Friday, October 23, 2020

Want to know how we make our great videos?

We use a platform called Vidnami and here’s the best bit – you can try it totally FREE of charge.

To find out more just click this link As some of you will know, most of what we offer on this website is also free which is why I looked for a similar resource to deliver our videos and blogs.

The thing that I like about Vidnami is that you do not have to be highly technical. It is so easy to use and I am even getting used to the sound of my own voice, which I never thought would happen. You write out your script and the software does the rest.

This resource took me about 20 minutes to work out, not too bad for a technophobe like me and as I have played with it a little bit more, I keep finding out new ways to do stuff, particularly with the videos we produce free of charge for schools.

So, in case you were wondering - it has really changed the way that we present our positive thinking blogs and I am certainly happy to recommend the resource to you.

The post Want to know how we make our great videos? appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, October 16, 2020

Want to change your life? Then it’s time to get scared

It is hard to be a positive thinking person when the entire planet seems to have gone mad. It is so much easier to talk about disaster just around the corner and to flood your mind with thousands of negative thoughts and outcomes.

When it starts to get tough, the natural default position is to do nothing, to sit back and see what happens. How many times have you heard people tell you that they will “cross that bridge when they come to it?”

Let’s imagine for the moment that the bridge in question is just around the corner and its bristling with armed guards with orders to prevent you crossing. You might just make it across like one of those Hollywood superstars in a disaster movie, but I would not count on it.

So, what happens now? You are where you are, you have a choice to improve on what you have, to make a better life for yourself, to take on new challenges, to make things happen – in short – to do something that scares you.

Moving forward means getting away from your comfort zone, to be willing to take a chance, to learn to be positive, to formalise a strategy that offers new opportunities to improve yourself and deliver everything you have ever dreamed of -and it is all in your hands.

But what if? These are three words that destroy the concept of positive thinking. As soon as you start listing all of the things that can go wrong then you are already beaten. You have just talked yourself out of ever moving forward.

Forget those three little words and substitute them with two others – “I can.”  I can get this new job, I can lose that extra weight, I can improve my relationships, I can start that new business and improve my finances – please feel free to add your own I can just here.

The day you decide to exchange what if for I can then you will be on the road to recovery, to improving your life forever – and things really start to get moving when you add positive thinking visualisation with some common sense and action.

Visualising means using the power of your imagination to work out the future you really want. Feel excited about the prospect of it being yours, see yourself enjoying all the benefits on offer, but always remember to keep it real.

When you first start out with positive thinking outcomes it is very easy to be unrealistic. Much better to go forward with small baby steps that you know you can achieve and the big stuff will follow later. As you visualise your goals start adding in the actions that you are willing to take to turn those dreams into reality – this will reinforce your vision and help bring it to fruition.

Of course, you could continue to sit back and see what happens, wait until you reach that distant bridge. If you never take a chance, if you never try anything different then it is of course impossible to fail.

No one will blame you for it, but you will know that when the going got tough you were not prepared to take action and consider alternative options. You did not want to do something that really scared you.

For those that did decide to do something they will find that every day is scary, because every mile forward is a step into the unknown. Such people know there will be set backs from time to time, but they have planned for them and will learn from the experience.

So decide that now is the best time ever to take those tentative first steps to a brighter future. It is time to get really scared because you are in charge of what happens next.

The post Want to change your life? Then it’s time to get scared appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking

Friday, October 2, 2020

No one can make you feel inferior – unless you choose

She was the wife of Franklin D Roosevelt, who was President of America during the World War 2 years, and was ahead of her time in the way she campaigned for women’s rights and her ideas that we are shaped by our thoughts.

Here are a few more of her famous quotes:

  • "A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water."
  • "Do one thing every day that scares you."
  • "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
  • "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."

Not only was Eleonor an inspirational woman. But she also realised that people respond to the negativity of others and this in turn can prevent them from ever obtaining their goals. She knew that negative people have this nasty way of always bringing you down to their level.

They do it because they are jealous of another’s success or looks. They do it because they feel inadequate and in a perverse way, they believe that if they can have some kind of power over you, then it will make them feel better.

Negative people are usually bullies although not so much in the physical sense. They prefer mental aggression, preying on the fears of others in a more vindictive way which saps the energy of their victims, destroying enthusiasm, positivity and joy.

Sadly, many of these mental bullies have no idea that they are blighting the lives of others. They are completely oblivious to their caustic words, sneers and put downs, dismissing their actions as banter or some sort of joke.

If you are allowing someone like this to affect you in any way then, as Eleonor Roosevelt noted all those years ago, you have given that person permission to make you feel inadequate or inferior – and only you can decide when it all stops.

These negative people should no longer have any place in your life. Not so easy of course if those concerned are close relatives, fellow employees or even bosses – but get rid of them you must – or alternatively you need to summon up the courage to deal with these issues.

If these negative people are acquaintances then vow from this moment on not to have any further contact with them. You will feel that a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders by getting rid of those who never really had your best interests at heart.

If we are talking about those much closer to home then you have to decide that from this moment on, they will not make you feel inferior or inadequate in any way. If you feel that you do not have the courage to confront negative bullies then you must choose instead to see their words and actions for what they really are – jealousy on their part and a way in which they believe they can control you.

Choose from this day on that you a free spirit and that no one has any control over the way you feel. Choose to see the words and actions of negative people for what they really are – consider them if you must for a second or two - and then vow that these have no place in your life.

If you have felt subservient or weak for a very long period then it is going to take a little practice on your part. But every time you analyse a negative barb and see it for what it really is then you have won a little victory.

In time those victories will build up and slowly you will learn to ignore them and because you are not reacting, then those negative people will look for another victim - and well done you because in the words of Eleonor Roosevelt, you have chosen not to let anyone make you feel inferior.

This will allow your positive thinking enthusiastic nature to shine through the darkness totally unfettered by the baggage of those unfit to bask in your shadow – and it all starts as soon as you are ready.

Footnote: You can download a copy of the poster that goes with this blog by clicking the link:

The post No one can make you feel inferior – unless you choose appeared first on Powerful Positive Thinking.

from Powerful Positive Thinking