaking the chains is what all this is about, helping you to change your life so you can help others do the same so let’s ask another couple of questions. How do you feel when you are asked to accept a new challenge or project? What is your first reaction when someone takes you out of your comfort zone? What is your fall back situation when you encounter a problem?

It is quite natural to be a little apprehensive when you try something new so please do not be confused if you are a little anxious. It’s your expectation that is important. Do you expect to fail because you have in the past? Do you believe that you are not the right person for the job? Do you feel that you will try your best but have little hope of success?

If I am describing you right now then we need to do a little reality check because you are suffering from a case of ‘bad imagination.’ Your thoughts would have raced ahead and in your brain you have already created a scenario for failure.

You are probably totally unaware that you are even doing it because the apprehension is the only thing you can think about, but your imagination is telling you that you are concerned about letting down others, you may be worried about looking stupid in front of people, you will think back to past failures and believe that life is repeating itself.
By imagining failure you are already beaten no matter how much effort and resolve you put into the project. That little nagging voice in your head is going to remind you every time you start work that you are not really up to the job.

That nagging voice was programmed into your head, probably from a very young age and the question I would ask you right now is: Are you passing on the same fears of failure to your own children and as a result – are they finding it difficult to reach their potential as well?

It is like a computer virus and it needs action to remove it from your brain and then afterwards you need to do the same for the children in your life. Just understanding and realising that it exists is the first step towards positivity.

Recognise them for what they are – irrational doubts and fears that have always stopped you from achieving your full potential. They have been hidden for so long in your subconscious you have not been aware of them and now you must dig them out, bring them into the open and confront them.

Look at these doubts and fears with a fresh set of eyes and question them. What is really holding you back apart from yourself? Who told you that these kind of things were far beyond someone like you?

See it for what it really is – an irrational and baseless fear, without substance or form – simply a mental barrier you have placed in your head. It has a door and you have the key – all you have to do is open it up and walk through and leave it behind forever.

These irrational thoughts and fears have no power to harm you unless you choose to let them. If you fail at something then you will learn from it – it can only change your life for the better. You will never know if you can succeed until you try and just imagine the accolades you will receive as you deliver the final goal.

Such situations do not occur for positive thinking people. They have the same doubts and fears as you but they know them for what they are – nothing more than natural anxieties which exist to give you warnings – a final check to make sure you have the detail correct before you move on to the big prize.

That is why a ‘Positive Thinking Life Coach’ takes a different view and is ready to meet any challenge. Tasked with something different, even if it takes them outside of their comfort zone, they see only success. They visualise every aspect of the task in hand, identify obstacles and work out solutions to overcome them.

Most importantly they embrace and learn from previous failures because they remember what went wrong last time and are unwilling to have a repeat. Because of this they know that just because something did not work out on a previous occasion, it does not mean that the same will happen all over again.

It is all about the way you think. Your thoughts create reality and permeate into everything you do. Think success and the chances are you will succeed. Think failure – you can probably guess the rest of the sentence.

It is also about the things that you say. If you tell others that you think something will not work. If you constantly let the world believe that you are not quite up to the job then do not be surprised if everyone agrees with you.

Your negative thoughts have shaped you in many subtle ways – they are the same thoughts that you are now passing on to your children and they have built up in your mind from a wide range of different subject sources.

You may be constantly worrying about money for example and this has created your attitude towards everything of material value. The lack of cash has in turn created a lack mentality which you translate as being unable to afford the good things in life. We talk about money in other blogs on this website and how you can attract more of it.

Perhaps you have problems with relationships. If this is the case then be assured you are passing those same fears on to the next generation. Do you fear for your health? Do you worry about the future, the environment or being safe – I can make this list as long as you like.

That is why we need to turn you into a ‘Positive Thinking Life Coach,’ which is what I intend to do little by little, but before we get there I want to lay down a few ground rules.

From this moment on you must resolve to eliminate all negative phrases and words from your life and substitute them for positive ones. I can’t must be substituted for I can for you and your children and you must decide to actively make this part of your life.

You must learn to control your thoughts. If you imagine difficulties and obstacles then that is what you will attract. Allow yourself to be a dreamer and direct your thoughts to the things that you would like to happen – come away from the dark side.

Look in the mirror and start to like the image that is staring back. None of us are perfect, we all have a few wrinkles and bags, teenagers have spots, some of you may be overweight but that is you, you are unique and if you are unable to like yourself then how do you expect others to respond differently.

Stop criticising others and start to look for their good points. No one likes a person who attacks others, who is a bully, who is constantly angry, stressed and upset – it is something that positive people try to resolve and you should do the same. Angry parents create angry children as night follows day.

Expect to succeed at everything you do and look forward to the challenge ahead that will allow you to learn. Accept that things will occasionally go wrong, that such things are just part of life and when they happen you will find something better.

Always imagine that you are feeling healthy. Stop groaning when you get up and resolve to be fitter. Be prepared to try things that will improve your physical and mental wellbeing – make it fun and encourage your family to join you.

I think you get the idea and if you really feel that you are ready to be a ‘Positive Thinking Life Coach’ then we can get started. It will be a gradual process because positive thinking becomes a way of life when you practice it on a daily basis.

As you become more positive, then all the special things that you want to attract will slip easily into place as if by magic. I am not promising big lottery wins, but you will develop a mind-set that attracts more cash; I am not promising that you will become a captain of industry but you will certainly learn the skills that deliver success. See other blogs on this website and I will show you how you can be happier, more comfortable and confident with yourself and most importantly of all, I will teach you valuable life skills which you in turn can pass on to your children – the greatest gift of all.

So let the magic begin. Are you ready to embrace a new life?

The post Turning you into a Positive Thinking Life coach appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking https://www.powerfulpositivethinking.org/turning-you-into-a-positive-thinking-life-coach/
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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Understanding Powerful Positive Thinking

Most of these would have been lured and seduced by the promise and potential of easy riches and success and have been disappointed by the lack of results. They have failed to realise that positive thinking has to be a lifestyle choice and until you can get all of the areas in your life working in harmony, you can never achieve the results you desire.

How can someone who is permanently bad tempered or aggressive ever be positive? How can someone who constantly criticises others or who hates the way they look, or who acts like a bully or always sees the worst in people, ever embrace positive thinking? The short answer – it can never happen in any meaningful way for such people.,/p>

When you really understand how positive thinking works, you will have the power to transform your life and the lives of your children for the better. You will have the ability to pass on a gift – possibly the greatest gift ever - that will remain with them and you for the rest of your lives.

Children and young people are more open to the idea that things are a lot better if you are optimistic and expect the best in life. Children who grow up in a positive and loving atmosphere are also naturally happier and are more likely to succeed according to most experts.

Armed with the power of positive thinking and the knowledge of how it works, you will be able to deal with all adversities, improve your chances for happiness and success; you will have a greater chance of developing better relationships and much, much more. And yes – all the material stuff such as money and success – can be yours and we will talk about that later.

When positive thinking works, it can always be traced back to four core elements – imagination, common sense, faith or belief in yourself and action. I believe that the greatest of all of these is common sense because this will dictate everything you do and set out a strategy for changing your life for the better.

Let me explain what I mean by common sense. If you think positive thinking will help you to attract a massive lottery win, then you are probably going to be disappointed. You can try as hard as you like to concentrate on that objective, you can visualise the cheque coming your way and all the money you are about to give to friends and charities – but the end result is likely to be zip.

This is when you and probably thousands of others finally lost faith in positive thinking. You will then have decided that it simply does not work and to really rub it in, you will have kicked yourself for being so foolish in the first place in thinking it would.

In spite of your best efforts there was one major flaw in your thinking. There was a little voice at the back of your head which kept telling you that your dream was impossible simply because it was too big or you were not ready yet. It crept in when your guard was down and totally undermined everything you wanted to achieve.

Common sense dictates that your desires have to be realistic because you will then believe that they are possible. Without this belief, the Law of Attraction can never begin to work. There is no point in blaming yourself, you simply tried to take short cuts and here is one of the real lessons of mastering powerful positive thinking – get the basics right first before you tackle the bigger stuff.

This is why I constantly reinforce the idea of common sense. If you were a competent and highly effective glider pilot you would not expect to take the controls of a modern fighter jet – at least not straight away – so why do you expect to do the same with positive thinking. You have to learn and master how it all works and you will be pleased to know - it’s not that difficult – and certainly not as tough as flying a fighter jet.

We have already seen how common sense and belief work together and they are a vital part of the positive thinking process. Once you start to believe and have faith that something new and wonderful is about to enter your life - then everything is possible.

Having faith is almost akin to a religious experience and positive thinking is often described as being very similar to prayer. Those with deeply religious beliefs have total faith that their prayers will be answered and positive thinking works in the same way.

“Ask and it shall be given” is a passage of scripture which is frequently quoted as a guide to positive thinking, but it means more than that. You have asked and it will be given as long as you believe that is the case.

Belief and faith are vital parts of the whole process but they come with a warning. When you want something so badly there is always a huge temptation to keep focussing on what you want most. You become like a dog constantly returning to the same old bone and you cannot help yourself.

When this happens you create a reverse effect. You concentrate so much on the one subject that the Universe wrongly interprets this as lack. The more you focus, the greater the lack and the Law of Attraction will respond to that assumption and deliver precisely that – nothing.

When you want something so much it is incredibly difficult not to keep thinking about your desires – but do this you must. This is where the third part of the positive thinking equation comes into force – and it’s called action.

The Universe really wants to help you achieve all your desires but it is not averse to a little bit of extra help. When you concentrate on the action, you take your focus away from what you truly desire which means it has a double whammy affect – and all of it is in your favour.

So what do I mean by action. Well, let’s assume that you want more money – it is probably the best example of what most people crave when they decide to look deeper at positive thinking. To support this you can then introduce a new strategy such as looking for a better job, taking on some additional part time work or may be starting a little business of your own, then the Universe will see that you have taken the right action and will respond.

Your focus then becomes targeted on what you are doing, allowing the Universe to get on with the job of delivering your particular dream totally unhindered by your constant thoughts. As it sees what you are trying to do - it will get the message.

The final piece of the puzzle is how you feel about the whole process and this is where imagination plays its part. You started by imagining what you wanted from positive thinking and how things would change in your life once your dream was delivered.

You got excited about the prospect – tell me you got excited and enthused because how you feel is also important. If you cannot get upbeat then why should the Universe. Remember to keep that imagination going because instead of concentrating on what you want – and we have already established that we should avoid doing that – use it to see yourself as if you had already received your dream or desire.

There is nothing wrong with daydreaming. If it is money you are hoping to attract see yourself as rich. Imagine the luxury holiday, the big house and fast car, best restaurants and hotels. You can now afford anything you want so go out there in your mind and purchase the best.

Let’s remind you again about this magic equation. Powerful positive thinking is made up of imagination, plus common sense, plus action and last but by no means least – faith and belief that everything is possible.

To make things easier I always recommend using a sheet of paper and pen every time to practice positive thinking as this will help you to focus on what you need. The universe is like a giant computer and will literally deliver what it thinks you want so by getting it right at the front end there are fewer chances of misunderstandings.

So begin by writing down your dream. This will apply to everything we talk about throughout this book so none of this will be wasted as you will see from future chapters. We are talking here about your personal order to the Universe and when you have mastered it, you will be able to pass it on to your children.

When you write down your order remember to use masses of common sense. Start with something that will make a difference in your life but do it a little at a time – baby steps. You might want to attract millions of pounds or dollars but if a couple of hundred would do for the moment, then concentrate on that instead. You can take care of the big stuff later.

Now write down all the negatives that have been holding you back. Have a really good clear out and remember to be honest with yourself. Write as many down as you can because they no longer have any place in your life. When you have finished, write underneath that none of these negatives will ever hold you back again.

Your next step is to write down the actions that you intend to take to help deliver your dream. Only you know what these are and once again, write down as many as you can, be creative but most importantly, you must now vow to take those actions if you are to deliver your desires.

The imagination comes later because the next important job is to read through your personal order to the Universe to make sure that everything is just right. Feel free to edit and amend if you wish – it is your personal order after all. Be excited about the prospect that the Universe is getting ready to deliver.

Now comes the bit that I like the best. Once you are really sure that you have everything just right I want you to stop – consider it for one final second or two – then totally destroy that piece of paper. Make it as dramatic as you wish – burn it, shred it, launch it into space on the back of a firework if that is good for you – but destroy it you must.

That is your signal to totally forget about your order. If you had gone online to Amazon with an order for a new product you would not be ringing them every five minutes to see if it had arrived. By doing this you would be creating delays as admin staff would have to stop, check and start the process all over again. It is clearly much better for you to have confidence that all is well and that your order will be delivered at the right time.

The Universe works in exactly the same way. If you keep focussing on the order you will be preventing its delivery, so you must instead have faith and belief that all is well and like Amazon everything will be delivered by the due date.

Your imagination should now be kicking in as if your order has already been delivered. You will also be starting your actions as soon as possible to help things along and that is the principle of powerful positive thinking and with a little practice you will find it gets easier every time.

That of course is the formula for attracting what you desire by working with the Law of Attraction, but as I have alluded to in previous paragraphs, positive thinking is more than just the ability to manifest material things.

That of course is the formula for attracting what you desire by working with the Law of Attraction, but as I have alluded to in previous paragraphs, positive thinking is more than just the ability to manifest material things.

Right now you have created your own reality by the way you think. You are doing the same for your children by the way you influence them and they in turn are creating a clone of your reality. So if you are reading this blog I assume that this will be an even greater incentive to get this right for you and the others you love.

That reality would have been created by a mixture of positive and negative thoughts, a lifetime’s accumulation of experiences which have moulded you and your environment. You are doing the same for your children as you pass on your responses to situations now occurring in your life.

I have now passed on the formula for attracting what you want using positive thinking, but as effective as I know it is, it cannot work until we have eliminated negativity and some of the things that will always prevent the good stuff happening – but that is for another blog.

The post Understanding Powerful Positive Thinking appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking https://www.powerfulpositivethinking.org/understanding-powerful-positive-thinking/
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